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This is rough translation of the MARATHI

article in VEDCHAKSHU, of Nasik by

Note only relevant parts of this article are translated
One has to enjoy the results of the bad deeds of the past lives, in
this life. The houses 6,8,12 of the Birth Chart, indicate the difficulties
one has experience in this life. Only the person who faces his difficulties
with intelligence and boldness is honored by the public.
Of the 12 houses in the chart, the Kendras(1,4,7,10), and the
Konas(5,9) are the Places of Vishnu and Laxmi .These are Shubha( Benific ).
The 2nd house also is mostly beneficial. The rest are ashubha
(malefic). Of these the the Dusthanas or Trik , the 6,8,12 th houses
are most malefic.
The 3rd and 11th houses are mildly malefic. The 3rd house is the 8th
from the 8th house,the 11th is the 6th from the 6th,and also 12th from the
12th. If the lords of these Dusthanas, are not improved by other benefic
yogas, then DURING their Dasas, they will give bad results. (Note here the
author refers to the Vimsottari Dasa periods, and sub periods only)
Here we have to consider the results of these dusthanas. Even though
these houses, and their Lords indicate malefic results, there are certain
yogas(combinations) of the planets in these houses, which can reduce, or
even fully overcome the evil results, and give BENEFICIAL results. Such
benefice results are indicated mainly by 'VIPAREETA RAJA YOGAS". These
are considered below:
a) The results of the dustanas are nullified by other YOGAS.
b) Lord of the Dusthanas is in the Dusthana, itself.
c) Vipareeta Raja Yoga is formed
A: We know which planets are benefits and which are malefics, for each
LAGNA OR ASCENDANT. Of these Sun and Moon will govern one house, and
the other 5 Mars,Merc,Jup.,Ven. Sat will govern (are Lords of) two
houses each. Amongst the two rasis governed by these planets, the
MOOLATRIKON Sign is more powerful. (The Moola Trikona Rashis are:
Mars-MESHA(Aries): Merc.-Kanya(VIRGO); Jup.-DHANU(Sagit.): VENusTULA(Libra): Sat-KUMBHA(Aqu.))
We consider the rules for reduction of the Evil results for these 5
1). If the Planet is Lord of of 6/8/or12 and is also the lord of the
Konas, i.e. 1,5,9 also then he is in the kona then the bad results are
by being Lord of Dusthana is negatived:
e.g. for Mesha,Simha,Karka Lagnas If JUP is in KONA
For Tula,Makar,Kumbha Lagnas, Budha in konas
For Mithuna Lagna If Shani(Sat) venus in Kona
For Kanya- Sat in a Kona.
2). If the Lord of the Dusthana is also Lord of one of the Kendras
(1,4,7,10), AND is in a Kendra evil results are greatly diluted,
though no fully negatived.
3). There is No dosha for Lagnesh(Lord of ascendant), even if he
becomes the Lord of the 8th. E.g. Mars for Mesha Lagna, and Venus for
Libra Lagna.
4). Since Sun and Moon have lordship over one house only, the dosha
by their owning the 6/8/12 houses does not get nullified except by
the beneficial yogas

5).A If the Lord of 6/8/12 is also Lord of 3rd or 11th, then the Evil
effects are magnified. These planets are expected to give unfavorable
results all the time. These are MERC for Mesha,Karka,Vrischik Lagna
JUP. for Vrishabha,Tula,Makar Lagna: MARS for Mithuna,Kanya Lagnas.
Venus for Dhanu Lagna, Sat and Ven for Meena Lagna.
Let us now consider how the evil indications are reduced :
5) B.
1. when 6th Lord is in 6th . Then HARSHA YOGA IS FORMED:
this indicates a strong Physique, and Elevation in status.
` 2. 8th Lord in 8th: Sarala Yoga is formed; This promises a
LONG LIFE, Honors,Good Character.
3. 12th Lord in 12th: VIMALA yoga is formed: Money is spent
for good causes only:
HOWEVER, these yogas DO NOT IMPROVE THE conditions, if the Planets
are those that give malefic results as per rule % A above
5) C. Now the Vipareeta Raja Yogas are to be considered.
A VIPAREETA RAJA YOGA is formed when the Lord of any one of the
Dusthana is Placed in one of the other 2 dustanas. THE DASA OF such a
planet gives beneficial results. It indicates favorable results for
both the matters governed by both the house owned, and the house
occupied. The results are given only in their dasas. They give results
similar to Planets in their own houses.
The VRYogas are:
1. 6th Lord in 8th or 12th
2. 8th Lord in 6th or 12th
3. 12th Lord in 6th or 8th
4. Both lords in same sign
The VRY formed as above, are not good yogas if the condition in 5 A
also is fulfilled, i.e. the Planet is also the Lord of 3 or 11th,
besides being the Lord of the Dusthana.
The VRY formed is GOOD, if the below mentioned conditions also exist:
1. If the two Lords are in mutual aspect:
2. If the two lords are conjunct
3. If the two lords are in Parevartana Yoga(each in house of other)
This is further explained:
1. Dristiyoga of Lord of Dusthana:
i). GURU's 5th and 9th aspect:
Lagna SIMHA: 8th Lord JUP(GURU):Aspecting MOON in 12th,:Moon is
Lord of 12th
ii) Mutual Aspect of the two Lords. Lords of 6th and 12th in these
houses give this condition. This is very good> Both planets will give
benefic results in their dasas.
For Kanya Lagna, if 6th Lord SAT is in Karka, then he will aspect
his own houses Makar, and will give the results of that house. However
if he is Simha he will aspect Kumbha, then he will give results of the
2. Both Lords of Dustanas in same sign:
This is good and gives good results. If Lords of 6th and 12th are
in 6th or 12th, they give still better results due to mutual aspects.
3) Parevartana YogaBoth planets in the house owned by other)
Normally when this Yoga is formed, the Planets reinforce each

other. Both the planets give the results as though they are in their
OWN houses. If of these two is a Natural Benefic, or he is a mutual
friend, then one can expect beneficial results. BUT if 6th Lord and
12th Lord are involved in the Parevartana Yoga, they cannot give
benefic results.
ii) When a Benefic owning a Dusthana, is involved in a Parivartana
Yoga with the lord of another Dusthana, then due to VRYoga both
planets give benefic results during their dasas.
Example given is of ADI SHAKARACHAYA: Lagna is 4: Planets:-Sun in
10th,with MERC and VEN., Moon in 12th, Mars in 9th, JUP in 8th, and
SAT in 6th. Rahu in 11th
Here 8th Lord SAT is in 6th house( owned by JUP). 6th Lord Jup is in
Kumbha, 8th house, owned by SAT. So parivartana Yoga. 6th Lord, Jup
also owns the KONA 9th. A benefic 6th lord owns Kona, so gives good
results. The Lagna is 9 deg 22 mi. in KARKA Rasi.
However if the Parivartana Yoga occurs in the Lords of other
houses, then malefic results will manifest in the dasas. Example if
with Karka Lagna, the Parivartana is between JUP and VEN then both
Dasas are spoiled.
iii) If SUN and MOON are Lords of Dustanas, and are in Dusthana, or
are involved in Parivartana Yoga with other in Parivartana Yoga with
other Dusthana Lord then only the above rule does not apply. One
cannot get benefic results.
D) The Vipareeta RAJA Yogas are are stronger and better than the
HARSHA,Sarala, and Vimala Yogas.
The results given by the planets are also dependent on their
inherent strength: For example JUP in 12th (KARKA) for SIMHA Lagna. He
is exalted and casts his dristi on 8th and 6th houses.
EXCEPTION to forming of VRYoga: If the Lord of a Dusthana is in
another Dusthana,which is his NEECH rasi, and there is no NEECH BHANG
in the chart, then the VRYoga is not formed. Example for SIMHA Lagna,
if JUP lord of 8th is in 6th in MAKAR(Neech):
1). If the MTR of a planet is a Dusthana, and if that Planet is in
another Dusthana, then the VRYoga is very good.
ii) If the MTR of the Lord of the Dusthana is a KONA(1,5,9( then
the results of the Dusthana are nullified/
iii) If the MTR of the Lord of Dusthana is a KENDRA then one gets
benefic results of the MTR.

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