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WPCSD Lesson Plan - S. Davies - Nov.

19, 2014 (Music 8)

Lesson Summary:
Length of lesson
Description of lesson
How this fits into
larger plan/unit

The curriculum for Music 8 includes a continuation of the study of music

history. In Music 7, students studied composers and musical styles from 1600
1900. The music history portion of Music 8 includes classical music from
1900 to present and the history of Rock & Roll. This is the second of several
lessons about the history of Rock & Roll. It will cover the Beatles and the
beginning of the British Invasion. At the end of the unit students will complete
a research project on a rock group or performer of their choice (from a list) and
give a brief presentation of their research.

Student Learning Objectives


Students will watch a presentation on the Beatles and the British Invasion and
take notes/answer questions on provided sheets. Students will participate in
discussion on various aspects of early rock music and the Beatles.

Alignment to Standards

Content Area Standards:

NYS Arts Standard #2 - Knowing and using Arts materials & resources
NYS Arts Standard #3 - Responding To and Analyzing Works of Art
NYS Arts Standard #4 - Understanding The Cultural Dimensions and
Contributions of The Arts

Common Core Standards:

Text/ Materials Being Used

Teacher created power point presentation which includes audio and video files
of early rock recordings/performances (Beatles, Rolling Stones), student notetaking worksheets

Lesson Outline including

questions to students

Students will take notes/answer questions while teacher gives presentation on

the Beatles. Students will listen to several songs by the Beatles and the
Rolling Stones, and participate in discussions as time permits.

Differentiated and/or
specially designed instruction

The unit will include varied instructional styles, with students working
individually, small groups of mixed abilities, and participating in class
discussions. Various levels of support will be provided.

Checking for Understanding

through-out and end of

Students will be able to answer questions verbally (discussions) as well as written

(worksheets/quizzes). Various assessments will be given throughout the unit. At the
end of the unit students will be able to compare/contrast different styles/performers of
rock & roll, identify various songs/performers when played, and will create and
present their own research project to the class.


Additional thoughts/notes

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