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Keiran Brook

Mrs. Furtaur
DAVINCI foundations 1
5 January 2015

Showcase Statement
The piece I will be presenting for showcase is my art piece, Neon Clocks. This painting
is a bright and creative way to express how every day is a routine, and no matter what happens,
each day will pass, and our routine may change, but it will still stay a routine, always repeating.
To make this art more interesting and fun to look at, I used bright colors, that change inside and
out of the circle, rotating clockwise, to move the audience's around the piece, to prove my theory
that every day is a routine. By creating a piece based off of a clock, I creatively connected an
aspect of my everyday life, in school and out, to DAVINCI. I chose to connect this piece to
movement, because of how my whole painting draws the onlookers eyes around the painting.
What influenced me to create this art, was when my art foundations teacher, Mrs. Karpel, told us
to focus on something prominent in our everyday lives, so I broadened my view TO my everyday
life. By focusing on a daily routine, I broadened my mind, and in a way, chose the most creative,
and simple thing I could. The simplicity carried through my project, but also made it brilliant.

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