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Yasser Arafat

By Jeni Kosec


Born in Cairo, Egypt in 1929

Wasnt close to his father

University of Faud I, left to fight against Israelis

Smuggled weapons to Palestine as a teen

Religion is Sunni Islam

Man of courage and conviction

Opponents viewed him as manipulative and authoritative

He was known by doing things by force/terrorism

Decided to become peaceful; made several speeches

Won Nobel Peace Prize

Allowed Palestinian self rule and elections

Founded Al-Fatah; an underground resistance space for the army against

Israel in 1958

Chairman of PLO


Arafat was a violent man; he had many aggressive tactics during leadership,
and used many terroristic policies

He then had a realization, and decided to take a more peaceful route of the

Won the Peace Prize has an accomplisment

His Death

Died November 11, 2004 at age 75

Cause of death is unknown; whether it was a natural cause or he was


Died in France

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