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[Your Name]

134 Redwood Drive

Toronto, ON M4H5J6

February 26, 2015

Mr. B. Budgen
A.Y. Jackson
50 Francine Drive
North York, ON M2H 2G6
Dear Mr. B. Budgen:
In Business class we learned about the security of computers and how important it is to keep the
schools network as well as the schools computers safe for everyone. I have often found weird popups on the school computers so I would like to suggest a few ways that we can improve our
schools cyber security.
-The first tip that I would like to suggest, we already do regularly but we can always continue to
remind students that keeping a strong password with both numbers and letters will prevent any
hackers from easily accessing your account.
-Secondly, it is important to have a number of software to protect the computers such as firewalls
(which act as a first line of defense against bogus sites and hackers), and anti-virus or malware
software (that prevents viruses from infecting the computers). Updating these programs
regularly is important in preventing viruses from infecting the computer because these viruses
are constantly mutating as well.
-Most viruses and spyware come from e-mail attachments but from the outside, they look harmless.
Whether its teachers, students, I or you, we all should be reminded that it may be best if we
dont open unverified e-mails that we are not sure of what it is, especially in school.
-Lastly, the most important way to secure our schools computers is to be well informed about recent
media and the threats that others are experiencing. This is particularly important to the school
network and computers because they are all connected so if one computer gets infected, the virus
may spread quickly.
Thank you for your consideration and I hope that you will consider my suggestions and put them
into play. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to write to the address above.
[Your Name]
[Your Signature]

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