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A. The Background of the Study
According to Brown (2001), language is a system of arbitrary
conventionalized vocal, written, or gestural symbols that enable members of a
given community to communicate intelligibly with one another. English language
is the most important one in the world. It is not only as an international
communication means but Also to access the science and technology. In
Indonesia, English is very important for students of all levels to master in order to
be able to communicate with other people from foreign countries. It also taught at
all levels, from elementary school level up to university level. Become an
important subject, students are expected to master English.
In order to improve their English, there are four language skills that should
be learned by the students. They are reading, writing, listening and speaking
skills. As one of the basic language skills, reading must be developed by continual
practice. Students do not only read the text, but also understand the information
from the reading text. Reading cannot be separated with vocabulary. It is one
element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all
together. Teaching vocabulary is important because the task in teaching English
vocabulary achievement relates to all language learning and it concerns to four
language skills. "It is in line with educational unit oriented curriculum (KTSP
2006) "Students are intended to able listen, speak, read, and write in learning
English." It is impossible to master one of them without mastering vocabulary. In
order to communicate well a foreign language, students should master a number

of vocabularies and should know how to use them accurately. In other word,
vocabulary mastery has important role in gaining the ability of good English.
Based on the writer's experience during observation at SMAN 1 Alla', she
found that there were still many students who had not enough vocabulary yet. The
students found that it was boring to be learned, because the teacher usually
applied the same technique in teaching vocabulary. The teacher gave a reading
text, asked them to find the difficult words and gave the meaning, and finally
asked the students to read and memorize the words. This technique was
commonly used but it did not have any impression and enjoyment for the students.
The result was that the students might not be interested anymore in learning
vocabulary and even get bored. Beside it, most of Indonesian teachers teach
vocabulary ordering the students to open reviews their dictionaries when they face
unknown meaning of certain words. Sometimes the teacher then solves by giving
the meaning of the words without any follow-up the words are not practiced in
From the previous observation, the writer could say that most of students
face many problems in mastering English words. The problems are (1) getting less
motivation to study English, (2) the usual method of teaching is in appropriate
one, the class become monotonous, (3) no reinforcement, so the students get
bored, (4) teaching material merely focus on the student handbook, and (5) no
media teaching is relevant. Spears (2000) states "A lack of vocabulary is indeed a
significant obstacle to good reading comprehension, and so acquiring a stock of
new vocabulary words is crucial if you hope to become a better reader." In other

word, if the students want to have good English, they have to improve reviews
their achievement because learning new vocabulary words is a life long activity
even for people who have finished their study.
There are two reasons why learners are not being able to say what they
want to say. First, they do not know enough vocabulary and second, they are
unable to put this vocabulary to productive use. From that fact, as teachers, we
must have perspective insights for the students need and we must make our
students know many words in English because vocabulary is one of the important
aspects in language mastery. So, to create participation of students in the
classroom in order to increase of the student's vocabulary, a teacher needs to
improve students' activities.
Tus, to solve reviews these problems, the teacher can use several
techniques. The aim of using a variety of techniques is to make of the particular
lesson easy and motivate students to learn and understand. The teaching technique
should make students enjoy the lesson and should make them not bored in
learning English. So, the students can speak, read, write and listen by using
vocabulary as a fundamental element and the students can finish reviews their
assignment without thinking that English is very difficult. One of many
techniques is by using STAR model. STAR model has a close relationship with
reading comprehension because to master a whole text in reading comprehension,
it is needs enough vocabulary. Therefore, while applying this technique, students
are given before, during, and after reading activity.

Based on the description above, the writer conduct the research under the
title The Application of Select, Teach, Apply and Revisit (STAR) Model in
teaching reading comprehension
B. The Problem of the Study
In relation with the background of the study, the problem is formulated in
the form of a question as follows:
1. How is the students' reading comprehension before and after taught by
using Select - Teach - Apply- Revisit Model?"
2. How is the students' vocabulary achievement in reading before and after
taught by using Select - Teach - Apply - Revisit Model?"
C. The Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are as follows:
1. To find out the students' reading comprehension before and after taught by
using Select - Teach - Apply - Revisit Model?"
2. To find out the students' vocabulary achievement in reading before and
after taught by using Select - Teach - Apply - Revisit Model?"
D. The Significance of the Study
The result of the study is expected to be useful theoretically and
practically. Theoretically, the result of the study is expected to be useful for
the reviews their readers to enrich horizon in theory of English learning and
for the researchers for further reviews their study. Practically, the result of the
study is expected to be useful for:

1. English teachers, as an alternative teaching resource to give them more

information about another strategy of the which can be applied in teaching in
order to improve vocabulary reviews their competence in teaching.
2. English learners, they able to improve their vocabulary achievement and
their reading comprehension.
E. The Scope of the Study
The scope of this research is using STAR Model in teaching reading
comprehension. The writer focuses on the students vocabulary achievement and
reading comprehension. The vocabulary words that are discussed by the students
are connected with reading text comprehension. In this case, the texts used are
descriptive text.

A. Theory of Select, Teach, Apply, and Revisit (STAR) Model
a. Definition of STAR Model
Peter Fisher (2004) Select, Teach, Apply and Revisit (STAR Model) is
one way student develop vocabulary by providing explicit and direct

instruction, the STAR Model method (Select, Teach, Apply/Analyze/Activate

and Revisit) The student directly applied the vocabulary after selecting, it will
be continued to activate the vocabulary focuses on the work that the student
want to do, in other additional activities is revisit and unit review all activities
to get more vocabularies.
In the authors' work with teachers, the STAR model of explicit
vocabulary instruction is often suggested (Blachowicz, 2005). STAR stands for
the following:

Apply/ Analyze/Activate
For good instruction in the teacher's first task is to select the best

word to receive instructional attention. One way to select comprehension

words, those words that are essential to the understanding of a selection, is to
use story or text structure to analyze the selection. After drawing a story or text
map, select the four to six without which the selection cannot be retold or
summarized. When these words are chosen, look for other words that have a
likelihood of being encountered some other time in reading but that might not
be central to this selection.
Teach is the second part of the STAR model and it is helpful to think of
the teaching to be done before, during and after reading. It is important to make
accessible any concepts that are essential to understanding what is to be read
and that are not well explained by context. A teacher might choose to explain
rebel by giving a sentences containing contextual information, asking students

to be active in generating some aspects of a definition and asking them to use

the word while giving feedback, and finishing with a summary or elaborative
Active, Analysis and Application, the third step model, refers to work
done by the students with the new word. During reading, it is useful to "assign"
each new word to a student, a pair or a team. Their role is to find that word
when it is used, mark it with an adhesive note or paper clip, and be ready to
read how the author used it in context, analyze it is meaning and present a
definition to the class (using references is necessary) and, finally, use it in a
personal context.
In the last step in the model, Revisit, the critical words are used in
discussion for comprehension. Because they have been chosen as essential to
understanding the text, they will come up naturally in discussion and teacher
questioning, writing after reading, and other tasks, ensuring that they are heard,
read, written, and used. In addition, students may revisit new words through
review, games, writing, and in many other ways. It is useful to have students
keep personal vocabulary notebooks for recording new words, as well as
related writing, illustrations, graphic organizers, and semantic maps.
In the STAR model, text structure is used to select comprehension
words to teach directly. In addition, it is beneficial to provide direct instruction
for words that are semantically related. By focusing on semantic relatedness of
words, teachers help children to build new conceptual and relation networks.

This section examines three specific ways in which words are semantically
related - synonymy, antonymy, and morphology (using meaning within words).
b. The Implementation of STAR Model in teaching
Providing explicit and direct instruction is one sure way to help
students increase their vocabularies. The STAR model of Select, Teach,
Activate, and Revisit provides a framework for teachers as they plan
vocabulary instruction.

Choose appropriate content words.

Focus on words essential to understanding of the text.
Draw a story or text map.
Using the map as the basis, select four to six words fundamental to

retelling or summarizing the text.

5) Look for other important words that students are likely to encounter in
additional readings, even though these words may not be essential to this
particular text.
1) Consider the processes you will use before, during, and after reading. o
Before assigning the reading, make sure you access prior knowledge and
bring to the forefront concepts that will not be clearly explained in the text.
2) Use definitional, contextual, and usage information when teaching
vocabulary. For example, present the word in context, discuss possible
meanings, ask for a definition (provide one if students are unable to
provide an accurate definition), ask students to use the words in a personal

1) This step focuses on the work you want students to do in order to gain
2) Use writing assignments and other activities to make sure students
repeatedly hear, read, write, and use the targeted words.
3) Give students the opportunity to connect new words with other words they
already know (word maps or synonym webs).
4) Have students act out words or demonstrate meaning.
Use additional activities to revisit important words. Possible activities include
unit reviews, games, writing assignments, vocabulary journals, and word

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. The Concepts of Reading
According to Nuttal (1988: 21) reading is one of the most important
skills in learning language besides listening, speaking, and writing. The goal
any reading is to get information or knowledge defines reading as the
meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbol. It means that
reading is result of interaction between the perception of graphic symbol that
represent language and the reader language skill, cognitive skill, and the
knowledge of the world.
According to Mikulecky and Jeffirs (1986: 1) that reading helps the
students learn to think in the new language, builds a better vocabulary, and
makes them more comfortable with writing English. As ability in reading
increase, individual learn to adapt their reading strategies in matching with the


purpose for reading and the limiting material. The reading activity reader must
understand or comprehends what the reader read.
According to Kustaryo (1988: 2) suggest that reading is an
instantaneous recognition of various written symbols, simultaneous association
of the symbols with existing knowledge, and comprehension of the information
and ideas communicated.
According to Goodman (1988:12) that reading is a receptive language
process. It is psycholinguistic process in that it stars with a linguistic surface
representation encoded by writer and ends with meaning that the readers
construct. And the conclusion reading is ability of cognitive process of
interaction between the graphic symbols and the language skills of reader.
Reading is also a process of communication between a writer and a reader. A
writer has massage about his or her mine, such as feeling, facts, ideas, and
argument which want to share.
2. Kinds of Reading
According to Doff in Hikmawati (2008: 12) that reading is classified
into four kinds, they are:
a. Silent reading
Silent reading is the activity we normally engage in when read
books, newspapers, road signs, etc. it involve looking at silence and
understanding the message they convey. We could develop our
understanding in silent by giving short reading passages in the beginning
and by asking questions about after word.
b. Reading aloud


Reading aloud is a completely different activity. Its purposes are

not only to understand a text, but also to convey the information someone.
Reading aloud is very useful. Reading aloud is important thing to do in
reading process where the students who know as the reader are required to
c. Guided Reading
Teachers scaffold students' reading to teach reading strategies.
Guided reading is conducted with small groups of students who read at the
same level.
d. Shared Reading
Students follow along as the teacher reads a selection aloud.
Primary-grade teachers often use big books-enlarged versions of the
selection-for shared reading.
3. Reading Process
According to Eskey in Dirham (2011:13) There are three models of
reading process namely: (1) Bottom up model, (2) Top down, and (3)
interactive model.
The bottom up of reading process is that reading a precise involving
exact, detailed sequential perception, and identification of letters, words,
spelling patterns and larger language unit. This model assumes that a reader
proceed by moving his first talking in letter, combining these to the words. The
combining these two from the phrase, clause, and sentence of the text.
The top down model of reading process deals with the general notion of
the reading as the reconstruction of based on a skill sampling of the text and
such specific nation as the use of the linguistic redundancy. The crucial role of
prior knowledge in prediction and the necessity for a reading a reasonable rate


in larger, more meaningful chunk of text. This model involves and interaction
between though and language.
This Interactive model of reading process deals with a particular type of
cognitive behaviour. Which based on certain kinds of knowledge which from a
part the readers cognitive structures.
4. The Purpose of Reading
Dalman in Nurmasita (2009:20). States that the degree of desired
comprehension will depend in part upon the purpose of the reader. One of the
characteristics of the efficient reader is the extent to which he can adjust the
degree of his objective. There are some purposes of reading as follows:
a. Reading to Find the Main Idea
One of the most common reasons for reading is to get the general
idea of a selection. Reading is of eviction usually done for this purpose.

Reading to Answer Questions

Reading to find the answer to one more questions is one of the

common goals for reading in the elementary school. Even in high school
and college and in life outside of school it often forms the purpose for
reading. Answers are relatively easy to find when the questions are party
couched in the exact words of the write.
c. Reading to Summarize and Organize
To make an adequate summary or to organize what has been read,
it is not enough for the reader to know what the main idea is and what the
significant details are. Reader must also be able to sense the relationship
between the main points and the details as well as the interrelationship


among the details. Furthermore, he often needs to know either how to

make these relationships clear to others or how to record them for later


Reading Evaluate Critically

Critical evaluation is not meant the attitude of suspecting every
statement read of being false. The different skills of the reading are
related to the ways of reading.

5. Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension understands of what has been read. It is an active
thinking process that depends not only on comprehension skill but also the
students experience and prior knowledge.
Rubins (1982) in Imelda (2012) states that reading comprehension is a
complex intellectual process involving a number of abilities. The major
abilities involve words meaning and reasoning with verbal concept.
According to Smith and Jhonson (1980:28) reading comprehension
depends on many factors:
1) The readers ability to attend the printed idea
2) The readers background knowledge to which new information must be
3) The quality or lucidity writing itself
4) The readers purpose or goal in reading material
Kustaryo (1998) defines that reading comprehension involve
understanding the vocabulary seeing, the relationship among words and


concepts, organizing ideas, recognizing the authors purposes, making

judgment and evaluating.
Based on the theoretical description above, the researcher can conclude
that reading comprehension is an ability or capacity for comprehending and
understanding reading materials to get information from the text.
6. Vocabulary
Vocabularies are usually identically with the list of words include verbs,
adjectives, nouns, adverbs and etc. The words are in order of alphabetical. We
can say that this shape is the dictionary or the big list of words/vocabularies.
There are many definitions of vocabulary that have been given by writers
(experts), like:
As Hornby in Fatma (2011) states vocabulary is:

The total number of words that make up a



Body words known to person or used in a

particular book, subject.


List of words with their meanings, especially

one, which accompanies a textbook, a foreign language.
Vocabulary is the content and functions words of language which are

learned, so through that they become a part of the childs understanding

Speaking and writing vocabulary. He also defined that vocabulary as the words
having meaning when heard and seen even though not produce by individual


Every word that students learn or know from the other language/not from
their mother tongue is vocabulary. Every word that used from the speaker from
other language/not our language is vocabulary.
Brown (1994) states: Who with words and vocabulary views vocabulary
on two sides. First, vocabulary is the content and function words of language,
which are learned through by that they become a part of the childs
understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. Second, vocabulary is words
having meaning when hard or seen even though the individual produces it
when communicating with others.
Read (2000) says that Vocabulary knowledge of second language learners
is both necessary and reasonably straightforward. It is necessary in the sense
that word are the basic building block of language, the units of meaning from
which larger structures such as sentences, paragraph and whole texts are
Based on some definitions above, the writer concludes that vocabulary is
a list of word with their own meaning that make up a language to be used by
the people to communicate.
a. Types of Vocabulary
Yakin (2008) classifies vocabulary of modern English into three types of
words elements cosidered from point of the origin as:
1. The native is a vocabulary defined from other language.
2. The borrowed is a vocabulary that borrowed from other language.
3. The newly form is a vocabulary that make up any times material already in


Busran (2009) says that Word in language is a small element, which

could make up a language and function to express an idea. Some writers have
classify vocabulary in some ways:
1. Passive or recognition vocabulary, which is made up the words, one
recognizes in the context or reading material but he does not actually use
2. Active vocabulary, which consists of working word is used daily in
writing and speaking.
Good in Suryaningsih (2005) divides vocabulary into four parts, they
1. Oral vocabulary consists of word actively used in speech that comes
readily to the tongue of the ones conservation.
2. Writing vocabulary is stock of words that comes readily to ones finger
vocabulary. It commonly used in writing.
3. Listening vocabulary is stock of words, which a person can understand
when hear it.
4. Reading vocabulary is the words where the people can recognize when
they find it in written material.
b. Word classification
According to Badulu ( 2008:15) in Fitriani point out that there are two
classification of the words.
a. Traditional of the words classification
There are eight parts of speech,namely.


1) Noun, A noun is the word or word group that names a person, a

place, an idea or a thing (object, activity, quqlity and condition).
2) Pronoun, A pronoun is a word that functions a noun subsitute.
3) Verb, A verb is wordgroup that expresses action
4) Adjective,An adjective is a word group is word that tell a
characteristic or quality of noun or pronoun.
5) Adverb, An adverb is word or word group modifies,( characterizes)
a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
6) Preposition, A preposition is a word group that functions to show
meaning reletionship betweenthe object ( the nominal which
normally follow the preposition ) and some other words in the
7) Conjunction, A conjunction is a word or word group that connects
two sentence components.
8) Interjection, An interjection is a word or word group that
b. New word classification
There are two divisions in English:
1) Parts of speech
The part of speech consists of noun andverb.
a) Noun
A noun is often definet as a word which names a person, place or
thing. According to Williams James, the term noun is such a problem that
many grammar books do not even try to do it. Acceptingthe idea that the
concept of noun is fairly abstract,however, can point us in the right
direction, toward a reasonably acceptable definition.
b) Verb
The verb is perhaps the most important part sentence. A verb or
compound verb assert something about the subject of the sentence and express


actions, events, or states of being. The verb or coumpond verb is the cartical
element of the predicate of a sentence. A verb is often defined as a word
which shows action or state of being. The verb is the heart of sentence every
sentence must have a verb. unlike most of the other part of speech, verb change
their from. Sometimes ending are added ( learn- learned). The different from of
verbs show different meaning related to show things as tense (past, present,
future), person ( first, person,second, and third person), number ( singular and
plural) and voice ( active, passive). Verb also often accompaniedby verb-like
wordcalled modals ( may,could,would,can, ect) and auxiliaries ( do, have, will,
ect.) to give them different meaning.

C. Conceptual Framework
The theoretical framework underlying this research is given in the
following diagram:

The students vocabulary achievement in
Learning proses using Select, Teach,
Apply, and revisit
(STAR) model


The students reading comprehension and
students vocabulary achievement in


: it refers to the students' reading comprehension before the treatment

on pre test


: it refers to the implementation of the Select, Teach, Apply, and revisit

(STAR) model and learning process of reading comprehension


: the output is the students' reading comprehension and students

vocabulary achievement in reading after the treatment.

The researcher tried to formulate the hypothesis of research as follows:
H1 (Alternative hypothesis), there is significant different of the students'
reading achievement and students vocabulary achievement in reading before and
after applying the STAR Model.


Ho (Null hypothesis), there is no significant different of the students'

reading achievement and students vocabulary achievement in reading before and
after using STAR Model.

This chapter discusses design of the research, variable of the research,
population and sample, instrument of the research and the step of the research.
A. Research Design
The method used in this research is a pre - experimental design with one
group pre-test and post-test design. The researcher will give pre-test and then
expose to treatment, and finally the researcher give a post-test. It aims to see the
achievement of students' vocabulary in reading. The design is presented below:



O1 : Test done before doing treatment (pre-test)
X : Treatment


O2 : Test done after doing treatment (post test)

B. Research Variables and Indicators
The following variables of the research are:
1. Independent variable
Independent variable of the research is teaching vocabulary
achievement in reading comprehension through Select, Teach, Apply, and
Revisit (STAR) Model.
2. Dependent variables
Dependent variables are the students' reading comprehension and
vocabulary achievement in reading.
With the indicators are:
1. The indicators is reading comprehension
2. The indicators is vocabulary achievement in reading.
C. Population and Sample
1. Population
The population of the research is the Tenth year students of SMAN 1 Alla.
It consists of eight classes namely: X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7 and X8. Each class
consists of 30 students. Therefore, the total is 240 students.
2. Sample
Sample is the type of population example of representative used as object
of the research. The Tenth year students of SMAN 1 Alla have eight classes; the
writer will take one class of the Tenth year students. The class is X1 that consist of
30 students. The sampling that used in this research is purposive technique.


D. Research Subject
The subject of this research is the Tenth year students of SMA Negeri 1 Alla
kab. Enrekang (Class XI). The class consist of 30 students.

E. Research Instrument
There are two main instruments which use to collect data; they are
observation list and reading test result. The functions of each research are:
1) Observation sheet aim to find out the students data about their percentage
and activeness in teaching learning process.
2) Reading test is used to know students reading comprehension after
following teaching and learning activity.
3) Vocabulary test is used to know students vocabulary achievement in
F. Data Collection
The technique of data collection will be used in this research as follows:
1) Checklist observation, it aims to find out the students' participation during
the teaching and learning process.
2) Test, it aims to find out the students' achievement reading comprehension
and vocabulary achievement by using STAR Model in teaching reading.
G. Data Analysis
To analyze the data in the research is done by quantitative. The
quantitative data will use descriptive analysis.


1. To find out the mean score of the students test, the researcher will use the
following formula:

X =

= Mean score

= Total score

= The number of student

(Gay in Fatmawati, 2011:20)

2. After collecting the data of the students, the researcher will classify the
score of the students. To classify the students score, there are seven
classifications which are used as follows:

96 100 is classified as excellent

86 95 is classified as very good

76 85 is classified as good

66 75 is classified as fairly good

56 65 is classified as fair

36 55 is classified as poor

0 - 35 is classified as
Depdikbud (1985 : 5)

3. To calculate the percentage of the students score, the formula which is used
as follows:



X 100

P = Percentage
F = Number of Correct
N = Number of Sample
(Sudjana in Susilawati 2012: 37)

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