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Sport Profile


Also known as: Game of the Palm
Origin of name: Most historians believe that Tennis originated in the
monastic cloisters in northern France in the 12th century
Invented/created by: The person who invented/created tennis was
Major Walter

Highest international body: International Tennis Federation
United States body: United States Tennis Association
USA Pro Level Association: ATP Association
Local Organizations: USTA, FLEX Tennis legueszz, NTRP
College that offers Sport: CSUN women only, UC Santa Cruz both men
and women, UCLA both men and women, USC both men and women

Objective: To serve the ball to the other side of the court(the
opponents side) and score points by not returning the ball the other
5 basic rules: 1) the server must serve each point from alternative
sides on the base line. The server cannot move his/her feet in front of
the baseline. 2) If the server fails to get their first serve in they may
take advantage of a second serve. If they fail again to get their second
serve in then a double fault will be called and the point is lost. 3)If the
server clips the net but the ball goes in the service area they get to
take that serve again without penalty.4) If the ball hits the net and fails
to go in the service area then they lose that serve. 5) The receiver may
stand where they wish when they receive the serve. If the ball is struck
without the serve bouncing then the server will receive the point.
number of players: Tennis is usually played in singles or doubles, but in
high school and college teams exist.
scoring system: You need to score four points to win a game of tennis.
The points are known as 15=1 point, 30=2 points, 40=3 points and the

Sport Profile
fourth would result in the winning point and the end of that game. If
the scores went to 40-40 this would be known as deuce. When a game
reaches deuce the player must then win by two clear points
surface/court/field of play description: 30 by 40 squares in the middle
lines that denot singles spaces and double spaces. Its a firm
rectangular surface with a net stretched across the center
Pictures (equipment, player, field of play):

Sport Profile

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