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April 6, 2015

Mr. Jose Cuervo

S. Manufacturing Co.
1421 Sunrise Lane
Long Branch, NJ 07440

Dear Mr. Cuervo:

First off, we would like to offer huge congratulations to you and Mr. Bob
Builter on your recent marriage. We hope you two have a long, and
happy life together, and we cannot wait to publish your announcement
in this months edition of our company newsletter. The announcement
will appear in the Personal Notes section of the May 2015 newsletter
on the fifth page, along with a photo of you and Bob.
After some recent controversy about the comfort level of employees
with public displays of affection photographs in the newsletter, it has
been company policy for the past few months to exclude any public
display of affection photographs in an effort to keep the workplace
comfortable. Normally, such a nice picture of the happy couple would
be encouraged, however, since we are simply a company newsletter,
we must oblige by the policy rules set forth by our owner.
We are extremely excited to publish this announcement as soon as
possible, so please send us any other photographs you would like to be
used in the announcement so we can begin the submission process
quickly. Please let me know if you have any questions, or send any
photo submissions to my general email address below. Thank you, and
give my best to Mr. Builter as well.
Darya Zal
Director of Public Relations for S. Manufacturing

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