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Name: Adam Shock

Date: 1-8-15

It was simply what seemed sensible for me to write after the war when everyone was thanking
God they werent Nazis. Id seen enough to realize that every single one of us could be Nazis.
-William Golding

What does this quote mean to you? Considering your prior knowledge of the war, other literary
texts, or personal knowledge, write a cohesive essay answering the question.
I believe that this quote means that inside of everyone there is potential for all of us to
become a monster similar to a Nazi. The Nazis were violent and malevolent when it came down
to their basic nature. They tried to commit genocide by killing the Jewish population because the
Nazis believed that the Jews were the root of all evil in this world. In their eyes the cause was
just, but they were brutal and their leader, Adolf Hitler, had officers who could do just about
anything they wished with the Jewish people and not receive any punishment.
Everyone has an inner beast which they let show from time to time, but that beast is just
under the surface for most people and can be easily awakened if the punishment or the fear of
punishment that is keeping the beast down disappears. This is why laws are in place and there are
officials who challenge each other and try to strip away the power of others for their benefit.
Even when that happens the people who they are trying to take power away from, are trying to
reciprocate the action. This is the reason behind why America is still running like it is, its similar
to the idea of checks and balances.
This quote means that everyone has is able to dictate other peoples lives and do what
they want even if it is immoral and can hurt many others. It means that, if the human race did not
have a government, then the world would be reduced to something similar to the Nazis killing
the Jewish but it would be everyone for themselves. There would be no property or peace, barely
anyone would be able to sleep and everyone would be able to do what they wanted as long as it
was within their power. Instead of a president, like in the United States of America, there would
be a dictator like in Korea if the anarchy cleared up and the most fit took over.
The main point of this quote is to say that if everyone were able to break any law they
wished, then the world would be the survival of the fittest where everyone did what they wanted.
It would also mean that everyone would live in constant fear of their own life being taken away
which would result in the fittest getting more fit, while the weak are killed. There wouldnt be
one truly safe place on earth and in short, the quote means that if everyone awakened the beast
inside it would be anarchy and would be everyones worst nightmare.

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