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Perhitungan Dimensi Jetty 150 m x 20 m

A. Perhitungan panjang jetty

1. Perhitungan panjang berdasarkan British Standard (BS) 6349-2-1988 Design of quay
walls, jetties and dolphins, Clause, halaman 4 (terlampir);
Panjang jetty untuk batu bara minimum 1,2 x panjang barge. Sehingga 1,2 x 112 m =
134,4 m.
2. Perhitungan panjang mooring berdasarkan British Standard (BS) 6349-4-1994 Fendering
and mooring system, klausa 7 halaman 31 (terlampir);
Panjang mooring dari jetty menggunakan sudut 250. Digambar terlampir sudut 250
menghasilkan panjang 5,7 m dari jetty.
3. Total panjang jetty yang dihasilkan ialah ; 134,4 m + (2 x 5,7 m) = 145,8 m 150 m.

B. Perhitungan lebar jetty

1. Konveyor
- Menurut spesifikasi pada kontrak dokumen klausul Conveyor System
Description untuk walkway 1 m dan jarak antara konveyor 1 m sehingga 2 x 1 m = 2
- Konveyor line lebarnya 1,2 m pada jetty
- Sehingga total lebar konveyor + walkway yang dibutuhkan 1,2 m + 2 m = 3,2 m
2. Lebar rel Screw Ship Unloader 5,0 m dengan jarak ke pinggir jetty 1,5 m.
3. Jalan untuk 2 jalur (2 x 3 m) dan manuver (4,3 m) dari truck dengan mempertimbangkan
safety. Mengacu pada peraturan Bina Marga atau AASHTO.
4. Total lebar jetty yang dibutuhkan = 3,2 m + 5 m + 1,5 m + 6 m + 4,3 m = 20 m

Access or means of access should, wherever possible,

be provided to allow inspection of structures for
maintenance purposes.
2.1.5 B e r t h orientation
Where there is freedom of choice a s to the
orientation of the berth or where the berth is in an
exposed position, the orientation should be chosen
so that the predominant winds, waves and currents
have least effect on the operation of the berth and
the structure has least detrimental effect on the
coastal or estuarial regime. A physical or
mathematical model may be necessary to study
these effects.
Berths should not be broadside-on to strong
prevailing winds and waves. If broadside winds are
likely, the navigational and cargo handling aspects
should be considered.
When considering waves at the berth location, the
effects of period and direction should be assessed
(see 31.4 of BS 6349-1:1984).
The direction of the current at tidal locations will
usually vary. The importance of the effects of
current on navigation will depend on the strength of
the current, the availability of tugs, the loading
condition of the ships and whether movements are
restricted by tide levels.
Offsetting currents can help a ship to leave the
berth but may be unacceptable if a fully laden ship
has to berth against them. In cases where
unacceptable currents cannot be avoided they
should be redirected by the use of training walls.
The direction froin which vessels will approach the
berth should be considered. If they are always to lie
alongside in the same direction (e.g. head inwards or
head outwards), the configuration of mooring points
and fixed or rail mounted cargo handling equipment
may sometimes be refined.
The nature of the bed, the amount of solids in
suspension in the water, existing current directions
and velocities and the existing pattern of littoral
drift all need to be examined and their sensitivity to
the orientation of the structure studied. In addition
to the effects on the overall regime the local effects
should be examined for unacceptable current
changes, local scour or siltation of the seabed at the
berth. Abrupt changes in profile may create
sufficient disturbance to affect the structure and
possibly navigation in the vicinity.
2.1.6 B e r t h geometry
NOTE The influence of services and L ~ e d
or rail-mounted cargo
handhng equipment on berth geometry is dealt with in 2.5. Berth length. The length of the berth is a

function of the ships' length and should take account
of any changes in ship size expected during the life
of the berth. Where the berth is one of a number in
a line, the expected mix of vessels using the line of
berths should be considered. The length allowed
between ships berthed in line will depend on the
method of berthing ships, but a minimum distance
of 15 m is commonly adopted. For fishing or
pleasure craft a berthlength of 1.15 times the vessel
length is desirable.
The length of berthing structure that needs to be in
contact with a vessel depends on the type of cargo to
be handled. General cargo ships and many dry bulk
cargo ships need a long berth face so that cargo
handling equipment can have access to work any
hold. Alternatively, a short berth face and fixed
handling equipment may be provided, requiring the
vessels to be moved along the berth. Bulk liquids
and solids such as cement which can be moved
pneumatically by pipeline are loaded and
discharged from a fixed point and the berth face
need only be long enough to accommodate these. Depth alongside. The depth of water
required alongside the berth is a function of the
operating draught of the vessels expected to use the
berth within its lifetime, the tidal range and, at
exposed berths, the effects of wave action. Waves
due to passing ships, wind action causing roll and
the effect upon draught of listing during
loadinglunloading should also be considered. If
shipping patterns show that ships using the berth
are never at full draught, a reduced depth may be
The underkeel clearance in calm conditions should
generally be at least 0.5 m for the deepest draught
vessel, but suitable allowances for trim, listing and
wave-induced motion should be made and
additional clearance may be required where the
seabed is rocky. At berths where the movement of
the largest ships to be accommodated takes place at
the h g h e r states of the tide, the underkeel
clearance may be achieved by dredging a berth box
in front of the structure. The box width should be at
least 1.5 times the beain of the largest vessel, and
its length at least 1.2 times the overall length of the
vessel, located symmetrically about the midpoint of
the berth.
Where appropriate, protection against scour caused
by propellers and bow thrusters should be provided
(see 2.3.5).
The need to design for future berth deepening
should also be considered.

0BSI 02-1999

Section 3. Mooring
7 Principles of good mooring

8 Mooring patterns

Until the advent of bulk transport of goods and raw

materials by sea, the basic requirements of a
mooring system were to prevent the vessel from
drifting away from a berth or from colliding with
adjacent moored vessels. The system had also to
allow for assisting in heaving the ship up to the
berth and in leaving the berth.
Present situations often require the ship to be
accurately held in place in relation to
berth-mounted ship loading or discharging
equipment which itself may be very limited in
movement, e.g. container cranes and articulated
The principle to be followed, regardless of the size of
the vessel, is to restrain movement to within
acceptable limits by means of a n adequate number
of mooring lines, which can be readily handled by
the operating personnel, compatible with the
conditions of wind, tide, weather and other effects
likely to be experienced during the relevant period
of vessel stay a t the berth.
The berth designer should provide facilities to
permit all vessels for which the berth was designed
to remain safely moored alongside and mooring
points should give a satisfactory spread of moorings
and be disposed a s nearly as possible symmetrical to
the mid-point of the berth. I t should be noted that
vessels such a s LNGLPG tankers and coastal
tankers do not necessarily have their manifolds
amidships and will not therefore always lie
centrally on the berth. The height of mooring points
should be such that vertical angles of mooring lines
will be a s small a s practicable and preferably not
greater than 25".
The optimum pattern of mooring lines for normal
alongside berthing is likely to consist of a basic web
of breast, head and stern lines extending from or
near the extremities of the vessel, together with
spring lines from approximately the quarter points
of the vessel.
The physical nature and layout of the berth or
terminal will affect the manner in which the
mooring objectives are achieved and the relative
position of shore-mounted mooring equipment may
result in a pattern of lines that gives a n inferior
restraint capability. I n such circumstances the
berth designer should inform the operator of the
berth what assistance may be necessary to achieve
adequate restraint consistent with the forces acting
on the moored ship and the demand of the discharge
or loading operations.

8.1 G e n e r a l
The normal mooring pattern consists of ropes
issuing a t the extremities of the ship that make
horizontal angles of about 45", - 90" and - 45" to i t s
axis, plus spring lines a t about 10" to its axis,
together with breast lines a s appropriate
(see Figure 14).
In some cases of island, "T" head and similar type
berths, mooring points to receive ropes from the
ends of the vessels are placed well behind the
berthing line. I n these cases in order to maximize
transverse restraint the ropes are more usually
disposed a s near as possible a t right angles to the
ship axis and are kept a s near a s possible to the
same length. Similarly, a sufficient number of
spring lines are utilized to provide all the necessary
longitudinal restraint.
I n the case of continuous quays, in order to ensure
that the maximum useful load restraint is placed o n
the ship with the minimum number of mooring
lines, it is necessary to plan the vessel's mooring
arrangement so that each rope is as near to the
optimum line of action for its intended purpose a s is
possible. Any proposed mooring layout is dependent
on the relative position, spacing and strength of
bollards on the quay which nevertheless should be
compatible with and suitable for the size and type of
vessel using the berth. Generally bollards on a quay
should be provided a t 30 m centres.
To ensure even distribution of the restraining forces
on the vessel it is preferable that the pattern of
mooring lines should be approximately symmetrical
about midpoint of the vessel and a s far apart as
possible, subject to any wire (particularly back
springs) not "scrubbing" against the ship side or the
cope edge.
A high accommodation structure a t either stern or
bow will increase the wind load locally, but in
practice the margin of restraint normally provided
for a ship takes care of such eccentric loading. For
island tanker berths, the transverse and
longitudinal forces applied to the vessel are best
absorbed by breast and spring lines respectively,
provided these are set out within the approximate
limits given i n Figure 15. Optimum lengths of
mooring lines are usually within the range 35 m
to 50 m for the largest vessel.
8.2 B r e a s t l i n e s
The restraint required to secure the ship is best
obtained using breast lines. These should be aligned
perpendicular to the longitudinal centre line of the
ship in order to apply the maximum restraint to
prevent the vessel being moved broadside from the

0 BSI 12-1998


BOOK 111 B
SECTION 4.5 MechanicalWorks and Addenda thereto
4.5.18 Coal Handling System

ensure that any conveyor component failure can be repaired within 8 hours or
A single conveyor system along the jetty shall be provided and the Contractor

shall demonstrate that the system and equipment that he is providing under the
contract (mandatory spare parts, special tools and repair equipment, etc.) will
ensure that any conveyor component failure can be repaired within 8 hours or
Coal emergency discharge plus telescopic tube shall be provided to discharge
the coal storage area in the event of stocker reclaimer in maintenance period.
The tube movement shall be automatic and shall coordinate with coal level
sensor and wind speed sensor.
Coal handling system shall be furnished with the dust suppression system and
vacuum system which are located in the boiler bunkers, coal transfer points
and on the distributions system of a coal along conveyor belt.
Each conveyor shall comply with relevant international standards. The
conveyors shall be of troughed design with a maximum belt speed of 3.5 m/s
(tentatively). The Contractor shall fully describe the method of construction and
the design standards he proposes for the conveying plant.
Each conveyor shall be fitted with a centrifugal speed switch for use in the
sequential starting and tripping interlock scheme and for ensuring that the
driving motor shall be shut down automatically in the event of the belt slipping
or breaking.
Plant shall be designed with ease and flexibility of operation in mind including,
but not limited to:
All conveyors shall be totally enclosed, where on each side of conveyor
system shall be provided cover by roof and maintenance walkway of
minimum 1.O meter, and between the two conveyor lines shall be provided
with an access walkway a minimum of 1.0 m wide.
Adequate access shall be provided for cleaning all conveyors. Ground
conveyors shall have adjacent access paths 1.0 meter wide. Elevated
conveyors shall have a parallel 1.0 meter wide access as maintenance
All transfer towers shall be fully enclosed and designed to contain dust.
Transfer points shall be designed to give good material flow and central
loading of conveyors without spillage. Access sliall be provided for chute
High quality belt scrapers and cleaning equipment shall be provided. They
shall he positioned and chutes designed.s~-lchthat all scrapings fall into
the main chute, to merge with the main flow of material.
Section 4.5 - 307

PT PLN (Persero)- PLTU 2 Nusa Tenggara rirn~lr

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