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Friends and Family,

You are receiving this letter because I would like to invite you to join my journey of
being a Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) intern. FCA is an international sports
ministry whose vision is to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of
athletes and coaches. FCA uses the medium of athletics to guide and impact the world for Jesus
Christ and focuses on local ministry to encourage people to make a difference for Christ. I have
been involved with FCA for nearly eight years now, and it is one of (if not the most)
influential things I have ever been apart of.

I will be a senior at Franklin College with plans to graduate in 2016 with a degree in
Psychology, as well as minors in Leadership and Sociology. Growing up, I had always
envisioned myself being some type of counselor, whether it be school counseling, family
and marriage counseling, or just private practice. However, I had a moment of clarity near
the end of my sophomore year here at Franklin: I am an arrow for Christ. I have come to
realize that one of the most incredible skills God has gifted me with is the ability to help
others find Christ. The excitement and joy I have found in this clarity is extraordinary.
Throughout my summer internship with FCA, I will be doing numerous things, such as
being a huddle leader for camps, working power camps, and working at a camp in a
different state which will all allow me to be that arrow for Christ.

I am eager and excited to start this process of personal transformation as I continue
to grow closer to Christ. Throughout the summer, I will be keeping a blog you can follow at However, in order to completely fund this life-changing journey, it is
a goal of mine to raise $2500 for the FCA organization. I ask that you pray for me this
summer, as well as pray about becoming a financial supporter. If you have any questions or
concerns about the details of the internship or how to donate, feel free to contact me at 1-
260-330-4550 or email me at
I want to thank you for your generosity and kindness as I travel this path that God as
placed in front of me. I am beyond blessed for this once in a lifetime opportunity as I
become close to finishing my undergraduate degree. I ask that you pray over the FCA staff
and I as we move throughout the summer and work for Gods will.

Thank you and God Bless,

Cody J. Beeks

All checks should be made out to Fellowship of Christian Athletes with Cody in the memo line.
Send any support to Fellowship of Christian Athletes | 578 Geiger Dr. Suite A1, Roanoke, IN 46783.

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