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Research Notes/Note-Taking Sheet for UOI #4 Summative


Name: _______________________

Date: ____________________

Design a 3D model, etc. and communicate your understanding of the central idea and the key concepts through writing.
Use a variety of sources to gather your research notes and use Easy Bib to cite all the sources you use.

Key Concepts: Connection, Causation, and Responsibility

(Research Question: (What is it like to animal if we start Deforestation everywhere. The

They have no more homes

They have to stay stuck together
They got to bear the pain that we dont understand
Extinction of Plant and Animal Species
The loss of home and maybe lives to
Killing animals

(Research Question: (What are some effective ways that we can protect the nature and biodiversity?)
To protect it need a network
Design nature reservation
Help out
Start going against the government
Start to be concerned about the ecosystem and biodiversity
Raise money and start planting

(Research Question(s): ____________________________________________________________)

(Research Question: (Should we start making our environment more green than brown?)

By starting you own activities
Join an activity organized by the NGOS
Start planting and gardening in your own school
Help out the Organization

(Research Question: Why is the government supporting the Hong Kong citizen by deforesting?

He is busy making china happy but not HK

He is not helping out
Never approve to student action cause they are young
Always approach to China as given to land

(Research Question(s): ____________________________________________________________)

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