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Visual Examination

Interfacial Tension
Neutralization Number
Dielectric Breakdown
Water Content
Power Factor, 25oC
Power Factor, 100oC
Inhibitor Content

Increasing of color number (or darkening) indicates oil deterioration
Cloudy or hazy oil might indicate excessive moisture or presence of suspended oil
decay products. Precipitated or suspended carbon indicates severe arcing. Foreign
particles may be due to contaminants or inadequate sample flushing. Free water might
indicate a leak.
An increasing turbidity suggests the presence of foreign matter, excessive water, or
insoluble oil decay products suspended in the oil.
A lowering IFT suggests oil deterioration due to oxidation.
An increasing NN suggests oil deterioration due to oxidation. High NN leads to sludge
A lowering DBV is caused by water and particles. D877 is popular but D1816 is more
suitable for in-service oils and processed oils.
Increasing moisture may be due to moisture ingress from leaks, water migration from
paper to oil in units undergoing oil purification. Oil deterioration also produces water
as a by product.
An increasing power factor indicates moisture and ionic species in the oil formed as a
result of oil degradation.
An increasing power factor @100oC is mainly due to ionic species in the oil formed as
a result of oil degradation.
Inhibitor content decreases over time as this is used up to protect the oil against
oxidation. Oil reclamation and severe processing of oil tend to remove inhibitor from
the oil.

Mitigation Technique
Reclamation or oil change.
Filter to remove solid contaminants. Vacuum
degasifier removes moisture. Reclamation
removes oil decay products. Remove free
water before processing the oil.
Reclamation or oil change. Coil cleaning is
necessary in the case of sludge build-up.
Vacuum degasifier would take out moisture
and particles in oil. If solid insulation is wet,
it should be dried for long term benefit.
Vacuum degasifier would take out moisture
and particles in oil. Reclamation will take
out the oil degradation products.
Reclamation will take out the oil degradation
Add inhibitor only if oil condition is still
good. If oil is badly deteriorated, it should be
reclaimed first before adding fresh inhibitor

Reclamation: Treatment with an adsorbent such as Fullers Earth to take out oil degradation by-products and improve its color. This is always followed by
filtration and lastly, vacuum dehydration using a degasifier to improve the oils moisture and dielectric values. Inhibitor is added during the degasification step.
Vacuum degasifier treatment: Usually involves filters, heater and high vacuum. Processing temperature must not go above 60oC as it might vaporize the light
fractions of the oil and permanently alter its characteristics.

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