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Tatyana Cobbin

The Butter Battle Book
The Butter Battle Book is about a land where two hostile cultures, the Yooks
and the Zooks, lived on opposite sides of a long curving wall. The Yooks wear
wore blue clothes; the Zooks wear wore orange. Yooks eat their bread with the
butter-side up, while the Zooks eat their bread with the butter-side down and this
was their main problem. This dispute resulted in an arms race. A Zook named Van
Itch slingshoted the Yook patrolman's "Tough-Tufted Prickly Snick-Berry Switch"
and after the Yooks then developed a machine with three slingshots interlinked,
called a "Triple-Sling Jigger" and this was the beginning of the race. They both
kept retaliating after back and forth, over and over. At e end no compromise is
made and they are still in war mode. The book has similarities like with and
mirror events that happened in the Cold War. The Cold War was a state of political
and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc and
powers in the Eastern Bloc. The two superpowers never engaged directly in armed
combat but they each armed heavily in preparation for a nuclear world war. The
Yooks and the Zooks both kept making huge weapons to kind of say You cant
beat this. They were ready for a possible nuclear war just as the two superpowers
in the Cold War. The Yooks and Zooks never engaged directly in armed combat
either. In the Cold War there was were a wall built to separate the powers in the
Western Bloc and the powers in the Eastern Bloc. This was called the Berlin Wall.
In the Butter Battle Book, there was a wall built a curving wall to separate the
Yooks and the Zooks. This book was written during the Cold War era and this
book reflects the peoples fears at this time. They all knew that there was a
possibility that all life on Earth could be destroyed in a nuclear war.

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