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Untold Story of Neil Perry's Death

The day was dark and the snow was falling so gently. All you could hear is sobbing and
the mothers trembling yellings. One by one Charlie, Knox, Steven, Gerrard, And Todd stood
before there best friend to say there last goodbye. Todd put the dead poet society book in his
hands. In that moment he fell apart and yelled to the heavens. All he could yell out is Why?
The rest of the boys got to there knees and hugged him so tight. They all knew that, that day
was the last day they would ever speak or say anything about the dead poet society. They
slowly separated and walked broken to their parents.
The snow grew much faster, Everyone's body felt as numb as there feelings inside.
Everything and everyone grew silent for a moment. As if they were all waiting for something.
Slowly and nervously John Keating started walking to Neil. Everyone stared and shook there
head. The quiet didn't last long , As soon as john reached Neil to give him something, Mr. Perry
yelled Get away from my son. You caused all this, because of you my wife and also my life is
broken forever. Mr. Keating sadness grew, he explained that he never wanted this to happen.
How he only wanted his kids to be happy, but before he could finish Mr.Perry said with an ugly
tone Happy? you wanted my child to be foolish not happ That is a lie Mr.Perry and you know
it. Neil was never happy. You chose hes life for him! You never listened nor did you care. You try
to blame whoever , but deep down you know all of this is your fault. Neil loved acting, look
around everyone he acted with is here. He was so good, he left everyone speechless. You took
that away from him...just...just like you took away his life.
For few minutes which felt like hours to todd it was quite. You could only hear the cries of
the mother and you could even feel the pain she felt. She repeated the same thing over and
over again Ill always love him. I Should have stepped in Everyone in the funeral knew that Mr.
and Ms. Perry would never be the same again. They knew The lost of their only son would eat
them day by day. Worst of all todd looked into Mr.Perrys eyes and just with that Todd realized
that Mr.Perry will forever blame Neil suicide on himself. Mr. Perry would never lose his pride to
saying it, But the pain and guilt in his eyes gave it all away.
Slowly everyone started leaving , no one said goodbye like in normal funerals. They left
quietly and slowly. Time passed and the only two standing there was Mr.Perry and Mr. Keating
They didn't say not one word to each other , just cried and both feared that they where the
cause of Neils death.

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