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Both sides of my family have had very some very interesting experiences. Some were
good experiences, others were bad. But every good and bad experience, for better or worse, has
brought us together. Both sides of my familys ancestors traveled across the sea from Europe to
America, both families with the same idea in mind, to find a new home and a new life, and to
create a legacy. The legacy they built has carried on for a long time, every generation
experiencing history that is long past now, witnessing other generations take the reins of the
future. Many of my ancestors have participated in history, their small contribution helping forge
the American dream. Whether it be the Harveys, whos family sailed from England to America,
soon finding their way to Utah following the teachings of Joshua Graham, and becoming some of
the first families to settle in Utah. Oh my mothers side, the Rights, whose family sailed from
Ireland to settle in New York, soon, finding their way to Northern California in search of gold
and a new place to call home. Each of these stories has helped build the legacy that is both our
families, and that continues to move on into the future to this day.

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