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Critical analyzing of Indias past and present

It is a matter of fact that, India is an envious country from prehistoric period in the world.
Cultural, linguistic and religious diversity differ the country from others even now. It has
history of pompous culture and civilization when world slept in deep slumber, it has legacy
of industrialization when world lived depend upon tribal economy. So that it was matter of
wonder ever since history jotted down in the world.
India has kept relationship with foreign countries since ancient period through trade. Arabs and
Europeans had always kept alive relations with India. When unprecedented colonization started in
the world for wealth accumulation, then so many countries were subjected to oppression. Then
most fabulous India also became under the colonial invasion.
So many were mastered India. However, British were became masters of soil in the last game.
Owing to several factors led to easy domination of India British came to India in the year 1600.
But they became masters of soil after of battle of Plassey in 1757 in India. Then India has highly
sophisticated two powers, Mughals and Marathas. Eventually, their weakness to preserve India
as alive led to smooth running of colonials in India. Mere political bickering and trivial
chauvinism led utter failure of a highly prospered country into puppet in the hands of outsiders.
When colonials handed over the power of soil into Indians, so many were predicted that India
will dismantle in to pieces within years. Winston Churchill called the idea of transformation as
not only fantastic in itself but criminally mischievous in its effects. However, India overcame
all hiccups very courageously and became fully fledged democracy in the world after the
immediate birth.
Meanwhile, something was maligned Indias name and fame every now and then. That was real
causes of Indias developing barriers as well as yawning gap among all minds of people. When

colonials were ruled they used divide and rule tactics because they knew how these people can
rule? The political structure of India has so many features. That influenced in particular factors.
Let us discuss each one of them.
Caste system, is the main problem in India, it has a history of exploitation from later Vedic
period through several span of history. Caste is a Portuguese word that conflates two Indian
words: jati, the endogamous group one is born into, and varna, the place that group occupies in
the system of social stratification mandated by Hindu scripture. In the Indian context cast have
upper privilege in all things, because people were stratified in the name of caste system. No one
can eradicate caste system completely even now. Majority were even caste vote on account of
caste credentials. In other words, only dynasty is criteria rather honesty in the election in India.
Language is a barrier in India, because after the independence there have so many protests and
agitations in the name of language. When a country fails to unite under the multi faceted
language without thinking it is only a tool to transaction where the country has no power to say
as linguistic diversity. However, things were worsened when political parties took the patronage
of language for the weight of ballot box. The rational dealings with language can solve more
problems in India.
Religion, India is a cradle and citadel of all the religions in the world. However the country
suffered disastrous blow in the name of religion during the time of independence. Secularism is
Indias core agenda, so preserving the secularism alive is the only solution to keep Indias
stability. The country experiencing communal riots and religious bickering, so keeping the
religious environment will help harmony in the communal edifice in India.
Class, is nothing but social disparities, in Marxian words haves and have-nots. India the country
has highly edited constitution, where fundamental rights and directive principles maintains
egalitarian concepts. But the disparities among the society will boost external and internal
conflicts. The everlasting problem of India is Maoism and naxalism, but the real cause of these
endemic diseases is social disparities. So bridge the gap between haves and have-nots may boost
Indias stability more and more.

Gender inequality is other menace in India. Despite right to women to caste vote and education
in India they were suffering terrible experiences in all walks of life. Poverty and malnutrition are
high among women in India. In spite of so many constitutional right and power, how they can
uplift without change of patriarchal concept of society. Even in urban area women have no
security, rural women were living as they lived in later Vedic period unabated. When things
exists without any dignity to women, can we call the democracy is an answer to all anomalies in
These are acute problem facing in India. Without change stereotype concept of these social evils
India may face cultural poverty and will remain as they lived under the colonial power. Where
politicians have to play big brother role to eradicate all anomalies and maintain real soul of India
alive. Politics is note vote oriented game. When they fails to preserve Indias dignity people of
India will call India is country of lack of unity in diversity instead unity in diversity.
India has a long history of scientific discoveries, it gave birth to well known Aryabatta,
Nagarjuna, Brahmagupta, Kanadhan and other famous scholars and pundits. But now the people
only relied on glorifying old legacy of revolution without awakening. Indias GDP now
determines on the capital of FDI, why? The well flourished agriculture now on the verge of
death. Thus it is pertinent to say that, when self sufficient country depends upon others they are
digging their grave.
In spite of many shortcomings the democracy is the only solution to political unrest in the world.
In other words, it justified when India takes debris from the hand of British it gave a big answer
to the world. But now India face corruption, poverty, malnutrition and other so called bad things
due to political weakness. When politicians realize politics as horoscope of Indias development
things would be peaceful. Thus people were rulers, so to do things rationally without prejudice
only in the hands of people. Government should be regulated exemplary punishments against
malpractices of politicians. Because, it is not matter of present, when historical mutiny broke out
in 1857, Indians were helped British to get domination on Indians. Besides the history all failure
of India realized corruption as menace to all development. In spite of bulk of schemes and
projects, social evils remain unabated. Thus lack of proper implementation is main problem. So
government should initiate programs on implementation rather further projects.

The well known Thomas Moore once said we are living in dreams rather than our
achievement. Yes, it is right in the context of India, a country relied only on past achievements.
Development and poor people where in different sphere. Mahatma Gandhi says India lives in
villages. So development means uplift of downtrodden, secularly, culturally, religiously and all
varieties of diversity exist in India. India is the name of culmination of differences, when some
occurred in the differences where the name of India will change.

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