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9 Honors Practice: Coordinating Conjunctions and Conjunctive Adverbs

Directions: Recognizing Relationships: in the margin of your paper, identify the relationship of the two sentences as
Then write the two sentences as a single compound sentence (once combining using a coordinating conjunction and once
using a conjunctive adverb). Select the coordinator to join them, change the period to the necessary punctuation, and
eliminate the capital letter.
EXAMPLE: Mrs. Babcock loves shellfish. She found out she can no longer eat it anymore because she is allergic.
Relationship: CONTRAST
CC: Mrs. Babcock loves shellfish, yet she found out she can no longer eat it anymore because she is allergic.
CA: Mrs. Babcock loves shellfish; however, she found out she can no longer eat it anymore because she is allergic.
Guided Practice:
_________________1. Four full credits of English are required. Communication skills are vital to success in life.


_________________2.The teachers and administrators designed the courses. The school board approves them.


_______contrast__________3. The honors courses are very difficult, Enrollment is high.

COORD. CONJ: , yet

CONJ. ADV: ;however,

_______reason__________4. Some students do not discuss courses with parents. They do not read the guidelines.

CONJ. ADV: next

Independent Practice:
_______contrast__________1. In the middle of July, the heat reached record temperatures. Many joggers ran during the
hottest part of the day.

CONJ. ADV: ,however;

________result_________2. Older people are more prone to heat strokes. They should be especially careful during these
hot days.

CONJ. ADV: ,as a result;

_________addition________3. In such humidity, fans do not really cool you off. Cold showers do not help much.
COORD. CONJ: In such humidity, fans do not really cool you off, nor do cold showers do not help much.

CONJ. ADV: ,likewise;

______reason___________4. Children are less affected by the heat. They are more accustomed to physical exercise.
COORD. CONJ: Children are less affected by the heat, for they are more accustomed to physical exercise

________result_________5. Dehydration is a serious consequence of physical exertion. People out in the heat should
drink plenty of water.
COORD. CONJ: Dehydration is a serious consequence of physical exertion, so people out in the heat should drink plenty
of water.
CONJ. ADV: ,thus;
_________addition________6. After work, I like to fix a nice glass of iced tea. I like to stretch out on the cool sheets.
COORD. CONJ: After work, I like to fix a nice glass of iced tea, and I like to stretch out on the cool sheets.

CONJ. ADV: ,then;

_______contrast__________7. Some people keep their blinds down during the day. Others want the sunshine and cool
morning breezes to blow in.

CONJ. ADV: ;however,

______reason___________8. Plants must receive water more often. They will wilt in a matter of days.

CONJ. ADV: ;therefore,

________addition_________9. The football team cannot postpone their practice sessions. They cannot curtail exercise.
COORD. CONJ: The football team cannot postpone their practice sessions, nor can they curtail exercise.

CONJ. ADV: The football team cannot postpone their practice sessions;likewise, they cannot curtail exercise.
________result_________10. Many teenagers work at pools or beaches. They become accustomed to a steady diet of
heat and sun.
COORD. CONJ: Many teenagers work at pools or beaches ,so they become accustomed to a steady diet of heat and sun.

CONJ. ADV: Many teenagers work at pools or beaches ;therefore, they become accustomed to a steady diet of heat and

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