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littleBits - How it Works

littleBits Activities

Get into pairs or groups of 3.

Each group receives a basket containing various craft
materials. All groups will share the littleBits kit.
Be very delicate with the modules and return them
exactly as they are.
Complete the following challenges (in no particular
LIGHT IT UP - Create an LED light that can be
faded in and out. Now can you make it flicker?
How could you change the colour of the light?

HYPNOTISE ME Draw a hypno circle on a piece of

paper and cut it out. How can you attach it to the
littleBits modules to make it spin?

OH HELLO! Trace a hand on paper and cut it

out. How can you attach it to the modules to
make it wave back and forth?

PICK ME UP How can you use a servo to pick things

up? Use the paddle pop sticks, rubber bands and paper
clips to create a crane that can hook onto materials and
pick them up.

5. Go

to the littleBits forum on Moodle (under Genius

Workshops) and contribute to the discussions What is

the difference between a blue, pink, green and orange

module? What else would you make if you had more
time? Pack up your kit NEATLY.

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