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Lesson 3

Selecting Control
Shape Control
Fill Style
Fill Color

1. Explore the understanding on shape control.
2. Simulate the importance of shape in program design and development.
The Shape control provides you with basic shape objects such as
Rectangles, Squares, Ovals, and Circles. The following Form shows each of
these shapes:

Shape control can be drag to the Form,

a default rectangle shape is displayed.
To change the shape, simply change the

Shape property to: 0: Rectangle,

1: Square, 2: Oval, 3: Circle, 4: Rounded
Rectangle and 5: Rounded Square.

Fill Shapes with a color by setting the

FillStyle property to 0: Solid and setting
a color to the FillColor property. You may
also fill the Shapes with one of the
pre-defined patterns: 2: Horizontal,
3: Vertical Line, 4: Upward Diagonal,
5: Downward Diagonal, 6: Cross, and
7: Diagonal Cross.

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