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6. Save your work as Activity1.

Do this by clicking the File menu,

then Save Project.
5. Run your application by clicking the start button.
Place a Label control on the form.
Customize the Label.
Name - lblwelcome
Caption - Welcome to Visual Basic
Font - Arial, Regular
Size - 24
Alignment - Center
BackColor Dark Blue
ForeColor White
Width - 4000
Height - 1250
Top - 750

2. Customize the Form.

a) Name - frmMessage
b) Caption - My Simple VB
c)MinButton - False
d)MaxButton - False
e)StartUpPosition - Center Screen
f) Height - 3600
g) Width - 6000
h)BackColor - White


Left 900

then New Project.

button. If you want create another project, just click the File menu,
1. Create a new project. Select Standard Exe, and click the Open


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