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Good company in a journey makes the way seem

shorter. - Brigitte Roche

The hospital was dark and silent. The sound of beeping machines
and phones carried throughout the long colourless hallways. The
rooms smelt of despair, death and sorrow. It had been 2 days now
that Lauren had been in the hospital, with her husband Greg never
leaving her side. The injuries she endured were life threatening, and
there was no guarantee she would ever awaken. The doctors
warned Greg that the head injuries she endured from the crash
might affect her memory and possibly the ability to ever walk again.
Lauren, please if you hear me please wake up. Greg whispered
over and over again. The other visitors and nurses in the hospital
must have thought he was crazy, he never stopped talking to her
and he never gave up hope.
Lauren please, you can do this he whispered again
Lauren can you hear me he said with despair, tears streaming
down his face. As he collapsed into his hands he heard a voice
Hello He looked up and saw Lauren awake struggling to keep his
emotions together he leaped onto her tears of joy and fear
streaming from his face.
Lauren I love you, you are so brave, you did it Greg screamed.
Sorry who are you? Lauren replied hastily.
Lauren, its me Greg your husband Greg replied nervously.
Im sorry Greg, I just dont know who you are
As the nurses finished the final check-ups after several days of
recovery Lauren was finally free from what felt like a jail. As she
walked out the hospital she realised where was she going to go?
Who was going to help her on her road to recovery? She found a
phone in her pocket, which she dialled the only person she had
known since she woke up, Greg. Greg rushed to pick Lauren up as
he asked question after question as to what was happening next
and her recovery.
Greg I was just wondering what my life like? Lauren asked
Instead of me telling you why dont I just show you Greg replied
The two drove for a long time towards their house together sharing
laughs, stories and having a great time together. The long car trip
seemed so short, with all the laughter and fun. As they arrived at
their hometown of Riverdale Greg slowed down at significant sites
hoping that they would trigger Laurens memory. They stopped at
the local school where Lauren attended as a child yet nothing.
They visited the local caf where each morning the two ordered
coffee together still nothing. They continued driving throughout
the town, stopping at various sites but still no memory. They
continued the journey home, with still no response from Lauren. Yet

on that one journey alone they learnt so much about each other and
their relationship and love they share for each other.
Several days passed, as Laurens health and recovery moved
forward so did her and Gregs relationship. Suddenly the trees
seemed greener, the Sun shined brighter, everything was looking
up. With all the physiotherapy and doctors appointments the two
truly bonded and realised that they were meant to be together, no
matter if Lauren couldnt remember him.
Although after several long and tiring weeks Laurens health was
progressively deteriorating and her emotional and mental strength
was weakening. She had endured debilitating spinal injuries, which
left her attending endless physiotherapy appointments, with daily
life a struggle Lauren was losing hope of ever fully recovering. While
Lauren was struggling mentally and physically Greg was always
there for her no matter what. He was the one getting her through
the endless appointments and pain. He made the journey of
recovery seem way shorter, he gave her hope and helped her to
overcome her injuries.
At a regular routine physiotherapy session Lauren was attempting to
run for the first time in months. As she stood ready to begin the run
the voice of her loving husband flooded her mind and heart
You can do this Lauren! He yelled. She paused for a moment.
These were the exact words he used to wake her up from her coma.
The words he had used when they went bungy jumping together in
New Zealand. The words he screamed as they parachuted out of a
plane in America. The words he shared to her at her mothers
funeral. The words rung around in her head. Suddenly she
remembered. She remembered everything, all the experiences, all
the stories, all the memories they shared together. Those five words
gave her strength then and they are going to give her strength now.
She stood at the start line, and ran. She just ran. Like nothing had
ever happened, like her life had never changed at all, she was
running like she always had. She was running towards her future.
Lauren had unlocked a part of herself she had never seen before,
she was determined and hopeful. She was ready, ready to live her
life. The journey to recovery and a normal life was just starting, but
with Greg by her side the journey seemed a lot shorter.

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