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To: Michael Griffin

From: Lacey ONeill
Date: February 20th
Re: Samuel de Champlain Portrait
Hello, Michael Griffin. My name is Lacey ONeill and I am contacting you regarding
the portrait of Samuel de Champlain that I have commissioned from you. I have
prepared some adjectives and physical traits to help guide you during your
endeavor. Please consider the following.
RESPECTABLE: Samuel de Champlain was a soldier. Before that, he worked
for other captains who traveled the oceans. He has been through tough
Canadian winters and survived harsh snow storms. I feel that all his
experience, along with his ability to survive these conditions, would have
made him a very respectable man. Someone respected enough to start a city
and travel the coastline of North America. For the men who worked with him
to risk their lives trekking the new world, they would have considered him a
great man. It can be dangerous exploring new lands and takes a lot of
courage. I think the trait best suited to this aspect of Champlain should be
conveyed through his eyebrows and cheekbones. Bring his eyebrows down a
bit to make him stern and serious. By giving him strong cheekbones, it gives
off a very sophisticated and respectable essence. Villains and celebrities all
have accentuated cheekbones and it makes them look worldlier and more
respected. Champlain was a strong, respectable man, and he should look it.
ADVENTUROUS: It is said that ever since Champlain was a young boy, he
wanted to explore. In his early life he worked on ships traveling the coast of
North and South America. He visited many places such as West Indies, Puerto
Rico, Mexico, Columbia, the Bermudas and the Bahamas. On his voyages he
mapped the coast and after he had made numerous predictions and acts of
good judgment, was appointed his own ship then started a journey of his
own. This adventurous side of Champlain should be portrayed through his
hair. Hair is something we use to express ourselves in various ways and can
be used to portray our personality. I believe Champlains hair should be
slightly more crazy than normal. Show that he has been adventurous with
how he keeps his hair. I think Champlain is the type of man who wouldnt be
afraid to have long uncoiffed hair.

OBSERVANT: When Champlain returned to France after his many long

voyages to Canada, he drew many maps and illustrations of his voyage.
Though, he was drawing maps long before his return to France. He had
mapped out most of the east coast as well as a huge chunk of the Huron
nation. Samuel de Champlain must have been very observant to have done
this. Even just to make allies with the Huron, you would need a certain
amount of observation skills. You would have to be able to spot social aspects
of the Huron nation that you wouldnt be able to pick up through speech since
both sides didnt speak the same language. As for how we will portray this, I
think its obvious. This aspect is very in tune with vision and should be
portrayed through his eyes. Champlain should have eyes that look beyond
and through. Eyes with a certain piercing quality. He should have the bright
blue eyes of a man who has mapped great amounts of lands, rivers, and
OPTIMISTIC: During Champlains stay in Canada, he witnessed many harsh
winters. Champlain created games to raise the moral of his men. There are
paintings of Champlain dancing with his crew in a small cozy room as the
Canadian winter rages on outside. A brutal winter, along with many of his
men dying of scurvy, Champlain still tried to raise the moral of his men. Not
only did Champlain drink and dance with his own crew, but he is also known
for sharing nights with the Huron. Sitting around a fire the night before they
attack the Iroquois. Champlain was still able to sing and dance with them,
knowing that he would be risking his life the next day. I feel that it is during
these instances, proves he is optimistic. I think that all Champlain needs to
look optimistic would be a smile. Nothing big and goofy, just a subtle smile
that shows that he could smile through anything.
WORLDLY: Champlain has been a soldier, a captain and is the founder of
Quebec. He explored and mapped a large portion of the east coast and allied
with the Huron nation. It takes a certain amount of experience and leadership
to accomplish such things. Champlain would also require a huge amount of
conviction and determination. It takes a great man to do so many great
things and thats why I think Champlain deserves to be called worldly. The
only thing needed to portray this trait would be a luscious, beautifully kept,
moustache. For a man to have a well-kept moustache, it says that Champlain
has the time to groom his moustache and keep it tamed. When someone is
out exploring the new world like Champlain was, it would be hard to keep up
such a luxurious mustache. I believe, In Champlains case, it would make him
look in control of things and together. It doesnt have to be anything overkill,
but just something sophisticated to show that Samuel de Champlain did great
things and had the moustache to prove it.
Thank you for your time, Michael Griffin. I hope you agree with what Im saying and
take what Ive said into consideration while creating the portrait.
Lacey ONeill

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