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Intermediate Progress Test Units 1–2A

Listening Vocabulary and Grammar

1 Track 1 Listen to a woman telling a story and 3 Cross out the incorrect
incorrect word / phrase, or the
underline the correct answers. odd word out, in each group.
1 The
The woma
woman n . 1 say hello
hello  do a prie  tell
tell a lie  go cray
a) has never been embarrassed
embarrassed 2 on my own  by chance  on a hurry hurry  by mistake
 b) likes talking about herself 
herself  3 in the winter
winter  at night  on -riday night  on 4ay
c) prefers other people’s stories # biopic
biopic  mentor  docudram
docudramaa  disaster 
% go in holiday  take sugar  tell 5okes  get e!cited
2 Her
Her brothe
brotherr . ' niece
niece  nephew  godmoth
godmother er  cousin
a) doesn’t like talking about himself  5

 b) tells funny stories

 Complete the sentences. !se the correct "orm
c) hates people laughing at him
o" the word in capitals.
1  Avatar  was
 was the most  successful  film of the year
3 Her brother
brother told her a story
story about .
in 20. 677&
a) his holiday in pain
2 e’re 8uite a small family*
family* so we have very few
 b) his e!"wife
. 9&:;T&
c) an embarrassing
embarrassing e!perience
3 The Sixth Sense  is one the best
thrillers (’ve ever seen. <=7H>:>?=
# The story happened
happened .
# <aul can’t
can’t stand being an any more*
a) on a beach in Turkey
so he’s starting his own business. &4<:>=
 b) about two or thee years
years ago
% Her grandparents
grandparents had
had eight children
children and twenty
c) when $ob was in a boat
grandchildren so she has a very large
family. &@T&AB
% $ob communica
communicatedted with the man .
6 My favourite
favourite comedy
comedy is The Holiday
a) using only sign language
with Kate Winslet and Cameron Dia!
 b) using incorrect
incorrect Turkish
c) with gestures and incorrect &nglish

' $ob was embarras

sed because
because . # Complete
Complete the inter$iew
inter$iew tips with the words
words in
a) the man spoke in &nglish the bo%.
 b) he had behaved badly
c) the man laughed at him  prepared briefly references on research
show full smartly clearly making firmly

Pronunciation 1 $efore you go to the interview

interview** it’s important
important to be
 &re&ared .
2 Track 2 Listen and complete the sentences. 2 Bo some and don’t
don’t forget
forget to send
1 ( ’ve met him before somewhere. with your 7C.
2 He at home when ( called.
called. 3 =ou should dress 8uite and make sure
3 They living in the same house at the you arrive time.
time. # 4ake a good first impression by shaking hands
# hen
hen ( got there*
there* they already
already left.
left. and eye contact.
% He +++++written
+++++written over
over twenty
twenty best"sellers.
best"sellers. % (t’s
(t’s a good idea to enthusiasm when you
' e weren’t
weren’t having lunch* we in the answer 8uestions.
garden. ' Bon’t
Bon’t answer
answer 8uestions
8uestions . peak 
, he met him when she was working
working in and try to give answers.
-rance. 10
 you told him yet/
0 He realised
realised he brought
brought his keys.
1 he speaking to him last week.
11 ( been there for ages.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Intermediate Progress Test Units 1–2A

& !nderline the correct alternati$e. +eading

1 He hasn’t heard the news already ' yet!
2  Does this (elon) ' *s this (elon)in)  to anybody in  -atch gaps 1& in the te%t with a)") below.
the class/ ( found ' find  it on the floor.
3  Did they visit ' Have they visited  :ondon in 2,/ l$is is ali$e*
( thought they’d already ' already had moved to
There is a persistent belief in the 6; that music
;ustralia by then.
legend &lvis <resley 1 a after all. 4any
# ho does eat ' eats  dinner before 1p.m./ (n
conspiracy theorists say that he Dfaked’ his death.
pain* we never do ' does!
$ut why would he do that/
% 4y grandmother’s yet ' +ust  learnt to ski. $efore
that* she learnt ' ’s learnt  to skateboard. The answer* they say* is because 2 . ;ccording
' ( met ' ’ve met  her in the shopping mall when ( to them* &lvis was going to give evidence in court
did ' was doin)  some shopping. against a 4afia group* who wanted to kill him. They
10  believe that the -$( put another body in &lvis’s
grave and then 3 . They also claim that after
' Choose the correct answers to complete the
this* he worked in :as Cegas for years performing as
te%t( a), b), c) or d).
an &lvis impersonator. $ecause there were so many
&lvis lookalikes* nobody could ever know who the
Last call* Dreal’ one was.
d  you ever missed a plane/ ( nearly did last
summer. ( 2 from :ondon to ydney and had hatever the truth of these claims* over the last
to change planes in :os ;ngeles. The plane three decades there have been reports from 4
there at '.3 in the morning and my flight to they have seen &lvis in one place or another . ;t the
ydney was at 0.3. #  been to :; airport same time* two 6 tabloid newspapers published
 before so ( walked around ( was waiting. articles about &lvis’s continuing Dlife’ for a long
Then ( had some breakfast in a coffee shop* read my time after his death. They provided all kinds of fake
 book and ' emails on my i<hone. detail* 5 in a motorbike accident to his Dreal
$y .1%* ( rather bored* so ( decided to find death’ in the 100s.
out which gate my ydney flight was leaving

. ( saw a screen on the wall and went to look There was even a museum called the D&lvis is ;live
at it. 0
my flight on the screen and saw D:ast 4useum’ in 4issouri. (t collected papers that
call’ written ne!t to it. ( couldn’t believe itE Then ( * including government documents. The
looked at my watch and 1 that when (’d museum is now closed G but is &lvis alive/
changed it from $ritish time to :; time (’d made a
mistake F it wasn’t .1%* it was 0.1%. o ( ran to the
a) did not die in ;ugust 10,,
gate as fast as ( could and was the last person to
11  b) from reports that he broke a leg
the plane. How embarrassingE
c) helped him to Ddisappear’
d) Dproved’ the conspiracy theory
1 a) Bid b) ;re c) as d) Have e) his life was in danger 
2 a) flown b) was flying c) ’m flying d) fly f) thousands of people who say
3 a) arrives b) lands c) ’s landed d) landed 10
# a) (’d never b) (’ve ever c) ( never d) (’m
% a) during b) until c) while d) by the time 0 +ead the article again. re the sentences true
' a) checked b) listened c) written d) saw ) or "alse 4)5
, a) seemed b) was feeling c) am d) Dd been 1 7onspiracy theorists claim &lvis
 a) to b) at c) from d) in  pretended that he’d died. T 
0 a) (’ve found b) ( was looking c) (’d found 2 They say the 4afia wanted to kill &lvis
d) ( found  because he’d worked for them.
1 a) was realising b) remembered c) realised 3 They think the -$( helped &lvis to start
d) had realised a new life in :as Cegas.
11 a) get b) get on c) take d) go on # (t was easy to identify the real &lvis in
10 :as Cegas.
% Thousands of people believe they’ve
seen &lvis alive over the last 3 years.
' =ou can still visit the museum.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Intermediate Progress Test Units 1–2A

18 Cross out the response which is not possible.
12 !nderline the correct alternati$e.
1 o then ( fell off my bikeE
a >h no. b That’s right. c >h dear. 1 ( was in the bath until ' when the phone rang.
2 7ould ( ask you something/ 2 There was a huge storm while ' durin)  the night.
a ( see. b >f course. c ?o ahead. 3 he called me as soon as ' (y the time  she got my
3 (t starts at ,.3* right/ message.
a That’s right. b =es. c Ao problem. # They visited all the famous sights durin) ' while
# Thanks for helping me out. they were in Aew =ork.
a =ou’re welcome. b >f course. c Ao problem. %  ,y the time ' While the police arrived at the house*
% ;nd you’ll have a weekend off once a month. the thieves had disappeared.
a ?o ahead. b ( see. c ( understand. ' He didn’t leave as soon as ' until  the children
' 7an ( use your phone* please/ were all in bed.
a >f course. b =es* ( know. c ?o ahead.
5 13 9rite a news report about one o" the
headlines below. !se the prompts to help i"
11 -atch gaps 111 in the con$ersation with
a)") below. necessary. 9rite 188128 words.
; Bid ( tell you what 1 a to me when ( was
working in the bank last >ctober/ 1  people homeless after floods
$ Ao* 2 happened/
; ell* (’d 5ust finished serving a customer and 2 ;irline employees strike demonstration
was putting things in my drawer. ;nd the 3
knew* there were two people standing in front of 3 -ilm star shot outside :ondon home
my desk F wearing masksE
$ # /(% itE hat ' do/ 1 :ntroduction  what happened
; AothingE ( was too scared. ( thought they were
going to shoot me.
$ >h , . hat  /
; ell* ( 5ust looked at them. ( was waiting for
them to say DHands upE’ or something. Then
sudden* ( remembered it was Halloween. 2 ;ac7ground details
That’s why they were wearing masks. They were
going to a partyE
$ >h* no. That’s 1 E
; =es. end* we all laughed about it.

a) happened 3 <uotes) o" people=s opinions

 b) did you
c) (n the
d) all of a
e) really funny
f) what
g) no  Conclusion  the current situation
h) ne!t thing (
i) happened ne!t
 5) don’t believe
k) 9eally

Total: 100

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

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