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Let's prepare for an interview

Prepare una entrevista, la actividad consiste en realizar un conjunto de preguntas y respuestas
acerca de las rutinas diarias. Visite los siguientes enlaces antes de realizar la actividad
Presente simple:

Utilice este espacio para realizar la actividad

What time do you get up?
What do you usually have for breakfast?
You tend to brush your teeth before breakfast?
You usually have for breakfast against time?
What time you leave the house to go to work?
Eat breakfast before going to work?
Where do you live?
How much coffee do you drink?
Active breaks usually do at work?
What time to what time?
What time is usually lunch?
What time to what time?
Usually lunch quickly?
What time returns to work?
What time you come home?
What time dinner?
What time do you go to bed?

I get up every day at
6:00 AM.
Fried potatoes with ham
and cheese.
Yes, I usually do.
Not, usually not.
Every day at 8:00 AM.
In Cartagena.
From 9:30 a.m. to 10:00
At noon
From 12:30 p.m. to 2:00
At 5:00PM
At 6:30PM
At 7:00PM
At 9:45PM

Let's get to know each other

1. Ingresar a los siguientes enlaces:
Presente simple y 3ra persona:
Preguntas afirmativas y negativas:
2. Realizar una presentacin en la que consolide la tarea anterior y utilice las respuestas
dadas anteriormente, agregando informacin que no se encuentre expresada en la tarea 1.
I wake up at 6am every morning, i usually take the bus all day at 7 am to get to work
at 8:00 AM without mishap, organize my work area before starting activities,
sometimes I do active pauses at 9:30 am to 10:30 am , that time is free for me, but I
have too much work as I do not do, soil lunch at 12:30 PM until 2:00 PM sometimes I
do it quickly by the pressure that demands my job, after my work activities, return to
home at 5:00 pm and get home at 6:30 PM I take my dinner and sometimes I get to
play with my pet, after that go to bed to keep my daily routine again.

Participe en el Foro: Semana 2: My classmate's daily routine

Esta actividad consiste en participar en el foro de la semana 2, para esto deber:
3. Ingresar a los siguientes enlaces:
Un da tpico:
Presente simple y 3ra persona:
4. Participar en el foro:
De clic en el botn de Foros (Forum) ubicado en el men principal del curso.
Participe en el foro destinado para la 2 semana del curso. My Classmates daily

Talk about your familys daily routines.

En esta tarea debern redactar un prrafo, de mnimo 5 lneas mximo 10, en el que realice su
presentacin y nos cuente acerca de las rutinas diarias de su familia o alguno de los miembros de
My mom often go to work.
she goes to work at 8:45 each morning.
Always check your emails when I was put to work, but not always respond to them
You can take a taxi if you have a lunch meeting. Never take the bus because it is too
When you're at your desk usually he works in the computer, even during morning tea.
most of the time lunch at 1:00 for work.
When she is in the office you probably have a stack of papers. my mom is important
for order and cleanliness, so she is always organizing your files, she finishes work at 6

back home.

Things to do in my hometown
En esta tarea debern redactar un prrafo, de mnimo 5 lneas mximo 10, en el que describan
las actividades que pueden realizar en su ciudad de residencia, revisen los enlaces a
continuacin antes de realizar la actividad.
Leisure activities:
In Cartagena you can enjoy several places to visit, of great historical content, to have
fun, relax, experience the culture and many other activities that tourists can enjoy
unforgettable moments in this beautiful land.
For example you can put into practice knowledge of dance clubs and discos running
around the city as part of the holiday schedule in this city that invites to fun and
dance modern tropical rhythms like salsa, merengue or traditional cumbia. But for
those without dancing skills, besides being able to visit the beaches or places of
cultural and historical interest, it offers the visitor a wide range of institutes to learn to
dance and appreciate music that is rooted in the Caribbean culture as part of their
history and party spirit. We are taught not only to dance but to feel this rhythm, so
this is a way to contact the Cartagena culture, be a memorable and also a great
opportunity to socialize in this land of great Caribbean musical tradition.

Check your knowledge

Test Explaining how to follow a recipe
En los enlaces propuestos pueden encontrar todo el vocabulario para realizar la actividad, esta
consiste en explicar una receta sencilla que cocinen en su tiempo libre.

My favorite recipe is Albndigas con salsa de mostaza
For meatballs. Sliced bread soaked in milk until well soaked. Minced meat with egg,
bread mixes and salt and parsley to taste is added. Form is given the meatballs,
shaping with a little flour. Fried in plenty of oil, but not too tight until they are golden
For the sauce. In a saucepan the leek finely chopped and sliced garlic fry. When they
are already well poached add the wine and boil over medium heat so that the alcohol
evaporates. After the cream and add pepper and stir well. We are adding salt and
mustard slowly until the sauce gets the desired taste.
Finally they get fried meatballs previously casserole and let it boil about 15 minutes
over low heat to catch the flavor.
You can serve fried potatoes, white rice or cous-cous.

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