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What is an application server?

What is a base class and derived class? Ques :Define Overriding? Ques :Can
you use multiple inheritance in .NET? Ques :What is an Interface? Ques :When
should you use abstract class vs interface or What is the difference between
an abstract class and interface?
Ques :What are events and delegates?
Ques :What is business logic?
Ques :What is a component?
Ques :What is a control?

What are the differences between a control and a component?

What are design patterns?
What is a flat file?
What is a stack? What is a heap? Give the differences between the two?
What is a Form?
What is a multiple-document interface(MDI)?
What is a single-document interface (SDI) ?
What is BLOB ?
What is ClickOnce?
What is object role modeling (ORM) ?

Ques :
What is a private assembly?

Ques :
How do I rename all the files from .htm to .html after copying them from a PC to a
UNIX machine?

Ques :

I'm trying to `include' a HTML document in another document...Is there a way to do


Ques :

How do I keep people from stealing my source code and/or images?

Ques :

How do you create tabs or indents in Web pages?

Ques :

How do I make sure my framed documents are displayed inside their frameset?

Ques :

How do I update two frames at once?

Ques :

Can I have two or more Submit buttons in the same form?

Ques :

How do I make a link or form in one frame update another frame?

Ques :

What is an application server?

What is a base class and derived class? Ques :Define Overriding? Ques :Can
you use multiple inheritance in .NET? Ques :What is an Interface? Ques :When
should you use abstract class vs interface or What is the difference between
an abstract class and interface?
Ques :What are events and delegates?
Ques :What is business logic?
Ques :What is a component?
Ques :What is a control?

What are the differences between a control and a component?

What are design patterns?
What is a flat file?
What is a stack? What is a heap? Give the differences between the two?
What is a Form?
What is a multiple-document interface(MDI)?
What is a single-document interface (SDI) ?
What is BLOB ?
What is ClickOnce?
What is object role modeling (ORM) ?

Ques :
What is a private assembly?

When I try to upload my site, all my images are X's. How do I get them to load

Ques :

Is there a site that shows which tags work on which browsers?

Ques :

Why does the browser show my plain HTML source?

Ques :

How can I display an image on my page?

Ques :

Why do my links open new windows rather than update an existing frame?

Ques :

How do I get out of a frameset?

Ques :

Are there any problems with using frames?

Ques :

Do search engines dislike frames?

Ques :

Differentiate HTML and HTML Extension?

Ques :

What is an application server?

What is a base class and derived class? Ques :Define Overriding? Ques :Can
you use multiple inheritance in .NET? Ques :What is an Interface? Ques :When
should you use abstract class vs interface or What is the difference between
an abstract class and interface?
Ques :What are events and delegates?
Ques :What is business logic?
Ques :What is a component?
Ques :What is a control?

What are the differences between a control and a component?

What are design patterns?
What is a flat file?
What is a stack? What is a heap? Give the differences between the two?
What is a Form?
What is a multiple-document interface(MDI)?
What is a single-document interface (SDI) ?
What is BLOB ?
What is ClickOnce?
What is object role modeling (ORM) ?

Ques :
What is a private assembly?

Define tag?

Ques :

Define HTML tag?

Ques :

Define Hypertext link?

Ques :

How an index document is defined?

Ques :

How a HEAD is defined in HTML?

Ques :

How a body is defined in HTML?

Ques :

How to keep sound for older version internet explorer?

Ques :

Can HTML is used in box?

Ques :

Define polymorphism?

Ques :

What is an application server?

What is a base class and derived class? Ques :Define Overriding? Ques :Can
you use multiple inheritance in .NET? Ques :What is an Interface? Ques :When
should you use abstract class vs interface or What is the difference between
an abstract class and interface?
Ques :What are events and delegates?
Ques :What is business logic?
Ques :What is a component?
Ques :What is a control?

What are the differences between a control and a component?

What are design patterns?
What is a flat file?
What is a stack? What is a heap? Give the differences between the two?
What is a Form?
What is a multiple-document interface(MDI)?
What is a single-document interface (SDI) ?
What is BLOB ?
What is ClickOnce?
What is object role modeling (ORM) ?

Ques :
What is a private assembly?

Differentiate component and container?

Ques :

Differentiate constructor and method?

Ques :

Define Gradient and how to apply it?

Ques :

Define DHTML?

Ques :

Define CSS?

Ques :

Define HTML5?

Ques :

Does HTML is case sensitive?

Ques :

What is the full form of URI, URL, URN?

Ques :

Write code for a html table that will have one row and one column?

Ques :

What is an application server?

What is a base class and derived class? Ques :Define Overriding? Ques :Can
you use multiple inheritance in .NET? Ques :What is an Interface? Ques :When
should you use abstract class vs interface or What is the difference between
an abstract class and interface?
Ques :What are events and delegates?
Ques :What is business logic?
Ques :What is a component?
Ques :What is a control?

What are the differences between a control and a component?

What are design patterns?
What is a flat file?
What is a stack? What is a heap? Give the differences between the two?
What is a Form?
What is a multiple-document interface(MDI)?
What is a single-document interface (SDI) ?
What is BLOB ?
What is ClickOnce?
What is object role modeling (ORM) ?

Ques :
What is a private assembly?

Whys Html used extensively for creating websites?

Ques :

Why to specify the alt value in the img tag?

Ques :

How to add javascript file reference in the web page?

Ques :

How to display the web page icon in the browser?

Ques :

How to refer the .css file in the web page?

Ques :

How to write bulleted point in HTML?

Ques :

How to display numbered list in HTML?

Ques :

How to create a DropDown list box?

Ques :

How to create a ListBox in HTML?

Ques :

What is an application server?

What is a base class and derived class? Ques :Define Overriding? Ques :Can
you use multiple inheritance in .NET? Ques :What is an Interface? Ques :When
should you use abstract class vs interface or What is the difference between
an abstract class and interface?
Ques :What are events and delegates?
Ques :What is business logic?
Ques :What is a component?
Ques :What is a control?

What are the differences between a control and a component?

What are design patterns?
What is a flat file?
What is a stack? What is a heap? Give the differences between the two?
What is a Form?
What is a multiple-document interface(MDI)?
What is a single-document interface (SDI) ?
What is BLOB ?
What is ClickOnce?
What is object role modeling (ORM) ?

Ques :
What is a private assembly?

Should we use table tag to design the layout of the webpage?

Ques :

What is <!Doctype> defines in html?

Ques :

How to write bulleted point in HTML?

Ques :

How to display numbered list in HTML?

Ques :

How to create a DropDown list box?

Ques :

How to create a ListBox in HTML?

Ques :

Should we use table tag to design the layout of the webpage?

Ques :

What is <!Doctype> defines in html?

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