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Michael Vazquez

Ms. Aponte
Tech prep 11
5 November 2014
Aphorism with Tuesdays with Morrie
Morrie Schwartz was a man dying from ALS. Instead of mourning for himself,
he would come up with these aphorisms, or an original thought. Morrie once said,
death ends a life, not a relationship. I found this aphorism the most touching. Its
like saying when one person dies, you still have the same connection with that
person; you just cant see them or hear them anymore. In the novel, Tuesdays
With Morrie, Morrie came up with the aphorism death ends a life, not a
relationship because as the story would progress, Mitch would tell him that hes
upset because he was getting closer and closer to death and that he is going to
miss him when hes gone. I specifically like this quote the most because I feel like it
gives some comfort to the people who go through losses because its almost like
saying they didnt really lose anything except for their presence. I know if I would go
through a tough loss, I would look back at this quote to help me face my loss.

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