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Michael Vazquez

Ms. Aponte
Tech Prep 11
17 April, 2015
Beautiful Poison
Daemon Gore is a sick child. Not the kind of sick that makes him have to visit
the doctor or take medicine. Daemon is the kind of sick where he or nobody else
knows it yet. He lives with his sister, Belladonna Gore, in Bourbon, Kentucky.
They dont know what happened to their parents. Their parents just left
unexpectedly when they were both ten, so about two years ago. Daemon and
Belladonna still live in the same house that their parents abandoned them in. Their
parents must still pay all the bills, because everything in the house still works.
Belladonna is older than Daemon by nine and a half months. She was always the
type that matured faster than others. She had white, milky skin with long blonde
hair that hung just beneath her shoulders. So with their parents gone, she takes
care of Daemon. She feeds him, cares for him, and steals clothes and food for him
and for her.
As each day goes by, Daemon is becoming more and more attached to his
Daemon and Belladonna have a place of comfort that they go to get away
from life for a day. This place that they go to is called Grisly Creek. Grisly Creek
starts off as a straight dirt road for about two miles with tall, old weeping willows on
both sides that give off a moist scent of nature. After the two miles, the trees come

to a sudden stop, the clear blue sky opens up, and the dirt road sinks into a lake
that seems to go in every direction forever. Nothing in front, or to the side. Just pure
crystal clear lake water.
Daemon asks Belladonna if they can go out to Grisly Creek for the day
because he knows how she loves to skip rocks there. She could stay there forever.
Daemon says "Belladonna, can we go out to the Creek? I want to talk to you
about something."
"What is it?" she replies.
Daemon answers "I feel like it would be better if I told you out at the creek."
Belladonna gets ready to go out to the creek while Daemon waits patiently,
planning on how he wants to tell Belladonna how he truly feels about her. As she is
putting on her shoes, Daemon runs out the door into the beautiful summer air. He
starts towards the shady, calm dirt road to Grisly Creek, and Belladonna shortly
catches up.
"So what is it that you want to tell me Daemon?" Belladonna asks.
"Just wait we're not at the Creek yet" he says.
They begin playing games like "I spy" and "Tag" to make the two miles go by
a lot quicker. As they're coming up to the end of the road, Daemon sprints through
to the edge where the sky opens up and where the road and the water meet each

"Hey Belladonna, I bet you cant throw farther

than me!" as he chucks a rock as far as he could. Belladonna slowly walks next to
Daemon, and sits down next to him calmly and quietly, and begins skipping rocks,
not acknowledging her brother. Daemon joins her skipping rocks. They continue
skipping rocks for about half an hour.
So I want to tell you something serious Bella says Daemon in a low voice.
He continues, Ive been feeling like Im becoming attached with you. I feel like we
have this connection. I love you. More than a husband loves his wife.
Belladonna pauses mid throw and sits in shock of what she just heard.
Well? What do you have to say? he asks.
Daemon, I dont think you understand. Were brother and sister. Thats not
right. You and I are just wrong. And we can never be together like that. she tells
What are you trying to say!? That theres something WRONG with me!?
argues Daemon.
Im sorry Daemon but yes. What you dont know is that you have a mental
sickness and you dont know right from wrong. We cant be together Im sorry.

So youre calling me STUPID!

No Im saying youre sick and not to be offended!
Daemon stands up and stares at her with a dark look in his eyes. He walks
into the path they came from and disappears without saying a word. Belladonna
stands up and continues skipping rocks thinking of what just happened. Daemon
comes back out the path discreetly. Hes holding a rock about the size of a baseball
in his hand that feels cold and rough. With his sister still skipping rocks not knowing
about his presence behind her, he winds up and throws the rock at the back of her
head. He watched her legs give out and fall sideways. She smacked her head
against the edge of a boulder next to her and violently bounce off to the rocky floor.
He can hear her head shatter as it hits the ground. Blood on every rock within 7 feet
from her. She died instantly. He killed his sister, the only girl he has ever loved. He
stands over her body with blood pooling around his feet, and stares at the giant
gash in her head from where the rock hit her. He watches the blood flow from her
head into the lake and mix in with the rest of natures elements like red chocolate
milk. Hes aware of what he just did, but regrets none of it.
You made me do it you stupid little whore. You want to break my heart? Well
now your head is broken and I have no sympathy for you. Rot in hell. He says
standing still over her corpse, eyes and face lit with fire.
Daemon throws her body into the water and watches her drift away like when
a child watches a balloon float to the sky. He now takes care of himself.
As years go by, he replays that moment in his head. And with every second
that passes, he becomes more and more crazy. For the first couple of years, he
would just hear her voice every now and then. But after 20 years, he started to see

things. Now Daemon is 60. Hes now wrinkly in the face, a big bald spot on the top
of his head, and more insane than ever. Hes been waking up with severe
headaches and Belladonnas voice screaming. The only way to get rid of her voice
was going to Grisly Creek to where he killed her.
Daemon goes to the Creek and after 20 minutes, becomes hungry. He looks
for berries to pick and eat. He eats the berries that are as sweet as honey and stays
at the Creek for the rest of the day. Once the sun begins to hide behind the horizon,
Daemon goes back to the 3 story house he has been living in his whole life.

Daemon feels unusual and begins to hallucinate. He goes up to his room on

the top floor to try to sleep. Daemon thinks he sees the outline of his sisters body

under the rug.

He grabs a chair thats in the corner and wields it above his head frantically.
Then he slams it on the floor at what seems to be Belladonnas body under the rug
moving, and it disappears. BOOM. The legs of the chair flew off in every direction
and all of its nails came out. One of the chair legs ricocheted off the floor to a little
wooden table in the corner with a purple lamp giving the room its light. The lamp
knocked over and now the room is pitch black except for the moonlight peeking in
through the window.
And all at once, Daemon hears every word Belladonna ever said, screamed,
whispered, and cried. All he wants to do is get rid of her forever. Without even
thinking, he dashes to the window and jumps out. He purposely falls head first.
Then a loud THUD. Daemons head cracks on the cold night concrete, and he dies

instantly. His body lays there in a pool of blood as more blood gushes out from the
giant crack in his skull.
The berries Daemon ate earlier that day, were the berries that came from a
belladonna plant. A plant that could be so beautiful, yet so lethal. The berries he
picked from the belladonna forced him to go crazier than he already was, and drive
him to kill himself.

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