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Whenever there is goods movement accounting
documents/ financial accounts updated automatically, so
we do some settings in customization is called automatic
account assignment.
It works with three important factors: Chart of accounts
Material type
Valuation grouping code
Chart of accounts: - It is a group of accounts (GL
Accounts), which is assigned to our companycode. One
company code is assigned to one chart of account but one
chart of account can be maintained for n number of
company codes.
Valuation grouping code / valuation modification: - It
is a 4-digit code, which is assigned to company code along
with valuation area (Plant)
Account category reference: - It is a 4-digit code that
establishes relationship between material types and
valuation class. One account cat ref assigned to n number
of material type and valuation class
Transaction / Event key: - It is an
internal processing key that facilitates the automatic
account determination for the various material and
invoice posting.
Use: - Key to determine the account in which a posting line
is generated (at least two transactionevent keys are

involved in each posting)

Value String: - It indicates the posting rule that always
contain same account assignment char to certain
transaction / event key
Account Modifier: - It is a subdivision of
transaction event key in which GL account is linked during
the process of automatic account determination.
Valuation class and material type is assigned to it
Steps: 1. Activate valuation Group code
2. Assign Valuation area to valuation grouping code
3. Create Account Cat Ref and valuation class
4. Assign valuation class to Account Cat Ref
5. Assign Account Cat Ref to Material type
6. Assign account grouping to movement types
7. Configure Automatic posting
Customize settings :SPRO IMG MM Valuation Class and Account
Assignment Account Determination Account
determination without wizard
1. Define valuation control T Code OMWM
2. Group together valuation areas T Code OMWD
3. Define valuation class T Code OMSK
Account category reference
Valuation class
Material type / Account Cat Ref
4. Define Account grouping for movement type
5. Configure automatic posting T Code OMWB
Transaction/ Event Keys
BSX - Stock Posting / Inventory Posting

PRD - Price difference

GBB - Offsetting entry for stock posting
WRX - GR/IR Clearing
FRI - Freight Clearing

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