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Checklist for Writing an Equity Research Report

1. Company Highlights
Does the report clearly state why the report should be read? Yes No
2. Investment Summary
Does the investment summary expand upon your recommendation?
Yes No
Does the investment summary make clear assertions as to why the
recommendation is being made? Yes No
3. Valuation
Does the valuation section clearly justify your price target? Yes No
Do you include a sensitivity analysis that identifies the possible effects of
risks to your price target? Yes No
4. Business Description
Do you describe the business model? Yes No
Do you describe the financial position of the company? Yes No
Do you describe what the business strategy is? Yes No
Do you highlight the important assets and liabilities present? Yes No
Have you addressed how the company is positioned to navigate through a
downturn? Yes No
5. Have you provided an Industry Overview? Yes No
6. Have you provided an assessment of the companys competitive position
within its industry? Yes No
7. Historical Financial Analysis
Have you provided a ratio-based analysis? Yes No
For More Checklists visit:

8. Estimates
Have you successfully justified your assumptions? Yes No
Have you addressed both long-term and short-term estimates?
Yes No
9. Investment Risks
Have you discussed what would need to happen in order to cause a change
in your recommendation? Yes No
10. Have you made disclosures about your ownership interests in the company
being researched? Yes No

Additional Notes:

For More Checklists visit:

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