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ECS518U Operating Systems

ECS518U Operating Systems

Lab 4 Answer Sheet

Answer Sheet

This answer sheet should be completed (using a pen is fine).

1.1 Step 1: Behaviour of myRunShell0.php
Answer the following questions about the behaviour of myRunShell0.php.


What happens when the

myRunShell0.php script is used
to run an external program?
What requirement does this
behaviour not implement?
Why does this behaviour occur?
(Refer to the documentation of

1.2 Step 2: Use of pcntl_fork

Answer the following questions about the use of pcntl_fork:


What happens when the

pcntl_fork function is executed?

What PHP function is used to

make the parent process wait for
the child process to complete?

Version 1.0, 08/02/2015

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ECS518U Operating Systems

1.3 Step 3: Use of Cntrl-C

Consider the following scenario: the shell (e.g. myRunShell.php) is used to run the script
zzz.php. The user types Ctrl-C to terminate the zzz.php script. Assume that the processes
running are shown below:


21881 20774 php myRunShell.php

22075 21881 /usr/bin/php ./zzz.php
Complete the following list (adding extra entries if you wish) describing the sequence of
events that occur when the user type Ctrl-C:
1. The OS delivers the
2. The function

signal to process 21881, which is waiting

runs in process 21881 and


6. Process 21881 complete the runCmd function and displays the prompt for the next
command to myRunShell.php

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