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improving the construction process


Volume Three | 2011 - 2012

The Abu Dhabi

Investment Council
Headquarters Dynamic




The BIM Manager:


BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

BIM Journal wishes to thank the following contributors


Nadia Wallett

improving the construction process

Front cover image: Midfield Terminal Building, Abu Dhabi Airport, UAE. BIM tender support, modelling and graphics by Oger International, Abu Dhabi Branch

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

improving the construction process


BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

BIM Journal Volume 3

Editors Foreword
irst and foremost a tremendous acknowledgement must be given to all those who have contributed towards the
success of the BIM Journal. In the course of 2011 we received exceptional contributions for case studies, white-papers
and articles from leading organisations and individuals in the international BIM Community. Many of which had been
produced exclusively for the BIM Journal.

I would like to make a personal acknowledgement of the outstanding work and dedication of Nadia Wallett who has
been managing the BIM Journal website and associated social media, sourcing new material and coordinating with
contributors. The current success of the BIM Journal is due, in no small part, to her tireless efforts, as well as the vision
and commitment of the BIM Journal Founder, Tahir Sharif.
The online publication of BIM Journal ( is now regularly receiving over 20,000 single hits per month
with a circulation of 100000 readers.
This volume, the third to be published, comprises monthly Journal Issues 24 to 35, from January to December 2011,
as well as a selection of articles and opinion pieces from the website. The programme for 2011 issues was structured
in quarterly clusters relating to a central theme. The three issues of the first quarter relate to Parametric Modelling, the
second quarter to issues of Interoperability, the third quarter explores themes of Performance BIM, and the final quarter
introduces valuable discussion on BIM Implementation and Training.
Structured in this way, the BIM Journal Volume 3 publication forms a concise compendium for those interested and
engaged in the practice of building information modeling.
BIMjournal has an open call for contributions of articles and case study projects. If you are interested in contributing to an
upcoming issue, have any comments or require further information, please contact the Editor at

Mark Baldwin

BIM Journal Editor

June 2010 to January 2012


Right, The
Abu Dhabi
Far Right,
Case Study
University, UAE







buildingSMART International home of open BIM

BSI Newsletters
BIM or Burst
Meeting the UK BIM challenge
BIM eases seattles complex road tunnel project




Spatial definition and calculation

Green Is Good

- Practices for area calculations

- BIM-Based area calculation
- Mixed use community in the UAE

- Sustainability
- Integrating BIM and LEED
- Use case of BIM-LEED integration




Functions of Parametric Modelling

Theme: Information Logistics


- Information deficiencies in the AEC industry

- BIM as a data management tool
- Sorbonne University, UAE




Synchronized Specifications

BIM & Evacuation Performance

- Model Attributes
- Integrated Specifications
- Gilfillan Callahan Nelson Architects

- Building performance for evacuation

- How to measure evacuation performance
- BIM & Evacuation tools integration process




Interoperability Standards

The BIM Manager

- BuildingSMART standard explained

- Understanding industry foundation classes
- Understanding BuildingSMART standards

- A new role in the construction industry

- Managing process, people, technology and policy
- BIM implementation in a Cairo city centre project




Not Just CAD++

BIM Tool Selection

- Silo BIM
- Building Information Management
- BIM Collaboration Format

- Defining expectations of BIM

- Metrics for analyzing BIM tools
- BIM tool selection




BIM Integrated Lifecycle Management

BIM Implementation & Execution Plans

- A New Era Of Project Management

- Integrating The BIM
- Example Of BIM-ILM Integration

- Wheres my BIM in a box

- Guide for BIM deployment
- buildingSMART level 2 training BIM process




BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

buildingSMART International
home of open BIM
BuildingSMART has been serving the Construction
Industry for over 20 years. A not for profit
organisation with Chapters all over the world
it has been working with Owners, Developers,
Governments, Consultants, Architects, Engineers,
Project Managers, Contractors and Sub-contractors
to deploy internationally recognised standards for
processes and technologies. These standards
improve interoperability and communication
between all project stakeholders throughout the
entire life cycle of a built Facility.
Groome, Business
building SMART

Ever since its launch back in 2009, BIM Journal

has had and continues to have very strong ties
with buildingSMART. The publication features and
promotes buildingSMART activities. We recently
caught up with Christopher Groome, building
SMART International Business Manager.
How did you react as an organisation when it
was announced that the information handover
BIM would be mandated on all Government
projects in the UK by 2016?
CG: We were delighted. BuildingSMART in countries
all over the world lobby Governments to encourage
mandating BIM. By making BIM outputs mandatory
it gives the Industry the necessary push to make
changes and implement it.
What did buildingSMART learn from
its experience in implementing BIM in
Singapore, Finland and the US and how will
you be assisting the UK Government with the
CG: First and foremost we learned that standard
processes (IDMs) and standard product
descriptions (IFD) are just as important as the
Data Model (IFCs) to enable data sharing. We
also learned a lot about how relationships between
government and industry can best be fostered to
make industry transformation a reality. Essentially
it needs more than a demand that industry just use
How is buildingSMART involved in helping the
industry transition to BIM?


CG: BuildingSMARTs main function as an

organisation is to create and maintain the standards
(IFC, IDM, IFD). These standards were developed
to support a transparent, open worklow between all
project participants regardless of the software tool
they use. Our experts are actively working with the
Government and Construction parties to support
them and ease their BIM transition. In particular
the IDM and IFD standards are well behind IFC
standards and will have to catch up.

You have recently launched the Open BIM

initiative. Can you tell us a little bit about what it
is, how it works and, most importantly, how it will
benefit the industry?
CG: Open BIM is a buildingSMART initiative in
collaboration with several leading BIM Software
vendors using the open buildingSMART Data Model.
We have developed a technical certification system
to help AEC software vendors improve, test and certify
their data connections to work seamlessly with other
Open BIM Solutions.
We believe that by promoting and putting processes
in place to facilitate Open BIM we are making sure that
all project participants can use BIM regardless of the
software tools they use. By doing so we are ensuring
that the I (information) in BIM is available throughout
the life cycle of the built facility. This in turn reduces
errors and costs pre and post construction, giving
Owners / Operators a better ROI. The benefit also
extends to Construction companies as they are able
to be more efficient in scheduling and analysing costs
with the abundant more accurate data made available.
We believe this is a WIN WIN situation for all parties.
What is the perspective for buildingSMART in
CG: Our main focus will be on promoting Open BIM
Internationally via our Chapters to encourage more AEC
companies to participate.
Development of IFC standards is an ongoing process.
We plan to launch the latest IFC 4 version with ISO in
2012. Our experts are working around the clock to
finalise these standards. The launch is being awaited
with great anticipation by the Industry. Like with any
Standard it is expected that IFC 4 will iron out some of
the practical issues that AEC companies face when
sharing Data. We shall also speed up the development
of the process IDM standards and dictionary IFD
standards so the 2016 deadline can be achieved. For
instance we have launched the Process and Product
rooms to support professionals in construction who
are using digital information, prototypes and models.
This will help companies benefit from the integrated
workflows that BIM enables.
The Process room is lead by Jan Karlshoj, Chairman
of the Nordic Chapter of buildingSMART. The Product
room is lead by Roger Grant from the BuildingSMART
Alliance, US Chapter. Both rooms are working towards
stimulating International Collaboration between
organisations. We are very pleased with the progress
so far and look forward to seeing some very positive
outcomes generated by both rooms.When it comes to
open standards for information sharing in construction
and facilities management, buildingSMART is the
only show in town. Our aim is to make the brand
universally recognized alongside Open BIM as the key
to improved performance. To help us we need high
profile competitions like Build London Live and lots of
well publicized case studies.

hat a year for BIM! The UK Government issuing a mandate for fully collaborative 3D BIM as a minimum by
2016 and its commitment to reduce cost in the Construction Industry by 20% during the current term of
parliament! In the Middle East, the Jordanian Government also took the pledge and is working towards mandating
BIM! Too many BIM milestones worldwide to mention. Its official we are now in the BIM bubble, some are excited,
you can almost hear the it is about time! others apprehensive why bother! more work! Yes unfortunately adopting
BIM means committing to CHANGE! out with the old and in with the new, a change in mindset and work practises.
Last but not least an acknowledgement from the Industry that there is a real need for training & education to ensure
that existing and new entrants in the Industry are equipped with the skills to handle BIM.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Now that the market is more BIM savvy, all be it some markets more than others, the BIM Journal has also evolved
to take into account market progress and endeavoured to find a suitable balance in terms of supplying information
that does appeal to Technical and non technical readers. The issues in 2011 focused on the practical aspects of
using BIM from tool selection, creation of execution plans to the more complex data handling & extraction from BIM
models. All topics have been supported by a case study review relevant to the topics discussed.
The BIM Journal has now been in operation for nearly 3 years receiving excellent feedback from the BIM Community.
We are very excited to announce that the BIM Journal will shortly be integrated into Our
goal is to gather a very large BIM Community in one place. With this in mind we equipped the site with a social
networking module providing users with the opportunity to network and socialise with other BIMMERS all over the
world. Every user will have his/hers own personal dashboard with the ability to personalise news/job alerts and
access a rich resource centre comprising technical information, case studies, online BIM courses and of course last
but not least the latest edition of BIM Journal delivered direct to your inbox!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our contributors and readers for their continued support.
We invite you to view the latest issues of the BIM Journal at and join our Community on

Visit and register to become a member of our community!

BIM Journal is part of the BIM Hub

Founder The BIM Hub

and BIM Journal,
Founding President,
MENA & India


Tahir Sharif

Selection of articles from 2011 - 2012

BSI Newsletters

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

NEWSLETTER No 5 August 2011

This is an article extracted from Issue 5. The content of this article is identical to the story as it appeared in the original issue.

Open standards for

The wider potential of buildingSMART has swiftly
shot up with early proposals for extending the
IFC standard to infrastructure. A meeting of
buildingSMART members was held in Paris on
8 July to share experiences of modelling for
infrastructure and identify next steps.
Leading the meeting were members of the French chapter
whose involvement in the infrastructure project, Communic, has
made them eager to stimulate international efforts.
Some of the big players in the French industry Vinci,
Bouygues and my own company, Egis are accustomed to
working together collaboratively, explains Christophe Castaing.
This created the opportunity for us to develop a project and get
funding for it. Our own contributions were matched by government

In future, bridges such as those in South Korea (above) and

Salford, UK (below left) may benefit from IFC for infrastructure
Source: Jindo bridge, South Korea: Buckaroo Jeans, 19 October, 2008, under cc-by-sa-2.0


Communic was a 2 million multi-partner project that ran between 2007 and 2010.
The wide-ranging initiative had the overall aim of identifying ways in which infrastructure
projects could be managed more efficiently over their whole life-cycle. Communic took
real-world projects, including part of the new A19 toll motorway in France, and found that
traditional data structures did not respond to actual needs. But it was possible, as JeanBaptiste Valette of Vinci showed during the meeting, to hijack IFC objects and that
might offer a way forward.
Communic recommended that an open data exchange standard and collaborative
platform should be developed. Civil engineering needs definitions of a data model and
specific entities, says Pierre Benning of Bouygues, who was also involved in the project.
Other countries are also starting to build knowledge of standards and modelling for
infrastructure. In Korea, IFC is being used in nuclear and power plants. Japan has done
work on product models for bridges and shield tunnels. Germanys ForBAU project
created 3D parametric road and bridge models, while in Norway the Public Roads
Administration is committed to use open format models by 2015 (the format to be
decided). In the US, the National Institute of Standards and Technology believes that
infrastructure delivery must be improved. And an international
project of 200406, IFC Bridge, following an earlier French
project which had used the IFC and OA-EXPRESS formats,
explored a data model for bridges, delivering proof of concept and
an IFC view.
The Paris meeting brought together members with an interest
in developing IFC for infrastructure. There was agreement that a
big open-ended project would deter potential funders and that
chapters should identify four or five use cases areas of work of
particular interest to them. The bridge part is the most feasible,
says Thomas Liebich, who leads buildingSMARTs Model
Support Group. So much work has already been done.
A steering group was set up, with representatives of
buildingSMART chapters and Frances Club Communic,
the network set up in the wake of the project. Defining the
prospective scope will be among the first steps to be
taken. Members were asked what the IFC Infra project
should be called and the name openINFRA was

Q&A with Pierre Benning

Pierre Benning, Bouygues, was
involved in the Communic project to
explore open-format modelling for
infrastructure and is participating in

What is the vision behind

We have a vision of interoperability
and efficient data management. Today
we have expert tools to help us in the
various processes, but tomorrow we
will need to integrate all the processes
into a central database.

Who stands to benefit most?

It takes five years to build a highway
that will be in use for 50 years.
So most of the benefits will be felt
during operation and maintenance.
Nonetheless, all the disciplines will
benefit, from client brief onwards.

Will there be any quick wins?

Yes. During construction openINFRA
will help us avoid errors on site. And,
of course, a complete model, with all
its attributes, will help at the design

What would you say to

someone thinking of getting
involved in openINFRA?
Come on in! This is an ambitious
project. We need the goodwill
of everyone and efficiency
improvements are to the benefit of all.

Selection of articles from 2011 - 2012

BSI Newsletters
This is an article extracted from Issue 6. The content of this article is identical to the story as it appeared in the original issue.

Public sector demand for BIM

Government adoption is often
seen as key to ensuring a
wider uptake of BIM. Three
near-neighbours in Europe
Denmark, UK and Netherlands
are making progress as IFC
BIM becomes mandatory at
various levels in their public
sector projects.

and government targets to reduce

carbon emissions by 80% by 2050.
Eighteen delivery groups
are being set up.
groups have also
been created to
cover the
Paul Morrell Source: ICE
of,among others, software vendors,
institutions, supply chain, training
and education, and media liaison.
Mobilisation has begun and the 18
delivery groups will help to develop
the processes. Government
will set objectives and allow the
supply chain to determine how
best to meet them. Government
departments will be trained to
articulate their needs better, while
firms that are not yet BIM-proficient
are preparing for change. This
is the moment for BIM, says
Paul Morrell, the governments
chief construction adviser, who is
leading the change programme.
(Denmark); (Netherlands); (UK)


Most advanced of the three

countries is Denmark. Since
2007, central government
projects (or projects with a
50% state subsidy) have required the use
of the countrys digital standard, which
includes IFC BIM. Implementation was
slow at first in 200708 the economy
was strong and the government didnt
want to overheat the market but
since then, the situation has changed
dramatically and government agencies
are now active in procuring new buildings.
As the new system beds in, the use of
project websites has been a particular
success. The positive involvement by
the professional organisations has also
helped the industry to adopt BIM, says
buildingSMART Nordic chairman Jan
State-level adoption was just the
start of things. In June 2011, the
Danish Parliament voted to extend
the mandatory use of BIM to all local
and regional projects worth over
DKr20 million (2.7 million) buildings
such as schools, libraries and sports
facilities with implementation of the
various requirements beginning
in 2012. Central government
projects have a lower threshold
of DKr5 million (677,000).
Different requirements will be
set up for public sector housing,
further stimulating the use
of BIM. The

extended requirement for BIM is expected

to have a big impact the
city of Copenhagen alone
owns 2.2 million sqm of real
estate and around 400
projects a year are expected across the
whole country.
And in the Netherlands, BIM is to become
a mandatory requirement in central
government projects in the offices sector.
As from 1 November 2011, procurement
contracts worth more
than 10 million will be
BIM will allow us to
manage our real estate
better, says Dr Alex
Vermeulen, director
of Rgd, A&A. Once
created, any BIM of Dr Alex Vermeulen Source:
Jan Willem Houweling, In The Picture
an existing building
will be kept live. The information must
cover the whole life-cycle of the building,
he adds.
The retrospective modelling of the
Sydney Opera House served as a trigger
and persuaded the Dutch government of
the benefits of BIM in efficient FM. Many
in the industry are very supportive, says
Alexander Pastoors of BNA, the Royal
Society of Dutch Architects, but he admits
that smaller firms will find it harder to take
the plunge. Meanwhile, both suppliers
and government procurement personnel
are bracing themselves for culture change
and the need as Dr Vermeulen says to
reframe their perspectives to meet the
new requirements.
The UK government has
embarked on a five-year
programme to introduce BIM
into all public sector projects by 2016. Its
strategy is set in the context of rising asset
management costs (where government
aims to reduce whole-life costs by 20%)

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

NEWSLETTER No 6 November 2011

Selection of articles from 2011 - 2012

BSI Newsletters

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

NEWSLETTER No 6 November 2011

This is an article extracted from Issue 6. The content of this article is identical to the story as it appeared in the original issue.

London 2012 Olympic dreams and realities

Olympic stadia of times past

The Olympic Stadium was completed

in London in March 2011, on time and
under budget and with a little help
from BIM.


The 80,000-seat stadium covers an area of 40 acres, lying towards the

south of the Olympic Park. It is not as striking as the Birds Nest Stadium
in Beijing but it is a building that matches British reserve and is suited to a
recession. Sustainability has been a key concern and with around 10,000
tonnes of steel, it will be the lightest Olympic Stadium constructed to date.
The project was designed and constructed by Team Stadium, a
consortium led by Sir Robert McAlpine, together with architects
Populous and structural and services consultants Buro
Happold. The project would have followed a traditional
path without the inspiration of Sir Robert McAlpine, who
were intent on having a fully integrated team approach,
and believed that a central point of information, like a
building information model, would add value.
It was at this point that buildingSMART member
Fulcro was brought in. Fulcro provides solutions
to ease information transfer and get projects built
smoothly on-site bridging the gap between design and construction.
We created a 3D model to validate the service information, explains Ben
Haldin, business development director at Fulcro. It comes down to a team
understanding of what youre trying to achieve.
The next step for Fulcro was to get involved with the design
management function and enable the team to utilise the 3D Model for
team review and meetings. The aim here was to de-risk parts of the
project before the MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) contracts
were let.
All the architects and engineers for the project were co-located at
the site. Co-location, combined with the BIM, offered a belt-and-braces
approach. Designers had the benefits of having project colleagues right
there, as well as working via the BIM. Weekly workshops, comprising
design reviews, clash prevention and clash detection, were run by Fulcro
and were treated as working opportunities to carry the design forward.
Some of the team members were doubtful or wary about the value
of BIM at first but saw the benefits as the model developed. The model
provided visualisations that helped them to see their work in 3D for the
first time. There were challenges in the routing of the internal sanitation
systems, as the drainage pipes had to be threaded through pre-cut holes
in the beams and design changes were ongoing. Using the model to
verify these features ensured the design was fully validated.
The BIM brought clarity at the construction phase, reduced risk and
won the support of team members. We did something simple that really
added value, says Ben.
But then, any project would
benefit from a little bit of
Another version of this article,
with additional information,
appears in BuildingSMART UK
News 27.

Athens 1896: The first modern Olympics were held at

the Panathinaiko stadium, which took the elongated
form of the ancient games and even recycled marble
from the ancient stadium

Amsterdam 1928: The stadium was built in the

Amsterdam style a local variant of European styles
with long horizontal lines

Berlin 1936: The 1936 stadium reflected the

authoritarian architecture of the Third Reich; since
renovated, it hosted the World Cup final of 2006

Munich 1972: The 1972 stadium showed Germany in

a happier light and pioneered lightweight tensile and
membrane construction

Beijing 2008: The Birds Nest Stadium used an IFCbased tool, known as 4D-GCPSU 2006, to manage the
construction schedule, resources and site layout
(Top left) London Olympic Stadium; (above) the BIM
used in construction

Sources: London Olympic Stadium London 2012; BIM ODA Press; Athens
Pierre de Coubertin, The First Olympiad, London 1897; Amsterdam public
domain; Berlin Hoffman, Deutsches Bundesarchiv Bild 183-R82532; Munich
Arad Mojtahedi (public domain); Beijing Chen Zao (CCA2 Generic)

BSI Chapter activity around the world

This is an article extracted from Issue 5. The content of this article is identical to the story as it appeared in the original issue.

New chapter for Canada

A new chapter of buildingSMART has been launched in Canada. Until now, practitioners
in Canada were involved in the work of the North American chapter, the buildingSMART
Alliance, but the Institute for BIM in Canada was eager to create its own Chapter and
took the lead in setting it up.
There are practical and cultural differences between Canada and the US. Canada is
a dual-language country, with a legal system that is closer to that of the UK, Australia
and Singapore than to the US system. And unlike the US, it uses the metric system.
These differences combined with a strong interest in facilitating the adoption of BIM in
Canada are behind the creation of an independent chapter. Cooperation with other chapters is anticipated, and a close link
will be maintained with the buildingSMART Alliance on North
American matters.
Dave Pelletier of D&G Mechanical is chairman of the
new chapter. Other roles are being taken by Pierre
Boucher, Canadian Construction Association, as
business manager, and John Hale, Department of National
Defence, as technical co-ordinator.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

NEWSLETTER No 5 August 2011

Dave Pelletier, president of D & G Mechanical

and chairman of the new Canada chapter. He
was formerly president of the British Columbia
Construction Association and has served as
chair of the Canadian Construction Associations
standard practices committee

Jordan pledges commitment to BIM

A buildingSMART forum has been set up in Jordan as part of buildingSMART Middle East. The two
main players in Jordan are the Ministry of Public Works and Housing and the Jordan Engineers
Association (JEA), who have entered into an agreement with the Middle East chapter and will be
running the forum. The ministry will support ambitious initiatives which enhance the construction
sector, said minister Yahya Al Kasbi. Sharing his commitment, Abdulla Obaidat, head of the JEA,
added: This is an important agreement as it will introduce international concepts of modern buildings
and increase the competitiveness of Jordanian engineers across the international and regional



NEWSLETTER No 6 November 2011

This is an article extracted from Issue 6. The content of this article is identical to the story as it appeared in the original issue.

Singapore supports BIM

A buildingSMART Industry Day the BIM-finitive Way to SMART Construction was held
on 21 September as part of the Singapore week of events and meetings. The aim was to share
understanding of BIM, and the day brought together local delegates, representing architects,
engineers, contractors and government, along with international participants some 280 in all.


(Above) Keppel Bay complex; (below) Singapore

School of Medicine See Singapore Industry Day

Back in 2008, a survey revealed that fewer than 10% of firms in Singapore were using BIM;
today the figure is probably around 2530%. The local chapter is targeting a figure of 80% uptake
by 2015, and the government is introducing a series of strategies to stimulate BIM use. The
public sector is taking the lead, helping build BIM capability through training and certification and
incentivising adopters with subsidies from a government BIM fund. Work is being done on pilots
and to help the industry become BIM-ready. Larger projects will be required to use BIM for their
architectural designs by 2013 and for engineering designs by 2014; smaller projects, both public
and private, will be covered by 2015. The Singapore Building and Construction Authority runs
workshops and roadshows to raise awareness.
International speakers set out progress in BIM use in their home territories, while case studies
covered examples from the local region, such as the Singapore Sports Hub and a new block at
Singapores School of Medicine. Construction company and project owner Woh Hup described a
residential complex at Keppel Bay, Australia, where the use of BIM ensured that the design intent
of the roof crown of the six towers could be realised in practice.
The conference served to educate the audience on the challenges and benefits of using BIM,
concluded Cheng Tai Fatt, auditor, buildingSMART Singapore. The aim was to reinforce the point
that BIM is the definitive way to smart construction.

BSI Chapter activity around the world

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

NEWSLETTER No 7 March 2012

This is an article extracted from Issue 7. The content of this article is identical to the story as it appeared in the original issue.

At the leading edge in Finland

Finland has been pioneering the use of data sharing and interoperable
working for over a decade, punching way above its weight for a small
country. From 2001, a series of projects was carried out, using a shared
building information model. Among them, Aurora 2 a mixed-use facility
at Joensuu University showed how BIM offered the chance to create a
less expensive, more energy-efficient building.
A milestone was passed in 2007 when Senate Properties, the Finnish
property services agency, required the use of IFC-compliant BIM open
BIM in other words in its projects. In the public sector, nearly all projects
are built using BIM, explains Tomi Henttinen of Gravicon and chairman of
buildingSMART Finland.
Now Finland is approaching another milestone. In March 2012 new
BIM requirements will be published. Existing guidelines, which cover
architecture, mechanical and structural engineering, quality assurance,
quantity take-off and HVAC, among other things, will be upgraded and
made mandatory, while whole new areas of activity are being brought into
the requirements.
We will see BIM-based project management and the required use of
BIM on-site and in FM, says Tomi. The coverage is wide, taking in the
whole building cycle, from planning permission to operations.
Finnish software companies are rising to the challenge and developing
the tools the industry needs. Tekla has developed a new site collaboration
tool (Tekla BIMsight), while Solibri released version 7 of its Model Checker
in September 2011. Gravicon has developed a web-based management
tool, Modelspace, which spans the different disciplines.

Case study

Building with BIM in Italy

Porto Nuovo in Milan lies just to the north
of the city centre, close to the Garibaldi
and Centrale railway stations. The area
was severely run down and a regeneration
project, with an emphasis on pedestrian
access and green living, is underway.
Architects Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and
Partners (ACPV), have designed the new
cultural centre for the project: a three-storey
3,000sqm building which includes a library,
offices and retail gallery.


The faceted roof and wall surfaces required

close co-ordination with the structural
engineer, and the Revit platform was used.
This enabled both teams to develop design
options, documentation, cost estimates and
visualisations more quickly. The architectural
model also helped ACPV collaborate with
the exterior design consultant to develop
a scheme for the buildings glass faade
that can be efficiently manufactured and

In the early days of

BIM in Finland, a decade
back, expectations were
unrealistic. Many people
thought you simply had to
press a button to retrieve
the information you needed, adds Tomi. Today,
we have moved from theory to practice, with
a better understanding of how to use the main
model and the discipline-specific models. The
next step is to ensure our processes and the new
technologies are aligned.
Contact Tomi Henttinen, chairman of buildingSMART
Finland, at:

We use a BIM process for all of our

projects, says Paolo Emilio Serra of
ACPV. Quality means not making
mistakes. It means finding and correcting
errors before the design process is
completed and the construction phase
has begun. Thats how we save a
considerable amount of time and
resources. BIM makes it possible. ACPV
won an Autodesk BIM Experience award
for its work on this and other projects.

BSI Chapter activity around the world

This is an article extracted from Issue 8. The content of this article is identical to the story as it appeared in the original issue.

Busy agenda in Korea

The Korean chapter is active in stimulating
BIM uptake, offering guidance and showcasing
achievement through annual conferences, technical
seminars and BIM awards. The chapter has helped
develop national BIM guidelines for public sector
use and specific guidance for individual projects and
companies. For the new HQ of the Korea Power
Exchange, it developed design competition guidelines.
It has also provided consultancy for the Lotte Super
Tower project, a 123-storey tower block in Seoul now
under construction establishing step-by-step BIM
Since 2009 the chapter has run a BIM project
registration service to gather better data and
encourage adoption. The annual BIM awards are made
in four categories (vision, design, construction and
green building), with two separate student categories.
Its BIM professional training course nurtures BIM
practitioners, and the chapter was co-organiser, along
with buildingSMART Singapore, of Build Asia Live
2011, a virtual design competition. All in all, a period

of high activity for the chapter. The level

of BIM implementation is going up and
we are contributing to the transformation,
says Inhan Kim, chief vice-chair of
buildingSMART Korea.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

NEWSLETTER No 8 May 2012

New HQ for the Korea Power

Exchange: BIM guidelines were
established and open BIM used
from the start Source: Solibri Magazine

NEWSLETTER No 7 March 2012

This is an article extracted from Issue 7. The content of this article is identical to the story as it appeared in the original issue.

Movement for open BIM

Ten software companies have joined forces to promote Open BIM. The collaboration is led by
buildingSMART International, Graphisoft and Tekla, and supported by several leading software
vendors including Nemetschek and Trimble. The buildingSMART strategy, Roadmap 2020,
includes the promotion of Open BIM. As buildingSMARTs open standards become more widely
implemented, it is important that the value of open sharing and exchange of data is promoted
across the global construction industry, says Chris Groome, bSIs business manager.
The benefits of open (as opposed to a proprietary) BIM are clear. Project participants can work with the best-of-breed
software solutions in their own field, co-ordination errors are greatly reduced, and data can be accessed throughout the lifecycle of the asset.
The companies involved are incorporating the promotion of
Open BIM into their marketing efforts and collaborating with
other organisations. Further companies are welcome to join the
movement, both on the software and design/construction side.
The group has trademarked its Open BIM logo, which can be
used on products and projects as a promise that they meet the
requirements of open collaboration.

Visit: or contact Chris Groome


Company Profile


Oger International is an internationally recognised Architecture

and Engineering company with advanced capabilities in Building
Information Modelling (BIM). Drawing on a heritage of 50 years of
operation, and with specialist divisions of Engineering Services,
Project Management, Sustainability, Intelligent Buildings, Building
Management Systems and Building Information Modelling, Oger
International has been involved in some of the worlds most
prestigious construction projects within both the public and
private sectors.

Building Information Modelling

Oger International has several years of experience in realised BIM

projects around the world. With proficiencies in many of the
leading BIM software Oger International is actively pioneering
developments in BIM processes and deployment. A key focus is the
integration of BIM with other specialist areas, such as BIM for
sustainability and green building certification (LEED and Estidama).
Oger International brings extensive project experience and a
construction-focused approach to modelling, coordination and
BIM project management.

BIM Project Management

Construction Management

Model Production and Deployment

Auditing & Quality Assurance

Strategy and process development

Model management and coordination
Architecture, Structure and MEP models
Shop drawing and BoQ extraction

Site logistics and construction sequencing

BIM-to-field deployment and supervision
Integrity checking and rule-based assessment
Reviewing engineering analysis and design

Oger International Abu Dhabi

P.O.Box 61576, Abu Dhabi, UAE - Tel. +971 2 635 9777 - Fax +971 2 681 1309 - Email
O f f i c e s : UA E S a u d i A r a b i a L e b a n o n I n d i a - M o r o c c o P h i l i p p i n e s Tu n i s i a Fr a n c e
ISO Certified 9001 (2008) + ISO 14001 (2004) - US Green Building Council - Emirates Green Building Council

Corporate Member


Architecture, Engineering and Construction firms who are

not making the jump to building information modelling
(BIM) now, can expect to see business get a whole lot
tougher in the next three to five years. BIM is swiftly
becoming an integral part of the AEC industry, and will
no doubt make many traditional processes obsolete.
BIM is to CAD, what CAD was to the drafting table. In
five to ten years we are not going to see CAD as a viable
means of operation for the AEC industry. Those with their
head in the sand who refuse to make this shift will be
Already in the GCC we are seeing a concerted push to
BIM. RFPs for major projects are stipulating advanced
BIM processes to be delivered by Consultants, General
Contractors and Subcontractors. The demands are
stringent - not your typical clash detection and BoQ
extraction. Among the requirements we are seeing in the
UAE are the following:
integrated RFI reporting
integration with cost estimation and project
management software
procurement and variation order management
Progress Reporting
work package divisions
3D Control & Planning
Digital Fabrication
Some of these requirements are possibly a little
aspirational. Many AEC firms in the region would struggle
to meet these demands, due to a lack of capabilities
or adequate resources. Nevertheless a number of
companies, primarily General Contractors, have made
a good head start and are gaining significant ground
towards achieving these goals.

have developed detailed BIM requirements, and state

governments are also following suit.
In Norway and Finland BIM is required in all government
projects managed by their GSA equivalents (Statsbygg
in Norway and Senate Properties in Finland) managing
a combined total of over 10 million square meters of
In Denmark BIM is required in projects handled by
various government agencies (such as The Palaces and
Properties Agency, The Danish University and Property
Agency and Defence Construction Service), and specific
BIM requirements now forming part of Danish law.
Singapore has made innovative step towards
encouraging BIM adoption in the construction industry
by offering subsidies to organisations that are adopting
BIM processes and technologies, and through the
introduction of their e-Plan checking platform (where
BIMs can be submitted directly to the municipalities as
part of the development approval process. Organisations
adopting BIM are also eligible for government
subsidies). Rather than being seen as an elective tool
to increase productivity, not deploying BIM could prove
to be detrimental. A recent case in the US suggested
that relying on out-dated traditional processes could
indicate a lack of standard of care and best practice.
In this particular case, which was ultimately settled
out of court, the legal team engaged an independent
industry professional to create a virtual model of the
troubled project based on the original 2D construction
documents. The 3D model clearly showed the problems
that eventually arose in the field. The legal team argued
that if the entities responsible for the construction
problems had made a Building Information Model the
issues would have been identified and addressed before
they manifested in the field.
Employers can avoid such disputes and lead the
transition to integrated practices by mandating BIM as
a core component of a RFPs (request for proposals).
Contract documents must consequently be amended to
accommodate the changed project conditions.

In other parts of the world BIM is already part of standard


This level of culpability may be some way in the future

for the Middle East construction industry, nevertheless
BIM is set to shake up our existing business and
contractual processes. With mounting pressure from
clients, competitors and potentially the legal system,
companies ought to consider seriously whether they
want to go BIM or bust.

In the United States BIM is required in all projects

managed by the General Services Administration
(GSA), US Army Corps, US Department of Veteran
Affairs and US Coast Guard. Various local municipalities

Although in the past building industry professionals

have been advised not to share their Models for fear
of being sued, as James Salmon, of Collaborative
Construction Resources (a legal consultant engaged in
the aforementioned dispute) warned; now, it is possible
to be sued if you do not use Building Information
Modeling software in a manner consistent with emerging
industry standards.

Abu dhabi


Government bodies and associated entities in the Middle

East have also taken some significant steps to promote
building information modelling as an integral part of the
construction process. In the Middle East and North Africa,
Jordan is leading the way. The Kingdom of Jordans
Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) and the
Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) signed an agreement
with buildingSMART to found the buildingSMART Forum
in Jordan. In Kuwait some government agencies have
declared their support of BIM, and one could expect to
see BIM become a requirement in the near future. In the
UAE government-owned developers, such as Masdar,
TDIC and Mubadala, are increasingly requiring BIM as
part of their prequalification process.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012




Transforming Construction Processes with Causeway
The UK Government Construction Strategy was published back in May
2011 and signalled the next phase of the process improvement agenda.



The UK Government Construction Strategy was

published back in May 2011 and signalled the next
phase of the process improvement agenda.
The Strategy underlined the importance to the UK
economy of the 110bn of annual construction spend,
40% of which is in the public sector. However, it
challenged the entire industry to address business
models and practices to deliver a step change in cost,
quality and carbon performance.
There are countless ways to save small amounts of
money throughout the construction process. However,
the challenge is to transform rather than simply speed
up the process. This requires a deep understanding
of the construction domain alongside the ability
to transform the lifecycle of projects from concept
through to construction, operation and maintenance.

Building Information Modelling

(BIM) has been identified as a key
component to achieve the desired
step change by transforming
the information process right
through the lifecycle of the built
But this should remain in context with the wide
range of process elements that underpin business
operations. This article looks at some of these ...
including BIM.
Lets start with financial accounting. Although
construction-specific financial accounting solutions are
now relatively widespread, most are still incapable of
delivering the project-specific functionality that drives
true profitability. What construction companies require
is dedicated, project-specific commercial accounting
applications that can integrate within the overall
process. It is important to enable the interrogation
of information across all project-specific activities,
resources and transactions.
Then there are all those business transactions
we cant live without. Research has shown that
organisations can save up to 2% of their total turnover
simply by replacing paper invoices with electronic data

exchange and optimised transaction processes. This may

sound cutting edge but, in reality, it is nothing new.
Electronic trading has been around for over a decade
and is actually considerably less complicated than the
traditional exchange of paper trading documents. Many
of the Top 100 contractors within the UK construction
industry are already utilising Causeways eTrading hub,
Tradex, and reporting enormous savings. As far back
as November 2010, for example, the Sunday Telegraph
reported that Carillion expect to save over 80 million
through the introduction of electronic invoicing!
Electronic trading should be grasped and enjoyed in
the knowledge that it delivers improved integration,
strengthens partnering, cuts costs and improves
sustainability. Tim Cole, Causeway Executive Vice
President, Strategy.
People can be resistant to change. Thats why we believe
its important to keep things simple; we advise companies
to support their suppliers throughout their move to
e-lnvoicing, but to be bold and stand by their decision.
Following this advice, McNicholas achieved a 90%
e-lnvoicing adoption rate across their vast supply chain
within just twelve months of implementing Tradex.
The key to our success was following Causeways advice
to be bold within a supportive framework. Suppliers
need to believe youre serious about the implementation
project. Miles Gibson, Financial Controller of
Cutting Carbon Emissions If cash is king, hereafter
carbon has to be its queen. So says Paul Morrell, the
Governments Chief Construction Adviser, claiming the
construction industry needs to start putting a proper
price on carbon. The problem is that though money is
incentive in itself there doesnt seem to be an equivalent
reward for keeping carbon costs low: There is no reward
for taking due account of lifetime carbon, so not enough is
being done Morrell claims.
This is not, however, strictly true. Though it may be the
case that the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy
Efficiency Scheme (CRC EES) no longer actively rewards
those who keep their emissions low, there are actually
significant cost savings to be made by embracing the
carbon agenda. In other words, a company stands to
reward itself by reducing its carbon emissions.

Corporate Headquarters
Causeway Technologies Ltd
Comino House, Furlong Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire SL8 5AQ
t: +44 (0)1628 552000 f: +44 (0)1628 552001 e:
Middle East office
Causeway Middle East
1202 Tower B, Business Central Towers, Dubai Internet City, Dubai UAE
t: +971 (0)443 42119 e:


software for the built environment

Reducing carbon emissions should no longer be
seen as a cost, but as a saving. In the words of Barry
Gardiner MP at Junes Carbon Reporting seminar,
what gets monitored gets managed.

and integrated project teams that will ultimately deliver

such an outcome. BIM is a key element that provides the
information platform upon which such improvements can
be built.

Actively monitoring emissions is the

first step towards making significant
savings; National Grid, for example,
saved 200,000 at a single plant,
by monitoring and managing their
carbon emissions.

Within Causeway solutions, we are able to use a BIM

model to transform access to the data within. This
is further enhanced through integration with related
processes, including cost planning and estimating.
Through open access to BIM models it will be possible
to increasingly share data and transform traditional

Though it can yield great benefits, monitoring and

managing carbon isnt hard. Causeway Sustainability
iQ, for example, provides a single platform from which
to accurately measure and manage carbon emission
reductions, whilst validating all the information
necessary for the formulation and implementation of
CRC EES policies.
Sooner or later the industry will realise that
embracing the green agenda isnt a cost its a
saving. David Bell, Executive Vice President,
Customer Services, Causeway.
Mandatory BIM
Paul Morrell has also announced that, by 2016,
every government project will require model data to
be provided. This effectively requires the adoption
of Building Information Modelling (BIM) across the
industry. Essentially, this will require the sharing of
information models within increasingly collaborative
project environments. From reducing risk by predicting
project performance before the construction process,
to improving the quality of data delivered to a Facilities
Manager, BIM will change the way projects are
designed, built and maintained.
From a business point of view, leaving aside the
need to comply with Government requirements, it
is the reduction of risk, improved partnering and
inherent cost savings that will make BIM stand out.
As more projects are completed using BIM elements,
it is clear that significant advances are available.
However, the objective to deliver a step change
improvement to construction costs and carbon will
not be achieved through BIM alone. It will be the
process improvements, earlier contractor involvement

To Conclude
for the built
By embracing innovative technology,
collaboratively and deploying BIM processes to help save
on time, cost and carbon emissions, companies across
the built environment will be able to deliver projects of a
higher quality and within an environment of lower risk.
Author :
Tim Cole
Eur.Ing., C.Eng., BSc.(Hons), M.I.ChemE
Executive Vice President, Strategy, Causeway Technologies

8 About Causeway
Causeway is the only global
software provider to support
the complete life cycle of
the built environment, from
feasibility, through construction,
to facilities management.
Specifically designed to reduce
the cost of construction and
maintenance, their products
form an interoperable end
to end solution for improving
the profitability and improve
environmental performance of
the clients.
Find more of our articles at:

software for the built environment



BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


In Seattle, HNTB used Tekla BIMsight for the
State Route 99 tunnel project by easily combining
models from all disciplines, reviewing those
models with smooth navigation features and
capturing areas of interest with ease.

PR & Communications
Officer, Tekla
Middle East

The Seattle Tunnel Partners design-build contractor
team hired HNTB as the designer for the State Route
99 Tunnel project which will replace the Alaskan Way
Viaduct section of State Route 99 along Seattles
waterfront with a 16-meter inside diameter bored
tunnel beneath downtown Seattle. The existing
Alaskan Way Viaduct section is an elevated roadway
that is at risk of failure from earthquakes. As a
member of the Seattle Tunnel Partners, HNTB is
providing the design services for the tunnel and
the two associated operations buildings. Initial
construction activities began in fall 2011.



Tekla BIMsight allowed HNTB to easily combine
models from all disciplines and view models with
smooth navigation features and capture areas of
interest with ease. In BIM collaboration, HNTB utilized
the model in weekly all-discipline coordination
meetings to discuss the two buildings, cut and cover
areas, and the tunnel with the sub-consultants,
architects, and engineers. With all of the discipline
models loaded into Tekla BIMsight, HNTB and project
participants were able to see conflicts and possible
design changes.
In this project, the Tekla BIMsight feature HNTB found
most useful was the ability to quickly cut sections
and turn off pieces of the model to clearly see the
interworking of the design within the model.


State Route 99 Tunnel is an extremely complex
project which combines civil engineering, structures,
architectural elements, mechanical & electrical
systems, and traffic management. When the workflow
is model-based, the design team can view the
integrated project elements as a whole and find
design and coordination issues between each
discipline. The traditional method of reviewing the
project using drawings does not allow for this complex
interface and collaboration process.

The US-based HNTB Corporation is an employeeowned infrastructure firm serving federal, state,
municipal, and private clients. Professionals
provide award-winning planning, design, program
management and construction management services.
For nearly a century, HNTB has helped create
infrastructure that best meets the unique demands
of its environment. With client relationships spanning
decades, HNTB understands infrastructure life cycles
and has the perspective to solve technical challenges
with clarity and imagination. The company sees and
helps to address far-reaching issues of financing,
legislation, design, construction, community outreach
and ongoing operations. As employee-owners
committed to the highest levels of performance, HNTB
enables clients to achieve their goals and inspiring




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issue 24

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

definition and

Chuck Eastman,
Digital Building
Lab, Georgia
should demand
that space
calculations on
their projects
be based on
smart BIM space
objects... In
this computer
age, we should
not accept
that naturally
errors and


BIM Journal wishes to thank

Chuck Eastman, Director of
the Digital Building Lab at
Georgia Tech, for his invaluable
contribution to this issue.


Area calculation is rightly considered by clients
as a critical design output, informing decisionmaking from feasibility phase through to facilities
management. Traditional processes are subject
to human error both in spatial definition in the CAD
environmental and in transferring that information
to external spreadsheets. BIM affords a controlled
process for spatial definition (as areas or volumes,
and by preset definitions) and a reliable mechanism
for outputting this data for direct usage in the project

drawn to the wrong side of a wall or overlap with

other spaces and these are hard to see by visual
2. Spatial definitions and standards may not always
be followed when done manually, leading to further
variation. Are columns and freestanding walls
included or not?
3. Space boundaries were usually approximate.
Unless the space polygon was carefully snapped
to the proper vertices defining the corners of the
polygon, the space polygon was only a visual
approximation of the actual net space.

According to Chuck Eastman, Director, Digital

Building Lab, Georgia Tech, Owners should
demand that space calculations on their projects be
based on smart BIM space objects. Older methods
based on hand drawn polygons are typically
inaccurate and can lead to significant error. In this
computer age, we should not accept practices that
naturally involve errors and approximation.


BIM has brought the computer age to construction.

The previous generation architectural CAD systems
were able to compute the area of a polygon, even
with columns and other interior occlusions. However,
they were not able to represent building space
explicitly as parametric objects. Space objects were
approximated as user-defined polygons with an
associated space name as attribute. The schedule
of net space areas could be calculated from the
named polygons and used in checking layouts in
comparison to the project space program. Like
other aspects of computer drafting, this did the
calculations, but left to the operators all questions of
accuracy and correctness.

BOMA (Building Owners and Managers

Association, USA) recognized this
issue by recommending consistency
between space areas being inherently
variable (in drafting systems) and
acceptable if within two percent of
each other.
GSA (General Services Administration,
USA) uses the same acceptance level
of tolerance. whats the issue for a
million dollar lease only 20 thousand
a year?

This method was the best achievable in drafting

systems, where all so-called building components
were collections of graphic entities interpreted by the
beholder. However, this computer representation of
spaces carried with it all the baggage of traditional
drafting systems:

The process for area scheduling in the BIM

environment is controlled and customisable. In the
BIM environment spaces exist as unique entities.
They are defined by dynamic association to building
elements floors, walls, ceilings. This means, on the
one hand, that as these elements are modified in
the model the area calculations are updated, and on
the other hand, that if the spatial definition needs to
be changed (eg Gross floor area is to be calculated
by centre line of a wall, rather than outer face) the
spatial entities can be redefined.

1. Consistency of the design was the responsibility

of the user; if a wall was moved, the affect on spaces
on both sides of the wall were the responsibility of
the draftsman. Inconsistency between wall layouts
and space were highly likely in large projects with
many spaces, such as hospitals. Consistency
management is hard. A space polygon may be

BIM spaces can more accurately represent complex

spaces than traditional methods particularly
irregular and curvilinear volumes. Most significantly
these spaces have direct links to schedules that
update automatically as the design parameter
change. The schedule data can be exported out of
the model environment for broader usage across the


Downstream, space elements can contain huge

amounts of design data - finishes schedules, FF&E
inventories or HVAC design requirements. These
parameters are not merely records of the design
intent but form mechanisms for verifying and driving
the development of the model.



Chuck Eastman, Director of the Digital Building Lab at
Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology) USA,
discusses the current state of spatial definition in BIM
software, some developments that have been made
in the application of this in the US, and areas of future
I thank the General Services Administration (GSA) for
demanding that BIM design applications be capable
of automatically deriving and updating space areas
and volumes beginning in 2007. Most current BIM
design applications represent a building space
as an automatically generated and automatically
updated extruded polygon whose plan boundary
is defined by the wall intersections with a floor slab.
The polygon is then extruded to the average ceiling
height or possibly trimmed to a sloping ceiling
surface. If a bounding wall is moved, the space
object is automatically re-generated, guaranteeing its
consistency with the plan layout.
Today, most (not all) BIM design applications provide
this capability, However, GSA still accepts the drawn
polygons from so-called BIM compliant software
( In part, this is because of history.
Before BIM technology became mainstream, GSA
invested in its eSmart facilities management system,
which is based on 2D drawings.

The electronic Spatial Management and Reporting

Tool (eSMART) provides a national web-based
Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM)
system for managing and maintaining the drawing
and assignment data for GSAs federally-owned
buildings. eSMART is the cornerstone of the PBS
SDM (GSAs Public Buildings Service Spatial Data
Management) program and an essential tool for PBS
business. This web-based technology permits GSA
users to quickly retrieve real-time assignment data
and CAD drawings with the convenience of pointand-click capability. eSMART also allows users to edit
and modify drawings stored in the database and to
generate standardized reports and floor plans.
Providing increased accuracy, convenience, and
standardization, eSMART helps to achieve GSAs goals
of responsible asset management and to operate
more efficiently and effectively.

stub in most restaurant bills, check cashing and other financial operations,
why do we still accept manual operations in rental space calculation that
have only limited validation?
Instead of holding onto the past, we should work towards improving the
future, figuring the next steps to make Architecture-Engineering-Construction
and Operations more predictable. More work is needed. Currently, there
are written rules for deriving the gross area for a building. It addresses such
issues as calculating external ramps and stairs, the distinction between
sun screens and structural elements, and so forth. But I am not aware of
an automated and validated implementation of such a perimeter-defining
The current BIM object model for spaces is not perfect. The definition works
for vertical walls and flat floors, but ignores vertical changes in wall surfaces,
and floors and ceilings made of complex surfaces (such as sloping walls,
stars or ramps). These are also not easily addressed by humans so ignoring
them is thought excusable. We still are missing effective algorithms in our
BIM tools for dealing with the volume of air in a building. How far off are
our energy calculations because of sloppy numbers? How much volume is
filled with furniture and equipment, reducing the actual volume? The volume
calculation is readily available in most geometric modelling libraries but
hasnt been demanded by users.
The larger issue is that with building information modelling, we have moved
past hand-drawn accuracy for design and construction. We have the
potential of using laser scan accuracy for all our work, leading to fewer RFIs,
less air leakage, more accurate leases and operating costs and improved
construction quality. Buildings are occupied by people and uncertainty
will always exist about some aspects of building performance. But there is
no need to be sloppy when objective measures can be generated in our
computer tools. The automatic calculation of spaces is also several orders
of magnitude faster than a human drawing polygons. Lets spend the time
being more productive.


eSmart is used by all GSA regions to manage space,

leases and for planning renovations. eSmart relies
on manually drawn polygons for estimating space
boundaries and leasing areas. Discussions are
ongoing to move the eSmart functionality to a BIMbased system, but that has not been undertaken yet.
Hand drawn polygons still widely exist in GSA and in
new projects undertaken by most building owners.
This is unnecessary and crude. Leases, maintenance
contracts, insurance and other continuing costs
all relay on those hand drawn polygons, with their
inherent errors. While we regularly affix the calculation


BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

project linking directly into and cost estimation or

facilities management software.
The value of BIM space entities is being continuously
redefined and expanded. In some cases bidirectional associations have been developed
where, in a concept phase, the designer can
make changes in the schedule that directly impact
the building volume in the model. In other cases
designers develop algorithms reflecting predefined
design requirements (for example the relationship
of circulation space to retail space) and allow these
algorithms to generate preliminary massing objects.


issue 24

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Mixed use
community in
the UAE

In a new master planning project in the UAE, Burt

Hill deployed a BIM-based area scheduling process
that not only insured accuracy of information, but
was also able to dynamically inform the design
process. The building information model developed
at concept phase was linked to area schedules
that were automatically updated with each design
iteration. More significantly, however, the model was
controlled with specific rule-based associations,
ensuring that as the design changed the spatial
zones were modified according to predefined design


It is a priority of Burt Hill to streamline workflow

processes for planning projects that have
traditionally been disparate and unconnected.
With a focus on preliminary area calculations, The
design team created reusable model prototypes and
developed schedule-based associations to generate
environmental outputs earlier in the decision
process. Using BIM for planning allows one to
create very accurate and rapid models that eliminate
redundant handling and replication of project data.
BIM further enables one to explore rapid design
alternatives and make informed decisions on those
options earlier.
This particular project of a mixed use community in
the UAE allowed Burt Hill to define a coordinated

spatial environment that expanded the traditional

information feedback loop to provide rich
computable data.
In a traditional CAD environment the information
feedback loop would involve developing
a conceptual CAD plan and then manually
performing area calculations to verify that the
spatial design requirements have been met.
Invariably the design would need to be tweaked
to correct the spatial relationships (eg reduce built
up area, or maximize residential area compared
to retail space). This process typically involves
multiple iterations (to-ing and fro-ing between
design and area calculations) continually revising
the design until the optimal spatial relationships
have been achieved.
In the BIM environment this information feedback
loop is completely transformed. There are two
aspects to this.
1. The relationship between model space and
area schedules are dynamically linked, providing
accurate data dynamically updated as the model
2. Rule-based relationships can be established
to control the relationship between different


Building Footprint
Building Summary
Parking Demand
Parking Supply
Land Uses
Open Spaces
Plot Summary

Some of the recipes for calculation in the schedules


Gross Floor Area (GFA)

Gross Lettable Area (GLA)
Floor Area Ratio (FAR),
Units Required
Parking Requirements
Landscaped area (soft or hard)

Embedding such rule-based associations into the

design software enables one to freely and rapidly
develop design options knowing that the underlying
relationships will be maintained.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


In the master plan project Burt Hill developed
conceptual models that were configured to
automatically extract preliminary area calculations
according to preset recipes. Burt Hill commenced
this process by using a series of predefined building
mass prototypes. The prototype massing objects
were preconfigured with specific spatial parameters.
These included:

The prototype objects were directly linked to area

schedules that would reflect the specific spatial
composition. Any changes to the the massing
objects would be updated automatically in the area

The next step of the process was for the planners to configure the mass
prototypes into the locations and push/pull them into the required shapes.
As these modifications were being made to the models the schedules were
constantly being updated, reflecting the actual area calculations based
on the rule-based recipes. This is the great differentiator of BIM versus a
CAD/Spreadsheet methodology. The results were instant, and the data was
centrally located and easily manipulated and verifiable.
In an advanced BIM process one is further able
to establish a bi-directional relationship, where
changes in the schedule would cause modification
of the model itself. This is clearly a more complex
relationship, and certain rules must be established
as to how the mass will adapt


The prototype objects were configured according
to specific recipes; that is, rule-based associations
that determine the relationship of the various
parameters. The relationship of these parameters,
was dependant on the particular function of the
prototype (eg. High Density Residential or Mixed
Use) and also reflected building code and client
requirements. For example parking spaces should
be determined at 1 space per every 100sqm of
lettable office space, or 1 per dwelling unit. Or that
High Density Residential space should be equal
to 23% of total built up area. Alternatively these
parameters could be fixed figures, such as minimum
dwellings required.

A further benefit of generating the BIM model for this type of project was
the ability to render the schemes to our visualization team without waiting
for the masses to be generated. Once again saving time for our delivery


issue 25

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Functions of
Parametric Modelling
To the layperson a building information model
is often seen as little more than a geometric
representation of a building. BIM, however requires
sophisticated task-specific software, highly trained
operators and complex processes to integrate,
manage and collaborate the information. What is the
added benefit of a BIM, what makes it different to a
3D model, and why should organisations invest in
this intricate and multifarious process?
A 3D model is a static geometric representation
of an object. It may be spatially accurate, it may
even have a photo-realistic material representation,
however it has little or no meaningful association to
the object that is supposed to represent.
3D models are typically created in non-industryspecific software. An object is constructed as an
arrangement of geometries the identity of the
element is irrelevant.
A 3D model is a valuable asset in its own right, and
can be used for:

BIM Journal wishes to

acknowledge and thank
Ing. Emiel Peltenburg and
Nemetschek Scia ( for the provision of
this article.

Photo-realistic visualisations (including fly

through animations)
Limited spatial coordination (visualising the
relationship of the different facility entities)
Limited integration to construction programming
applications for construction sequencing.

Spatial coordination of 3D models has limited
value. Areas can be visualised, however volumes
or surface areas cannot be extracted. Elements
have limited identity in a 3D model. A clash may be
detected between two entities, even automatically,
however there is no identity to the elements, nor any
association between them.
This is dramatically different in the BIM environment
where one is not simply interested in detecting
the collision of entities, but more the relationship
between them. Rule-checking assessments can be
undertaken on a BIM to manage a sophisticated
level of associations: that doors have sufficient swing
opening clearance, that stair landings achieve their
minimum required length, or that handrails achieve
their minimum height.
Construction sequencing is a similar example. A
3D model can be linked to a construction schedule,
such that the model can appear to develop as the
programme progresses. However there is limited
logic behind this. The script is simply to link a
scheduled task to an object, and as the programme
progresses the linked model elements become
visible or change colour. The link between the task
and the element is arbitrary. The task could be linked
easily to a steel truss as to a light-bulb, without
affecting the programme.
In the context of BIM the scheduling software will
read the identity and properties of an element.
For example, if a task is linked to a concrete
footing, the duration of that task will correspond to
the volume of concrete represented in the model
and the production rate associated to the task. If
the footing is reduced in size in the model, or the
production rate is increased, the task duration will
be diminished.



A building information model is fundamentally
different to a 3D model. At the core of a BIM are
parametric objects - objects that have dynamic
geometric and non-geometric properties and
behaviours. These properties control how an object
is formed and modified (for example increase the
width of a window, and the area of glass widens,
not the window frame) and how they interact with
other objects (insert a window into a wall and an
opening is created, increase the window size and
the opening increases correspondingly, remove the
opening and the wall is made good).
This is discussed in detail in the following article:
Concepts of Parametric Modelling.



Parametric modelling is the design concept in which
the absolute values of a model or part of it - like
the height of the structures, the loading at the top
surface, the thickness of a web, the grade of the
concrete or the time of casting - are replaced by
relative parameters, see Figures 1 and 2. These
parameters may be defined in all kinds of models:
either analysis, detailing or structural. After the
parameters are defined, they can be easily adjusted
by the engineer to new values/settings,see Figure 3.
Consequently, the engineer obtains either a relatively
small or maybe even a big change in the structure.
The initial design shape, however, is not changed
Theoretically it is possible to parameterize any input
data of a model element, be it geometric, analytic
or descriptive. The control of the parameters is fully
open to the user, no programming is needed since
the user interactively indicates the parameters in the
object properties interface.
The use of these parameters within the BIM
environment leads to:

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Figure 1: General drawing

A rapid design (new design models are easily

from similar shapes / parametric parts can be reused in other objects or projects)
Access to more complexity (parameters are
calculated out of formulae or derived from other
parameters, e.g. generation of the geometry of
repetitious structures)
Sensitivity studies (by studying the effect of
changing parameters).
Using parametric objects one is able to perform a
rapid design through the adjustment of a predefined
set of input data. More complex elements can be
designed by using parameterised user templates, or
so-called blocks. Using the parametric blocks like
Lego pieces, the engineer can assemble repetitive,
but iterative, structures very rapidly. This approach
is of great value for structures such as tower masts,
portal frames or prefabricated concrete systems
where a simple element is duplicated with multiple
alterations and in various configurations.
see Figure 4 ( Next Page ).

Figure 2: Choice of parameters

Using mathematical formulae the user is also able to

obtain relatively complex structures in an easy way.
The main user, mostly the lead eng ineer, defines
the formulae once, and entering the proper input
data for the formulae bothers only the engineer
or draftsman. The lead engineer uses parametric
templates for different parts of the structure, the
basic users can assemble the complex structure
based on the parameterised block,
see Figures 5 and 6 ( Next Page ).
Figure 3: Regenerated model with changed values for the parameters


Parametric modelling enables the creation of

user-libraries of frequently used construction
components: beams, walls, joists, trusses, braces,
foundations, etc... This creates maximum flexibility
for the design and detailing. The data structure
underlying the parametric model is such that
changes propagate throughout the entire model; the
change engine ensures that related elements reflect
the changes of chosen parameters.


issue 25

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


To give an example of parametric modelling in
detail, let us consider the design of a single span
post-tensioned bridge from the perspective of
the engineer. The cost-efficiency requires the
minimal (optimal) amount of concrete mass and the
minimal depth of the bridge. However, the number
of parameters influencing those two main design
criteria is quite big: concrete quality, height of the
cross-section, number of tubes in the cross-section
(to reduce weight), diameter of the tubes in the
cross-section, size of the cross-section near the
supports, concrete cover, etc. In Figure 7 you can
review the initial cross-section used in the design.

Figure 6: An assembled complex lattice mast (action performed by the

basic user). Example composed of more than 10 different parametric
blocks. Screenshot Scia Engineer.

Figure 4: Typical example of a precast concrete building (from diktaat

Gebouwen in geprefabriceerd beton by J.C. Walraven & Ing.
J.P. Straman, TU Delft)

Figure 5: Example of a parameterized arm of a lattice tower:

the various hooks and angles are parameterized, the complex
geometry is calculated out of hidden formulae.


We assume that the loading of the bridge is

independent of the cross-section shape and
that the engineer bases the required number of
tendons and possible soft steel reinforcement on
both the allowable stresses in the concrete and the
bending moment capacity. Then the design of the
reinforcement will easily follow the input parameters
set by the user. The user changes the location of
the weight reducing tubes and the diameter of the
tubes. Immediately complex calculations are run in
the background and detailed checks are performed.
The new data become available to the user, enabling
a quick validation of the results. The user proceeds
until he has achieved enough insight in the structural
behaviour and an optimal design is achieved within
the design criteria.

Figure7: Cross-section for a post-tensioned single span bridge from

Scia Engineer

Parametric modelling can be used create
customised and adaptive components, such as
connections for steel, concrete, etc... One can
enhance the connection intelligence by adding
behavioural descriptions and rules to the different
parameterized connection parts (e.g. stiffener, bolt)
and by adding operations (in general Boolean, in
practice cutting, drilling, ), see Figure 10.

Parametric modelling is the foundation of BIM.
It recognises and orders model elements as
controlled and adaptive property-driven entities,
rather than static geometric representations.
Understanding the power of parametric
modelling enables the correct operation of a
building information model as a dynamic and
responsive database of information. This opens
up a world of powerful functionality and activity


Figure 9: Optimal economic design based on adapted

parameters part 2

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Figure 8: Optimal economic design based on adapted

parameters part 1

Figure 10: Open connections in structural modelling and design

from Scia Engineer




issue 25

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


The Abu Dhabi

Investment Council
Dynamic Facade
Parametric modelling and BIM processes supported
the design, coordination and construction of the Abu
Dhabi Investment Council Headquarters (ICHQ), still
under construction in the UAE.

Figure 1: Abu Dhabi

Investment Council (ADIC)

This case study focuses on critical challenges faced

in the design, construction and future operation of
the dynamic Mashrabiya faade. It demonstrates
how parametric modelling can be used to tune the
complexities of an optimal, energy-efficient design
so that it also takes into account the constraints and
imitations of fabrication.
This multi-dimensional, non-linear approach, enabled
by parametric modelling, informs and enhances the
design process resulting in more compelling and
energy-efficient links between the built and natural
environment.The Headquarters for the Abu Dhabi
Investment Council (ICHQ) is a 147m high twin-tower
development located in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
One tower will be occupied by Abu Dhabi Investment
Council (ADIC), and the other by Al Hilal Bank. In an
innovative and captivating gesture to moderate the
impact of the severe climate, the architects (AEDAS)
conceived a kinetic facade composed of elements
that fold like origami in response to external changes
in light and wind.
The modulescalled Mashrabiya by the design
team in a nod to Islamic culturemake a responsive
shading system that variably filters the light and heat
entering the building at all times during the day.


The facade even has the intelligence to react to

unusual weather conditions.
If the weather goes beyond the norm, the facade will
respond by deviating from its preset programme to
offset the impact of the unusual conditions outside.
The engineers estimate that this kinetic and
responsive facade, which is controlled automatically
by a system that processes information from sensors
measuring light and wind-speed, will reduce the
buildings electricity consumption and carbon
emissions by 20%.

Figure 2: ADIC towers under construction


Project Name: Abu Dhabi Investment Council
Type of Project: Commercial Offices
25 storeys + 2 Basement levels, Ground, Podium,
Mezzanine, and CrownLevels
147 m high
Size: 75,000 sqm total built-up area
Owner: AD Investment Council
Design Architect: Aedas
Main Contractor: Al-Futtaim Carillion
Parametric and Building-Information Modeling
(BIM): Gehry Technologies


BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


The Mashrabiya is a modular, dynamic, solar shading
system comprising 1049 modules per tower that
individually open and close in response to the
movement of the sun throughout the course of a day.
The opening mechanism, a linear screw-jack actuator
and electiric motor, in the center of each module that
causes the triangular facets of the Mashrabiya to
fold into the center, is automatically controlled by a
Building Management System (BMS) that computes
the state of each module in response to data sent
by light sensors and anemometerssensors for
measuring wind speed. Instead of a binary on-off
condition, each module in the facade varies smoothly
between the open and closed states, allowing the
facade to obtain an optimal balance between outside
conditions and interior requirements throughout the
buildings floor plan.
The Mashrabiya effectively forms a second skin
around the building that reduces solar gain and
enhances energy efficiency. It regulates the
sunlight and glare entering the buildings, improving
comfort conditions inside, and avoiding the dark
glazingcommon in Middle Eastern buildingsthat
greatly reduces interior sunlight regardless of the
light conditions outside. Moreover, given the great
deal of energy that goes into thermal control, the
facade is expected to significantly reduce electricity
consumption and carbon emissions of the building
by around 20%by smartly controlling the solar gain.
The design of the Mashrabiya facades physical
structureand behaviorwas shaped by parametric
technologies and processes. During the competition
stage the architects wrote algorithms to describe
the geometry of the Mashrabiya facade within
traditional CAD systems. Immediately after, during the
development stages, the definition of the mechanical
and kinematic details of the modules demanded
a more robust approach. Parametric modeling
environments were key to develop the proof of
concept critical to advance the project. An important
aspect of this stage was to parametrically capture the
movement of the module from the open to the closed
states (See Figure 3). The parametric modeling team
iterated over the modules design with architecture
and engineering teams until reaching an optimal


At the module level the team of BIM consultants

developed detailed parametric models to account
for the unique motion of the components. At the
facade level, the by-product of the parametric model,
allowed studies to be conducted to test the lighting
performance, energy performance, and the facades
open vs. closed optimization. These studies fed
back to the module, helping designers realize how
even very small changes in the moduleperhaps of
only a few millimetersaffected the overall energy
performance of the facade. Moreover, the BIM
consultants developed computational methods of
surface evaluation that helped designers optimize the
size and shape of the glazing elements to maximize
flatness and rectangularity of glassa crucial budget

Figure 3: Parametric Mashrabiya Model


issue 25

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Figure 8: Visual Mockup

and testing the Mashrabiya


The shape of the ICHQ towers is deceivingly simple.
Rather than a perfect circumference, the towers floor
plan follows a series of arcs varying subtly from floor
to floor. As a result, the connections between the
casings of the hexagonal honeycomb steel structure
members that support the facade are different at
each point along the perimeter of the building. In
order to avoid clashes between the casingsand
between the casings and each floors ceilingsand
produce accurate descriptions for the fabricators,
the team of BIM consultants developed intelligent
connections that automatically measure the angle at
the joint and check for potential clashes, rotating and
trimming its pieces accordingly (See Figure 5).

Figure 5: intelligent connection to resolve non-repetitive details

By analyzing the ratio of rotated elements throughout

the facade in different scenarios, and the global
amount of rotation, the team of BIM consultants
was able to fine-tune the behavior of the intelligent
connection to simplify both fabrication and assembly
(See Figure 6).
Similarly, the team developed intelligent connections
between the interior facades and the radial partition
walls. The connections measured the angle between
the facade and the partition walls and adjusted
automatically to their particular condition. When these
smart models were placed in its specific location
in the facade, both the structure and the partition
connections were updated and the extraction of
data to support shop-drawings was automated:
accelerating the flow of information to the fabricator
(See Figure 7).

Figure 7: Automatically generated unfold fabrication drawings for

column casings


Figure 6: Measuring performance in terms of required rotation.

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issue 26

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Parametric objects are the building blocks of a
building information model. Although historically
the term parametric referred to the definition of
geometry (form) by controlled values, it has now,
more accurately, come to refer to any manner of
content that can be attributed to an object - and
in fact need not relate to a geometric object at all.
One is tempted to think that the more parameters an
object contains the greater its value. This is true to
a point, however there is an equally valid concern
that a data model may become overladen with
superfluous content that does little to benefit the
project and much to hinder it.
The original concept of a parametric object referred
to the ability to define and control the geometry of
an object by modifiable parameter values. The most
basic parameters of an object would be those of
dimension - height, width, depth. In more complex
objects, the parameters would include finer elements
of the object, such as glazing type, frame profile and
mode of operation (eg casement, awning sliding)
as well as associative behaviour (such as the
automatic joining of adjacent perpendicular walls).
In todays BIM lexicon geometric properties are only
one set of attributes among a virtual sea of possible
descriptors. Other parameters may include material
composition, thermal properties, location, product
type, unit cost, schedule number or erection status.
Most BIM authoring software allow for customised
parameters. Typically this is fairly open-ended
allowing for the user to create un-controlled
parameter fields and value entries. Adding custom
parameters can be valuable in defining detailed
descriptors of the element (such as manufacturer
details, hardware, finishes). However they can
equally become overloaded with arbitrary or highlyspecific information that is of little or no value to the
broader project team.


BIM Journal wishes to

acknowledge InterSpec for their
extensive contribution to this


The richness of a model is determined by its
inherent data content, however only to the extent
that that information helps identify and describe the
essential characteristics of the element. Beyond
this, additional data may become excessive and
burdensome. The value of a database is not only in
the quantity of the information contained, but rather
in the clarity, quality and organization of the data,
as well as the mechanisms to filter, exclude, retrieve
and utilise that data for ancillary functions.
In short, the level of content to be incorporated into
a model should be relative to the required function
of the BIM and the proposed processes of model

As a rule of thumb, one could say that each model

element should be defined to a level that enables
it to be precisely identified and referenced. The
level of detail would correspond to the phase of
the project. For example at an early design stage
defining a window element by category (window)
type (casement) and over-all dimensions may be
sufficient, however to be issued for tender the
element must contain more detailed information
such as frame material and profile, glazing type and
hardware. At a construction level the detail ought to
be even higher.
Model elements may also be defined differently
for different project disciplines. Multiple users
may need access to the same building element,
however each requiring varying levels of information
and functionality. For example, a window may be
modelled by an architect, priced by a quantity
surveyor and specified by a specification writer.
Each of these contributors would require access to
the same general properties of the object window,
however requirement for additional domainspecific information and functionality may vary.
Preparing coordinated construction documents
across even a small team requires a significant
amount of effort and tightly managed processes
to ensure quality and completeness. There
are typically many disciplines involved in
the preparation, review and approval of the
construction documentation which could
include: dedicated specifiers, project architects
and engineers, program managers, external
consultants and owner representatives. In addition
there are draftspeople, modellers and other
project team members who may not be directly
involved in the specification review but certainly
have a role in coordinating the information on the
models and drawings.

A building information model can be linked to external databases,

such as specifications. One can activate the spec through the model
element (for example by double-clicking a window assembly) which
can be reviewed and even redlined from within the BIM authoring


One way of managing, as will be discussed in

the following article, is through a multi-database
set-up . While the model remains the central
and authoritative source of project data it need
not contain the full extent of project information.
Rather, the model acts as a placeholder that
can link bi-directionally to other synchronised
databases. This ensures consistency between
the databases, and at the same time allows for
flexibility in functionality and accessibility of

particularly useful if the secondary data is highly

specialised, as may be the case with specifications,
and the information need not be contained in the
model element itself.
This methodology achieves multiple ends:
1. Increases the over-all data content of the BIM
(without over-burdening the original database)
2. Enables multiple users to have access to different
levels of information and functionality, depending
on their role in the project team.
3. Ensures that all project parties have access to the
same core project data, at the same time.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Each of these parties require access to the same

reference elements (ie the building components)
but not necessarily the same depth of information
or functionality. For example, a window element
may be simultaneously accessible to the
architectural modeller, the specification writer
and the energy analyst. The specification writer
may have access to a level of information that
may not, in all cases, be relevant to the other
parties, such as details about protective coatings
or sealant types. Each party should have control
over changing the content within their domain,
confident that the other parties will access these
changes, and without fear that the other parties
could make unauthorised modifications.
How can these domains be managed in the
BIM environment, where multiple parties are
collaborating on a single model?


Linking two databases (for example the BIM and
the specification) must occur at a component level.
Furthermore, the association must be flexible enough
to accommodate changes in either database, while
maintaining and updating the link.
The link between the model elements and the
specifications can be a semi-automated process.
One strategy is to pre-define relationships by binding
individual model elements to related sections from
a specification master document, prior to project
modelling. As the elements are placed in the model
the corresponding sections are drawn from a master
specification database and compiled in the project
specification manual. Throughout the life of the
project, a live link is maintained between model
and specification, so that changes in the model will
be automatically reflected in the specification, and
vice versa. Depending on the rights of the project
member, they would be able to access, review
and even redline the specifications associated to
a particular assembly by clicking on the element
instance in the building information model. Viewing
linked specifications via the selected instance in the
model can be very useful for downstream functions
such as estimating, construction management and
facilities management.


Integrating the specifications with a building
information model fulfils one of the great promises of
BIM; to be able to use a single point of reference to
facilitate and coordinate complimentary processes.
However it also raises fundamental questions
regarding information management. For example,
how can multiple parties access the same model
element simultaneously, and what is the (useful)
extent of information that can be embedded in a

Depending on the rights of the project member,

they would be able to access, review and even
redline the specifications associated to a particular
assembly by clicking on the element instance in
the building information model. Viewing linked
specifications via the selected instance in the model
can be very useful for downstream functions such as
estimating, construction management and facilities


In reality it is not possible for two parties to modify

the same element simultaneously, however it is
possible for different parties to access distinct
parameters within the one component. One
way of achieving this is by locating certain
parameters outside of the central database. The
ancillary parameters are live-linked to the original
component, but can be worked on independently.
Essentially one is establishing a multiple database
structure; a central database of core project
information ie the building model - and secondary
databases of domain specific information. This is


issue 26

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Building models are typically described as
assemblies, based on internationally recognised
standards of classification such as UniFormat,
MasterFormat or OmniClasss, among others. Such
classification systems provide a consistent way to
define building model components, regardless of the
complexities of the assemblies or model elements
that they represent.
It is also a very logical way to categorise building
model elements as we tend to think about the
components of the building as assemblies rather
than constituent parts.
UniFormat is an industry standard
classification system, developed in part
by the Construction Specifications Institute
(CSI), used primarily as a way of categorizing
information about building elements which
may contain multiple detailed parts. As
defined by the CSI, UniFormat is a method
of arranging construction information based
on functional elements, or parts of a facility
characterized by their functions, and often
referred to as systems or assemblies. It is a
way to organize information about an entire
assembly with multiple detail components.
Specifications, on the other hand, are structured
according to products, activities or construction
requirements. In North America specifications are
based on MasterFormat, a 50-division, materialspecific organizational format which, according
to the CSI, is an organizational standard for
specifications and is a master list of titles and
numbers classified by work results for organizing
data about construction requirements, products, and
The mapping tool must understand the logic of both
databases and establish a flexible association. This
can be achieved by creating bindings - logical
associations between the model assemblies and the
corresponding sections of the specification master


The bindings consider the individual components of the assemblies (eg if it is a steel or wood
frame) and references the relevant section for the master specification document.

The BIM-integrated specifications process should
construct the specifications according to projectspecific conditions, such as location or building
type. This accommodates the variation in specifying
a particular element depending on whether the
building were a gaol or a school, or whether the
project were located in Abu Dhabi or Zurich. The
process involves defining specific accounts (eg for
school or gaol) and then activating these accounts,
like a filter system, to modify the individual bindings.

The context option is a powerful function. It can be used to provide

increased or customized content for specific project requirements,
such as LEED accreditation.

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design

(LEED) is, according to the U.S. Green Building
Council that developed it, an internationally
recognized green building certification system
that is providing thirdparty verification that a
building or community was designed and
built using strategies aimed at improving
performance across all the metrics that matter
most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2
emissions reduction, improved indoor
environmental quality, and stewardship of
resources and sensitivity to their impacts.

LEED certified designs require additional

information to be incorporated into the construction
specifications which can add to the time and cost
to prepare the specifications as well as to increase
the chances that the models and specifications
will be misaligned and out of sync. BIM-integrated
specifications can reduce the additional cost and
complexities associated with LEED projects by
automatically filtering the master specifications
for LEED specific language. MasterSpec, for
instance, includes hundreds of sections with LEED
requirements text and commentaries, including six
Division One LEEDrelated sections. By setting up a
Client Account for LEED projects, this specific LEED
language can be associated through additional
bindings to model elements that in one way or
another require additional LEED information to be
incorporated into the specifications. For instance,
in the Wood Window section, there is additional
specification language required for manufacturers
qualification and for certified wood if the wood
windows are to be LEED certified. The simple
inclusion of these additional options in the LEED
Client Account bindings will insure that the language


General specifications sections that have no

component reference can also be bound to a project.
This could be a manual process, or it could be
structured to reference general project information,
such as facility type.


Automating the preparation of the project specification manual can be
of significant value to a project team in increasing speed and efficiency,
however the greatest benefit is in ensuring that the models and
specifications are synchronised. Even the slightest oversight or ambiguity
in the construction documents can lead to time consuming and costly
change orders if these things are not discovered before construction
BIM integrated specifications provide an example of the one of the great
promises of BIM, to be able to use a single source of information to
facilitate and coordinate complimentary processes. It also demonstrates
a practical data management process, where content and functionality
can be managed to respond to distinct requirements of the various project

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

is added to the specification manual as required.

Furthermore, one is able to associate specification
sections to elements that are not modelled. It is often
not practical to model detailed elements, although
the relevant specification sections would still be
required. This can be overcome by manually binding
the additional spec sections to the model assembly
as required. A more controlled way of dealing with this
would be to include the detailed elements within the
model assembly as parameter field, with no geometric
counterpart. The specifications can then be bound to
these parameters.




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issue 26

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Gilfillan Callahan
Nelson Architects

Callahan Nelson
uses a BIMintegrated
process to
accelerate the
spec writing
process on
projects like
this 72,000
square foot
fitness & aquatic


a Chicago-based full-service architectural firm,
deployed a BIM integrated specification system
that enabled the update of building specs in real
time as design decisions were made. The main
benefits of the systems were the semi-automated
production of specification documents driven by
the content of the building information model, and
the direct synchronization and verification tools that
ensured that modifications in either the model or the
specification were synchronised.
In the past, Gilfillan Callahan Nelson Architects
found that specification documents were not
consistently produced at the high quality levels the
firm demanded and its clients deserved. The firms
standard front-end requirements were not always
correctly written into spec documents and the
required product sections were frequently omitted.
This lack of coordination resulted in extensive
addenda hindering the entire project.
Gilfillan Callahan Nelson sought out a software
solution that read the models assembly parameters
to determine the relevant product and material
specifications required.
The process was analogous to a document
management system that facilitates filtering complex
master specification documents to the specific
requirements of the project and in doing so, ensured

that the model, drawings and specification were

all synchronised. The filtering was based on a tag
and mapping process integrated into the master
specification documents. Gilfillan Callahan Nelson
noted that the coordination and automation afforded
by this process greatly reduced their manual editing
requirements of each section.
The ability to query the model as youre making
design decisions is worth the price of admission,
says Pat Callahan, Senior Partner, Gilfillan Callahan
A unique benefit of the integrated process was that
the detail of the specification could be gradually
progressed corresponding to the development
of the model. In cases where it was desirable to
have coordinated specifications from the earliest
stages of the project, one could create preliminary
specifications from the initial assembly components,
and then increase detail as the model was refined.
Parameters such as operation type, fire rating and
insulation properties may not have been specified
initially, however as the modelled progressed these
details could be extracted from the model and
mapped to the corresponding section from the
master specification database.


Figure 1: The Binding Manager is used to manage the associations from the model object
Assembly Codes to the specification tags.


BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Gilfillan Callahan Nelson found one of the great
benefits of using integrated specifications was
the speed and convenience of the automated
preparation of the project specification manual. The
most significant benefit, however, was the assurance
that the models and specifications would remained
This was monitored through a series of reporting
mechanisms, such as the Assembly Report, which
provided a summary of all the model elements and
resulting specification sections. Any elements in the
model that were identified as having no specification
link could be assigned to the relevant spec section
through the binding manager. Similarly, if any section
of the specification project were found not to be
associated to the model, it would also be identified
as such and could be reassigned or deleted.

Figure 2: Illustration of how the model elements can be linked to required specification

These features have greatly increased our ability to

produce specifications faster and more accurately,
not to mention delivering true integration of plans
and specs, said Senior Principal Pat Callahan.

Gilfillan Callahan Nelson achieved significant time
savings, cost reductions and improved productivity
and quality with the adoption of BIM-integrated
The first time Callahan used it was on a 40,000
square foot municipal building. It was an
Architectural BIM Model, so integrating non-linked
spec sections was crucial, Callahan said. With
the help of our support staff we managed to import
specification sections from multiple consultants,
query the model, insert additional sections, then
review, edit and publish the specification manual
over a long weekend! That would normally have
taken 1-2 weeks
Already in use by Project Architects and Project
Managers in all of the firms offices, the integrated
solution promises even higher productivity in the
future. Gilfillan Callahan Nelson is also coordinating
and managing their cost estimating software to
make design changes in real time, knowing their
specifications are coordinated.

This round trip information, starting with information on the model which
is used to generate the specification language, which is then provided
back to the models for keynoting and annotations, helps ensure that the
entire construction documentation package is accurate and complete.
The software also verifies that all the keynotes in the model (including
those on reused details or newly created annotations) have a
corresponding reference to the specification documents if required.



Another feature to be explored is the generation of
annotations and keynotes by directly referencing
the specifications. This function further ensures
that outputted drawings are synchronised with
the specification through a semi-automated and
synchronised plug-in application that runs inside the
architectural authoring software. With the component
binding already established, one is able to doubleclick an element within the model to activate the
spec section, and place synchronised keynotes and
annotations (as illustrated below).

Figure 3: Managing and validating the Project Keynotes directly in the BIM Models.


issue 27

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Winn Gomez,
MENA & India

BIM is a business process that promotes

collaboration between disciplines (this is something
that was discussed in BIM Journal Issue 5).
Collaboration is ensured by using a common
language, however, interoperability issues in the
AEC industry cannot be easily resolved without
a set of rules and principles for classification of
information requirements into data exchange
specifications. These issues are magnified by the
complexity of the building information models, the
wide range of specializations and vocabularies
in the AEC industry, the increasing amount of
computer software applications, and the varying
management practices employed.
This paper looks at buildingSMART openBIM
standards that seek to bring coherence and
consistency to the often fragmented BIM process.
It explores the challenges with data exchange
rules and formats, and the future of IFC based


buildingSMART develops, maintains and supports a
family of corresponding standards, namely:
The Data Model Standard Industry Foundation
Classes (IFC),
The Data Dictionary Standard - International
Framework for Dictionaries (IFD)
The Process Definition Standard - Information
Delivery Manual [IDM]

hold and exchange relevant data between different

software applications.
The IFC data schema comprises information
covering the many disciplines that contribute to a
building throughout its lifecycle: from conception,
through design, construction and operation to
refurbishment or demolition. IFC is the primary
buildingSMART data model standard, and is
registered by ISO as ISO/PAS 16739 and is in
the process of becoming an official International
Standard ISO/IS 16739.


As industry professionals design and construct
buildings, they need to work interoperably with
each other. But how does a software application
talk to a product database? How can a designer be
sure that the engineers understand the attributes
attached to his design? How can design standards
from overseas be incorporated?
The buildingSMART Data Dictionary is the
mechanism that enables this to happen. It creates
a catalogue of what objects are called (the
vocabulary) and brings together disparate sets
of data into a common view of the construction
project or asset, whether information from a product
manufacturer, typical room requirements, cost
data or environmental data. It can also cope with
different languages.
The Data Dictionary is based on a concept
developed by the standards organisation
ISO, notably in ISO 12006-3: 2007 (Building
construction: Organization of information about
construction works, Part 3: Framework for objectoriented information).
Thanks to the Dictionary, an open BIM model can
be linked to data from many sources, improving
interoperability and paving the way for analysis and
design checks at an early stage of the project.


BIM Journal wishes to thank

Winn Gomez for his contribution
to this issue.


buildingSMART is all about the sharing of
information between project team members
and across the software applications that
they commonly use for design, construction,
procurement, maintenance and operations. Data
interoperability is a key enabler to achieving the
goal of a buildingSMART process. buildingSMART
has developed a common data schema Industry
Foundation Classes (IFC) that makes it possible to


The buildingSMART standard for processes (also
known as the Information Delivery Manual or IDM)
specifies when certain types of information are
required during the construction of a project or the
operation of a built asset. It also provides detailed
specification of the information that a particular user
(architect, building services engineer etc) needs
to provide at a point in time and groups together
information that is needed in associated activities:
cost estimating, volume of materials and job
scheduling are natural partners.




Open is the key to the real value of buildingSMART
standards. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) can
be used to exchange and share BIM data between
applications developed by different software
vendors without the software having to support
numerous native formats. As an open format, IFC
does not belong to a single software vendor; it is
neutral and independent of a particular vendors
plans for software development.
Every implementation of an IFC exchange should
follow what is known as an exchange requirement.
This requirement specifies the information that
needs to be present in an exchange or sharing of
data at a certain stage in a project. It is important
to be specific about the information needed. The
exchange requirement prevents woolliness and

is further challenged by the need for standards that

are flexible enough to translate between different
cultural backgrounds and languages.
In general, in order to share information, the
following three specifications should be in place.
1.An exchange format, defining HOW to share the
information. The IFC is such a specification.
2.A Reference Library, to define WHAT information
we are sharing. The International Framework of
Dictionaries (IFD) serves such a purpose.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Thus the buildingSMART standard for processes

offers a common understanding for all the parties:
when to exchange information and exactly what
is needed. The linked Model View Definition or
MVD turns the prerequisites and outcomes of
the processes for information exchange into a
formal statement. Software developers can take
the standard and specific Model View Definitions
that derive from it and incorporate them into their

3.Information Requirements, defining WHICH

Information to share WHEN. The Information
Delivery Model (IDM)/Model View Definitions
(MVD) approach forms that specification.
The specifications supporting the IFC development
have to be defined according to the needs of the
involved users. The development of the IFC address
four main areas
- Business requirement specification
- IFC extension modeling
- Use case implementation
- End user guidance
The IFC development process, in the above order,
starts with the requirements and ends with users
The IFC data model is comprehensive , supporting a
wide range of data to be transferred. The IFC allows
for various data to be exchanged in various ways,
without losing any information. But downstream
users usually require specific information that is
usually a subset of the Information stored in the IFC.
These users would prefer to receive specifically the
data they need, rather than the entire data model.
The IFC, however, does not capture the methods in
which data is created and shared by users. The lack
of specific data exchange requirements for different
users, also makes it difficult to implement solutions
to this problem.

IFC development is faced with various challenges;

such as, providing a data structure that is able to
fulfill the information requirements of specialized
disciplines, as well as supporting the implementation
of a data structure that exceeds the scope of typical
domain specific design applications. Interoperability


How can designers and other software users be

sure that the software in use is compliant with
the open IFC standard and truly interoperable?
buildingSMART run a certification schemes that
test software products to check that they meet
the IFC standard and clarifies the scope of their
interoperability. The scheme was revamped in 2010
to make it more stringent and indicates precisely
what parts of the product work interoperably.


issue 27

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


The Information Delivery Manual (IDM)
An Information Delivery Manual (IDM) responds
to the problems identified in the previous article
by proposing a methodology that captures
business processes in projects, and developing
specifications of detailed user information
exchange requirements. The IDM defines, in the
language and perspective of the professional
participant, what information must be contained
in the contracted exchange. The Process maps
generated as a result of identifying the IDM,
defines selected activities throughout the project
delivery process and the information exchanged
between them. The IDM is usually developed by
domain experts, independent of the data exchange
The IDM consists of three parts
1.The Process Maps
The Process map describes the flow of activities
for a particular business process. It enables
understanding of the configuration of activities that
are required, the users involved, the information
required, consumed and produced.
2.The Exchange Requirements
All details of the requirements are described
according to business concepts that have to
be mapped to IFC or other data structures. This
information structures requirements, defining
further details about the concepts, highlighting
the difference between required ,mandatory and
optional information requirements.
3.Functional parts and Business Rules
The functional part is a unit of information used
by the solution providers to support an exchange
requirement. It is usually a schema in its own right,
but also a subset of the full standard on which it is

The IDM development process targets both BIM

users and solution providers. For users, the IDM
define the requirements for the information to be
provided and is simple to understand, usually
describing the building construction processes.
For BIM solution providers (software develoeprs),
IDMs identify and describe in detail, the functional
breakdown of the process and the requirements of
the IFC with respect to this process.
A Model View Definition (MVD) maps the exchange
requirements defined above to the IFC, to
understand how the exchange of the required data
and related constraints can be accomplished using
the IFC. An MVD tells the software implementer
which IFC elements to use, as well as how the
implementation should function and what results
are expected. MVDs define a logical and coherent
subset of the IFC fulfilling a specific use or
application type.
The aim of the supporting IDM and MVD processes
are to specify exactly which information is to
exchanged in each exchange scenario and how to
relate it to the IFC model. For Example, an architect
designing a building needs to be sure that they
receive information from the structural engineer
about which walls are load bearing and which are
not. At the same time, the structural engineer needs
to know the function of each space to calculate the
right design loads.
Professionals need to work interoperably with each
other, while they design and construct buildings.
How can a designer be sure that the engineers
understand the attributes attached to his design?
How can design standards from overseas be



How the Standards work together.

Before the users begin to perform data exchanges,
the vendors of the preferred software have to
implement IFC interoperability; that is the vendors
have to enable their software to read and write
the IFC format. For repeatability and reliability,
this interoperability should support contracted
exchanges ie. information exchanges that serve
a particular transfer. IDM defines the users
contracted exchanges and the MVD defines the
implementations in software.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

The IFD creates a catalogue or dictionary of objects

and brings together the data into a common view,
associating the correct information from a product
manufacturer, requirements etc, while also coping
with different languages. Put simply, its a standard
for terminology libraries. The IFD also opens up
opportunities for advanced analysis very early in
the design. It also allows for the creation of an IFCBIM for operational and maintenance purposed,
while linking existing knowledge systems, product
specific data and the IFC BIM.

Once implemented in software, any software

should be fully capable of exchanging the required
information for the specific process to process
scenario. The certification (by buildingSMART)
of the software ensures that the software meets
the requirements as specified in the MVD. The
software is then tested by users to ensure that the
users business requirements are fully met by the
implemented software capability.
Visit for more



issue 28

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Not Just
When BIM software began emerging in the
mainstream market some seven years ago, it was
regarded by many as CAD++. That is an enhanced
and more efficient way of doing exactly what was
being done before. The misconception was that
nothing really had changed.

Jan Karlshj
Nordic, Chairman
IDM coordinator
a workflow
connected to
IFC models.
The idea is to
separate the
from the actual

Steel fabricators were among the earlier adopters

of BIM software; many firms having made the
transition to 3D modelling for fabrication some
years earlier. Architectural firms were notably using
3D modelling software for visualisation and design
review, so it made sense for them to invest a little
extra effort to obtain drawings and schedules from
the same model. However the real value of BIM
was, for the most part, not yet appreciated.

The next phase of BIM development was the BIM
in Silos phenomenon. BIM in Silos, sometimes
termed littlebim , refers to the practice of BIM
within a single discipline, exclusive of multi-model
/ multi-discipline collaboration. Truth be told, this is
where much of BIM practices are currently at.
The benefits of this process are nonetheless
substantial; both for the authoring party and
other project members. Silo BIM
harnessing the benefits of a
central model for the
rapid production
of accurate


schedules and
other data, however
only within a single
discipline. There is no model
exchange, and therefore no
true BIM collaboration. Although
documentation is produced in a
live BIM environment, all drawings and
documentation are published to other

project parties in a flat format (DXF, DWG, XLS,

PDF etc).
Furthermore all comments received have to be
reinterpreted by the authoring party and updated in
the BIM. As in traditional 2D processes, this creates
duplication of work and allows for greater human
Without inter-disciplinary model exchange the true
value of collaborative BIM is lost.
Through the open exchange of models and model
data, every project participant can be assured
that they have the most current and complete
information. More valuable than this, however, is
that the integration of models allows for a previously
unimaginable array of collaborative activities;
integrated inter-disciplinary design review, multimodel coordination and clash detection, and
realtime integration with other specialist disciplines
for cost estimation, construction management etc
The various disciplines are dependently linked,
and changes to any discipline are reflected in the
respective models of all other parties. For example
if the architect repositions a wall, the structural
engineer will be alerted to the discrepancy in his
model and will be promoted to adjust the structural
elements accordingly. This process can be further
automated in the
case, for example, of the

from the
model and
links to his
cost estimation
spreadsheet. If the
model is changed the
quantities also change, and
this is automatically reflected in
the cost estimation software, without
the need for intervention by the quantity
This realm of BIM data content is the subject of
the following article.


For those undertaking the first foray into virtual

design and construction the primary concern is
often for model creation and management. Certainly
for the architect and engineer, the preoccupation
is often with the mode of production and quality of
the model: how does one ensure that the model
accurately reflects the design requirements? what
level of detail should be modelled? and how does
one account for elements that are not modelled?
However, this is really just the tip of the iceburg (or
pyramid, as is illustrated below). When models are
exchanged between multiple parties the process
becomes manifoldly more complicated. How can
one streamline the process between model design
and analysis? How does one compare multiple
revisions of models? Should revisions relate to the
entire model, or only to object elements? How can
one effectively track and trace coordination issues
and their resolution?
It becomes increasingly evident that the model
geometry is one small aspect of building
information modelling. As depicted in the BIM
Pyramid diagram below, the data behind the
model becomes a much greater concern. A
single geometric object (created by one authoring
party) may be referenced to various databases of
information from multiple disciplines; specifications,
cost estimation, construction management,
operation and maintenance.

Figure 1: the BIM Pyramid. Source: Steve Jones, Product Manager Tekla BIMsight

The question then becomes how is this information

managed? Who authors the information and how
exactly is it tagged to the model? How is the data
ordered, searched for and verified? And how can
one create user-specific access rights, so that the
various project members have specific levels of
access to the data?. This significant area of data
management is possibly the most intensive domain
of building information modelling, and comprises
the third strata of the BIM pyramid (as indicated

Figure 1: the BIM Pyramid. Source: Steve Jones, Product Manager Tekla BIMsight

BIM Journal Issue 29 BIM Integrated Lifecycle

Management explores in greater detail how various
activities, grouped under the term project lifecycle
management can be consistently linked to the BIM.
Activities included within this theme are, among
Scheduling and Costing
Scope definition and bidding
Construction sequencing
Clash detection and RFI reporting
Submittal and shop-drawing approval
However there are other areas that are not yet so
well defined, these include:
Model collaboration
Data searching
File sharing


The model presents an inviting opportunity to

be the repository of an almost endless amount
of project related data. Single elements can be
embedded with detailed design properties, material
specifications, operation and maintenance manuals,
cost data, construction, sequence data As was
discussed in Issue 26, Integrated Specifications,
the preferred workflow is not always to contain this
information within a single model, but rather to have
multiple linked databases.

This is common practice for activities such as cost

estimation or construction scheduling, where Cost
and labour data, in the first instance, and task
scheduling, in the second, must be linked to the
building model, but remain in the domain of the
respective specialist. However it is still in a testing
phase for most other domains.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012



Information management is at the core of projectand construction-management processes . Building
Information Modelling does not replace the need
for effective data management; on the contrary,
it magnifies it. BIM processes are at their most
effective when they extend beyond the realms of
design and coordination to information logistics.


issue 28

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Figure 2: A possible future of BIM collaboration. Source: Steve Jones,
Product Manager Tekla BIMsight

Steve Jones, Product Manager for Tekla BIMsight,

notes although there have been tremendous
advances in the development of BIM software,
open, multi-party collaboration is still cumbersome
and inefficient. Jones references the astounding
developments of social media and cloud-based
collaboration tools, accompanied by an equally
astounding competence and adoption by the
general population. Why cant BIM technologies,
which have been underdeveloped for much longer,
progress at a similar rate.
Why arent models, documents and other data
published into the cloud as easily as we publish a
Youtube video? We should be able to search project
databases as quickly and as efficiently as we make
a Google or Wikipedia search. We ought to be able
to communicate with other project members, form
meetings and or create shared files as easily as we
do in Facebook or Dropbox.
These networks have pushed developments in
technologies, but most significantly they have
pushed us in the way we use technology. They have
forced a cultural shift.


The construction industry has not transitioned at

such a pace, nevertheless there are pockets of
innovation both in technology developments, and
in the way they are used within the industry. The
following article will explore one such development.


Tekla Corporation and Solibri, Inc. introduced to
the buildingSMART organization an idea of using
open standards to enable workflow communication
between different BIM (Building Information
Modelling) software tools. These firms have
developed an XML schema, called BCF, to encode
messages that inform a software package of issues
found in the BIM model by another software tool.
The implication is that only those issues, and not
the entire BIM, need to be communicated between
software and that this simple capability will enable
a degree of collaboration. This XML schema and
capability have already been built into several
software package including, Tekla Structures, Tekla
BIMsight, Solibri Model Checker, DDS MEP and
Architecture, CQ-Tools for Revit and other software.
In most real-life projects the user of
a tool for one discipline will import
IFC models from other disciplines.
If there is an issue related to one of
the imported models, the efficient
process will be to raise that issue
so they can be resolved in the BIM
authoring application from where this
model originated. The responsibility
for maintaining and updating this
model will in many/most cases be
assigned to the author of the model.
Instead of adding information directly
into an IFC model as a property
set or whatever and send the whole
thing back (which could be an
alternative), the issues are described
using BCF with direct links to objects
in the model(s) with the issue(s).

looked in the ap-plication where the issue was last

The close connection to the IFC model positions it
as a capability extension of the existing IFC format
with focus on workflow and processes (close
relation also to IDM).
The BCF format is independent of which IFC
schema version being used. The full specification
can be found in the GTDS workspace
(, and further information can
be found at

Figure 3: Imported IFC model in DDS-CAD Viewer

Figure 4: Viewing the BIM Collaboration Format comment in

DDS-CAD viewer

BIM Journal wishes to thank

Jan Karlshoj for his contribution
to this issue.


The BCF format is extremely simple

and easy to implement. The basic
content is that you create an issue,
add comment and refer that to the
object(s) in question (using IFC
mechanisms for Global Unique
IDs (GUIDs)). The format also
supports comments and status as
this issue may be referred to and
answers/suggestions added by
receiving ap-plications. In addition
to text, comments and the list of
objects, each issue can also have
camera and viewport attached and
even a snapshot of how the model

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012



issue 29

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


BIM Integrated
Frank Sarno,
Director of
Ryan Companies
are improving
processes, and
enabling us to
leverage BIM
in a much more
powerful way.


As projects are becoming more complex, and
project management more onerous, there has been
an increased demand for more sophisticated and
holistic project management solutions. Infrastructure
Lifecycle Management (ILM) has emerged as one
of these solutions. Such tools are not without their
own challenges, and their success is reliant on
disciplined collation and organisation of multiple
levels of information. A building information model
(BIM) serves as a mechanism to gather and order
multidisciplinary data during the course of project
life. Integrating the rich, and well structured, data
content of a BIM with the powerful processes of
ILM promises to go some way in addressing these
Over the years, the discipline of construction
project management has evolved from AECcentric applications to broader use across the
capital projects industry. This evolution led to the
introduction of Infrastructure Lifecycle Management
(ILM) software solutions. ILM is an expanded
successor to Project Management because it is
designed for those companies that manage the
plan, build and operate lifecycle for both new and
existing buildings and facilities.

Manage project pipelines,

site development and

Currently, BIM is most prevalent in the plan phase

as architects and engineers can digitally design
BIM models that create huge efficiencies in the
iterative design process. But once rich BIM models
have been designed, downstream value is created
for both the contractor and owner through cost
reductions, and by providing a more accurate model
of the final finished building.

Operational Business
Processes and Data

Digital Design Model



together. For example, during the plan phase the

building owner determines the financial feasibility
of a project and hires architects and engineers to
design the project. During the build phase, a general
contractor is selected to construct the facility, while
the owner and design teams provide oversight. And
finally, during the operate phase, the owner takes
over the newly completed facility and manages this
new asset through preventative, predictive, and
corrective maintenance.


Track budgets, contacts,

changes, schedules,
scopes and quality


Direct asset management, work orders

and maintenance management



. Project Pipelines
. Budget Development
. Scope Development
. Budget Approvals
. Funding Approvals

. Contracts & Charges

. Scheduling
. Bidding and Buyout
. Design Distribution
. RFIs & Submitals

. Asset Management
. Equipment Assets
. Location Assets
. Maintenance Mgmt
. Work Orders

. Conceptual Design
. Iteractive Designs
. Architectural BIM
. Structural BIM

. Construction Sequencing . As Built Model

. 4D Modeling
. As Built Equipment
. Clash Detection
. Complete Virtual Bldg
. Fabrication BIM
. Spatial BIM Installation

Figure 2: There are several opportunities to synchronize ILM with BIM

methodology across the plan, build, operate lifecycle


Similarly, an organization goes through various

business processes during the same three phases.
Companies must make go/no-go decisions on
a pipeline of projects, and they must iteratively
develop a budget and funding strategy sufficient
to execute on each project. The business process
continues during the build phase where managing
costs, schedules, scopes, and quality become
paramount. Once construction is complete, the
business process of managing all the assets within
a building, and the maintenance of those assets, is
key to maintaining a high-performing facility.

Figure 1: Three phases of Infrastructure Lifecycle Management (ILM)


Diving deeper into the plan-build-operate
project lifecycle, one can see many synergistic
opportunities for ILM technology and BIM models to

With BIM providing a complete lifecycle perspective

of design data for a building, and ILM providing a
complete lifecycle of operational business data for
a building, the two used in conjunction together
create many integration touch points that lead to
even greater business value. The following article
addresses the key processes and benefits of BIMILM integration.


BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012



Building Information Models are key components
that are present throughout the entire project
lifecycle. For any program or project, Building
Information Modelling (BIM) provides a complete
lifecycle perspective of design and spatial data,
while Infrastructure Lifecycle Management (ILM)
provides a complete lifecycle of operational
business data. Integrating BIM and ILM across
multiple touch points creates business value by
reducing costs and schedules in the planning,
building, and operating of capital projects and
And todays integrated team environment requires
a solution that can overcome the challenges
imposed by software interoperability. Converting
files, waiting for downloads and spending countless
hours with technical support. Added complications
brought by geographically dispersed teams,
different software applications and increased
network security creates a further impediment to the
one commodity needed, which is access to timely
and accurate information. As risks for profits rise, the
need becomes ever greater to do more with less.
By integrating BIM with construction project
management and ILM solutions, project
stakeholders can gain new efficiencies across the
entire project lifecycle.
There are at least seven key integration points
between BIM and ILM applications. The diagram
below illustrates different types of BIM models that
are appropriate to integrate with different operational
business processes. These seven integrations
naturally occur during all three phases of the plan,
build and operate lifecycle.
The value of integrating to each touch point will
vary depending on a companys specific role. For
example, an owner or program manager may be
primarily interested in the touch points involving
budget development, 4D schedule integration, and
asset management integration. A general contractor
may be interested in procurement integration, 2D
drawing integration, fabrication integration and
Request for Information (RFI) integration.

Figure 3: Integration Touch Points between BIM and ILM

and executives one-click access to BIM without specialised software or

Certain solutions operate via a Web-based BIM platform that links
intelligent 3D object data to project and program management systems.
Data from the BIM program is pushed to the collaborative platform, which
takes the data attribute information to link objects in the model with line
items in the project management software.
The functionality of such web-based BIM management platforms include:
> Platform for live BIM streaming and object data
exchange (geometry + attributes)
> Integration between BIM authoring tools and PPM
(Project and Portfolio Management) systems
> Workflow support from design through construction
and operations.
> Easy accessibility for all stakeholders
> Centralised project, model and user management
Combine models using open
standards such as IFC to
import models directly from
the BIM authoring application.
Task items for clarification
during coordination review
and synchronize action items.

As the market continues to adopt both BIM and ILM

methodologies, the value propositions will begin to
shake out as more companies experiment with each
touch point opportunity.

Assign responsibility to action items such as

RFIs and Submittals and route through PPM
System for response.
Figure 4: BIM ILM Integration screenshots



Such integration enables the model review team to
automatically task action items such as RFIs and
submittals to the project management team for
response. The transparency between BIM objects
and the project management system makes it the
only base technology where model analysis such
as clash detection, estimates, submittals and RFIs
can all occur within the same live model. Finally, this
coordination process provides project managers


issue 29

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012



With BIM providing a complete lifecycle perspective
of design data for a building, and ILM providing a
complete lifecycle of operational business data for
a building, the two used in conjunction create many
integration touch points that lead to even greater
business value. This article presents a series of
examples of the value of BIM-ILM integration in the
Design, Build and Operation phases of a project.
Design to Budget Development Integration
Building information models typically progress
iteratively from a design phase (comprised of cores
discipline models produced by the Architects and
engineers) to construction phase (comprised of
numerous trade models developed by the various
subcontractors). As the model progresses, the
individual model elements develop in detail and
complexity, forming rich, intelligent virtual design
Even at an early design phase project managers
and owner representatives can access the data to
develop preliminary cost estimates. Typically the
project budget does not get created at one time, but
is developed via multiple budget scope documents.
This process allows for certain aspects of the project
to be known and thus management can provide
partial approvals over a budget or a set of funding.
A key integration scenario would be to take a
cost-loaded BIM and export the data to populate a
scope document. The scope document can then be
routed through a workflow process to the owner or
project manager who then approves it and creates a
baseline budget for that part of the project.
In the example above, the BIM cost model was
defined enough to export multiple scopes of work
on different dates, while the rest of the mechanical,
electrical, and plumbing were still being designed.
Once these scopes are imported into the budget
and cost management application within an ILM
software solution, the individual scope documents
can be approved, creating an original approved
BIM models not only manage parametric objects in a

given geometry, but they can save properties around

specifications for materials. The systems also have
the ability to calculate the quantities of material at
various levels of assembly-type hierarchies.
This detailed level of modelling provides the ability
to produce a bill of materials for various building
systems within the model.
The integration of this data is a natural fit to buyout
items within a project management system. These
buyout items can quickly start the procurement and
bidding process of: 1) bundling multiple buyout
items into a bid package, 2) determining which
companies should be invited to provide quotes, and
3) ultimately analysing quotes from multiple bidders.
This level of integration streamlines the design to
procurement process and facilitates a higher degree
of accuracy in the bidding process.
4D Schedule Integration
4D schedule integration involves linking tasks on a
critical path method schedule to various objects
within the model. The challenge is to break up the
schedule into a set of tasks that can realistically
demonstrate an animation over how materials get
installed, and directly drive the schedule document.
The base design model can be appended with
temporary works such as cranes, man lifts,
scaffolding, traffic routing and other equipment and
logistics required to construct the building. The
time-based view provides a much higher level of
construction logistics planning.
Fabrication BIM with Submittals
Submittals are an operational business process
where subcontractors and fabricators must submit
shop drawings and material specifications for
approval. The submittal process, typically involving
multiple project stakeholders, is critical in order
to gain designer approvals prior to fabricating
materials off site, as well as ensuring that materials
are delivered in a timely manner for construction.
Many fabricators are already creating their shop
drawings using BIM methodology. Structural
steel and mechanical trades are designing their
production models to interact with designer models.
Bringing together the business submittal process
with these fabricator BIM models creates another
valuable integration point.

The table below illustrates an example over a timeline.





BIM Export 1

A10 - Foundations


BIM Export 2

B10 - Superstructure


BIM Export 3

B20 - Exterior Enclosure


Pending Approval


BIM Export 4

C10 - Interior Construction


Pending Approval

Current Approved Budget


Current Pending Budget


Figure 5: Progressive cost modelling



Budget Column


Approved Original Budget


Approved Original Budget

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issue 29

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

BIM Integration with Requests for Information

One of the key benefits of a virtual building
model is to eliminate problems downstream in the
construction phase. While this means more effort
up front to create accurate, multi-discipline models,
problems discovered virtually are much cheaper to
resolve than problems discovered once materials
are fabricated and partially installed.
The design team can interact with the general
contractor, key subcontractors and fabricators to
consolidate all of their models, invariably creating
more virtual conflicts earlier in the building
process. With more parallel virtual designs
occurring, the RFI business process can also move
upstream to document these virtual conflicts, and
provide documented answers on how these virtual
conflicts will get resolved. Providing the ability to
have visual links from a business process of an RFI
directly to the virtual conflict allows the entire team
to understand the issues sooner and with greater
Spatial and Equipment Models Integrated with
Asset Management
As a BIM model progressively becomes more
detailed, it can evolve into an as-built virtual
model for the owner to operate a new building.
For example, the BIM can store specifications
data about each and every fixture, wall type, and
piece of equipment within the building. These
detailed specifications can be added to the model
throughout the process by the designer, the general
contractor, subcontractor, or fabricator.
From a business process perspective, an owner
must have an asset management system to
catalogue all these assets in a hierarchy.


Figure 6: 4D Schedule Integration

Figure 7: Integration for asset management

This hierarchy can include location assets like the

first floor or the roof, to specific equipment assets
like VAV boxes or HVAC units. This hierarchy also
must include an entire portfolio of buildings where
owners need to identify what assets are installed
in multiple buildings. The owner must also have a
maintenance management business process that
is integrated with the asset management piece
to properly maintain the building and all of the
components within the building.
Integrating the building and equipment
specifications within a BIM model can occur at
the completion of the new building, and then
pre-populate an owners asset hierarchy and
maintenance plans. Contractors and designers can
differentiate themselves to owners by providing a
more fully developed turnover package through
this integrated BIM and ILM approach. The facility
operations team can also benefit from integrating a
BIM model and an ILM solution, as they can interact
using both systems. The facility manager could
select a piece of equipment visually in the BIM
model, locate where that piece of equipment fits
within the asset hierarchy, then view the maintenance
plan against the item. Conversely, a user could
view the asset hierarchy in the asset management
system, and then view in 3D where that piece
of equipment is located within the building. This
interaction makes facility maintenance much more
proactive, reducing ongoing maintenance costs.




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issue 30

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Green is Good

(Mech. Eng.
BIM Project
Abu Dhabi
in the BIM
requires one to
strictly define
BIM project
from the
outset, and
have the
mechanisms to
ensure these
are fulfilled.
In most cases
the party
design data
upstream, would
not be the
same as the
party analyzing
this data
it demands a


BIM Journal wishes to thank

Alexander Kolpakov for his
invaluable contribution to this

Sustainability, as an area of discussion and practice,

is noticeably shifting from the periphery to the
centre of the construction industry. Whether driven
by legislative requirements, pragmatism to reduce
waste and costs, or a genuine desire to minimise
ones ecological footprint, sustainability is now a
primary concern of the built environment. However
as buildings become increasingly more complex,
construction processes more fragmented, and green
building rating schemes more stringent, going
green is getting harder to achieve.

LEED, like most green building rating schemes,

defines a matrix of credits that a building must attain
to achieve progressive levels of certification. In
LEED for Green Building Design and Construction,
2009 Edition, there are a possible 120 credits
achievable, grouped into the following seven
1. Sustainable Sites (maximum 26 points)
2. Water Efficiency (maximum 10 points)
3. Energy and Atmosphere (maximum 35 points)
4. Materials and Resources (maximum 14 points)
5. Indoor Environmental Quality (maximum 15 points)
6. Innovation in Design (maximum 6 points)
7. Regional Priority (maximum 4 points)
Each category has both requisite and elective
credits. The higher the number of credits achieved
the higher the rating. There are four levels of building
certification that requires achieving the following
total amount of points through the certification

The cross-over between sustainability and

BIM is significant; both seek to reduce waste,
optimise building performance, and promote lean
construction and integrate practices. Consequently,
there is tremendous advantage in the integration
of green and BIM processes, however, as both
domains are broad (covering design to operation)
complex (engaging virtually every discipline in the
construction process) and continually developing,
this is no easy undertaking.
Sustainability is a broad term that covers a range
of applications. In the context of building design
and construction, the applications can be roughly
grouped into the following categories:

Sustainable siting
Energy performance
Water efficiency
Indoor environmental quality
Material and resource management
Lean construction and site utilisation

There are numerous green rating systems in

operation around the world; most of them structured
according to the categories listed above. Among
the more recognized green building rating schemes
are: LEED (North America and many parts of the
Middle East), BREEAM (UK, Netherlands, Spain &
Germany) and Green Star (Australia, New Zealand
& South Africa). The majority of these are voluntarily
applied, however there is an increasing trend to
make minimum green rating a requirement for
development approval. For the purposes of this
article, we will refer to the LEED rating systems
developed by the United States Green Building
Council (USGBC).


40-49 points,
50-59 points,
60-69 points,
80 points and above.

The following articles will present some preliminary

strategies for integrating green / BIM processes,
as well as examining specific touch-points between
the LEED rating system and building information


The activity groups are diverse and varied, and

each must be individually evaluated in terms of
value and achievability. It is also necessary to make
an assessment of the activity in terms of effort
required to achieve the end result as a BIM function
compared to a conventional process. This evaluation
process can be summarized in the following way:
Value Rating
- aggregate credit points against perceived
achievability (complexity, available resources and
BIM Weighting
- Degree of effort required as a BIM process,
compared to effort required as
a non-BIM process (given existing resources,
experience and capability).
Possible Points




Rating from
prev. worksheet

Value to
Resp Party
High / Med /

Scale 1-3
(1 = Low)

Site Selection


Site Development


Transport Provisions


W ater Management


Energy Performance


Indoor Quality


Outdoor Quality


Material Selection


Construction Planning


Construction Resources


LEED Credit Item

Scale 1-3
(1 = Low)


Value to


Additional Resources /
Competencies Required to


1 = Full BIM
0 = No-BIM

with Use
YES / NO /


LEED Activity


Each LEED activity group must have at least one

BIM function associated to it. These functions
define what is necessary to achieve the desired
LEED output within the scope of BIM. For example,
the LEED Credit Item for the provision of bicycle
storage and change rooms is classed in the
Transport Provision activity group. The BIM functions
to achieve this would be spatial programming
(allocating the space) and specification (identifying
the requirements).



The scope of LEED is can be defined in a Checklist,
such as the one illustrated below. Each Credit Item
of the checklist has an associated activity. Many
of these activities are similar, and we can form
groupings of like-activities, which we call here
Activity Groups.

Another important consideration is that most

activities involve multiple disciplines. The role of
the LEED-BIM consultant is typically in verifying
information in the building information model. The
authoring of the information (typically the bulk of the
work), is undertaken by the various departments.
Therefore, to make an accurate assessment the level
of BIM involvement most be assessed across all
phases of the project and in all relevant disciplines.
This can be represented in a spreadsheet, such as
the LEED Activity Analysis illustrated below.


The LEED-BIM process is complex in that it is

interfaces with multiple, simultaneous activities
across various disciplines. It may not be feasible to
integrate all LEED activities in the BIM environment.
One should, therefore, make a preliminary
assessment of what activities are to be targeted
prior to project commencement. This may include
identifying the LEED activities that hold the highest
credit weighting, and assessing how easily these
can be achieved in a BIM, versus a non-BIM,

It is important here to be realistic about the

capabilities and limitations of BIM. Some LEED credit
items are outside the scope of BIM (for example the
participation of a LEED Accredited Professional).
Other items require very limited BIM involvement,
or are more effectively served by other means.
This worksheet consequently seeks to determine
only those items that are deemed valuable within
the BIM process. Whether they are valuable and/
or achievable to the project as a whole should be
assessed independently.



This article presents one possible approach to
developing a LEED-BIM integration.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


LEED Activity Grouping

BIM Function

Sustainable Sites
Construction Planning

Site Utilisation Planning

Credit 1 Site Selection

Site Selection

Site Analysis

Credit 2 Development Density and Community Connectivity

Site Development


Credit 3 Brownfield Redevelopment

Site Selection

Site Analysis

Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation - Public Transportation Access

Transport Provisions

Programming, Design

Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation - Bicycle Storage and Charging Rooms Transport Provisions

Programming, Design

Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation - Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

Transport Provisions

Programming, Design

Credit 4.4 Alternative Transportation - Parking Capacity

Transport Provisions


Credit 5.1 Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat

Site Development


Credit 5.2 Site Development - Maximize Open Space

Site Development


Figure 1: Example of Individual Credit Items (from LEED Checklist) assigned to LEED activity groups. Refer to Appendix for complete worksheets.


Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Required

issue 30

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


As mentioned above, the role of LEED-BIM
consultant should be restricted to the verification of
information, rather than authoring content. Design
authoring will remain the responsibility of the primary
disciplines. It is, however, the role of the LEED
department to do the following:
1. Provide necessary information to the relevant
departments at the outset of the project to ensure
the inclusion of appropriate BIM content.
2. Verify (at progressive stages) that this information
has been successfully incorporated into the BIM
so that the desired outcome is achieved.
Once the proposed LEED credits have been
identified, the project team should develop an
execution plan. This states the targeted LEED-BIM
activities, the process and parties involved, and the
information exchn\ages necessary at each phase of
the project; namely as the model is progressed from
one party (or one activity) to another.
A good illustration of this, and a practical primary
reference point, is the project process map.
The example below is a high-level process map
for a theoretical LEED-BIM project. LEED-BIM
Activity process maps provide a detailed plan for
implementation of each LEED activity. The final
execution plan would include the LEED Overview
Map (Level 1, illustrated below) of all LEED-BIM
activities, a Detailed Map of each activity (Level
2), and a description of elements on each map, as







All Disciplines

MEP Model

Structural Model

Civil Model

MEP Model

Structural Model

Civil Model



Check Material


LEED Assessment


Perform Energy

Construction Documents

Architectural Model

LEED Assessment


Construction Documents

Architectural Model


All Disciplines


Author Construction

Construction Documents


Assess Design

Construction Documents



Perform Energy

Design Development



Check Material

Design Development


Site Analysis,
& Design

Assess Design

Design Development

LEED Criteria

Coordinated BIM

Modeling &

Develop BIM

Design Development

Project LEED


Determine LEED




LEED Criteria


Civil Model

Structural Model

MEP Model

Architectural Model

Issued to Site

Site Utilization
& Construction

Construction Control
& Planning



3D Macro

Coordinate Shop


Fabrication Models LEED Criteria






LEED Assessment


Assess Construction



Assess Construction



Certify Material



Building System



Assess Final



Record Model

Compile Record


Record Model

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Level 1: LEED & Sustainability Process Overview Map




issue 30

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012



This article explores the application of BIM
processes for six of the seven possible LEED
The involvement of BIM for the Sustainable Site
credits can only be loosely defined. Essentially
BIM can be deployed to support the design
and demonstration of sustainable outcomes
such as development configuration and density,
protection and restoration of the natural habitat,
and connectivity to alternative transport and other
Example: Water use reduction (2-4 points)
Employ strategies that in aggregate use 20-40% less
water than the water use baseline calculated for the
Calculations for this credit are based on water
consumption by building occupants and type of
water fixtures. Water usage can be reduced by
using water efficient sanitary fixtures (water closets,
urinals, kitchen sinks, showers, lavatory faucets
and pre-rinse spray valves); and through the use of
non-potable water (e.g. captured condensate water,
rainwater or treated wastewater).
This can be achieved by comparing baseline
plumbing systems with design plumbing systems.
Which will require assessment of Plumbing design
models that would contain all required data; such as
plumbing fixtures flow rates, water tanks capacity
and overall systems water consumption rate.
Incorporating this data in the BIM enables quick
assessment by simulating different scenarios (e.g.
changing plumbing fixtures type will show resulted
overall systems water consumption rate).
Example: Whole Building Energy Simulation.
(3-21 points)
This prerequisite and credit requires calculating
all buildings energy costs and comparing it with
design building energy costs to demonstrate
improvement in building performance rating. The
LEED Reference Guide demands the creation of
baseline and proposed design energy models
using an approved energy simulation program. The
baseline model has to be created in accordance
to minimum requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA
Standard 90.1-2007. The proposed building model
would be designed to optimize the building energy


The following factors can be considered in

proposed design model to optimize building energy
- Building geometry, geographic location and
- Envelope properties (glazing, thermal conductivity
of insulation, walls, roof, floors etc.),
- Building usage including functional use,

- Energy usage (such us harvesting and utilising

daylight, solar heating power, wind energy etc.)
- Equipment, lighting, and HVAC systems.
For the purpose of this credit a BIM Energy
model must be developed where all of the
above mentioned parameters (HVAC systems,
wall materials, equipment, etc.) are included in
both baseline and proposed models. Energy
modelling software can run calculations to simulate
building energy performance. This ought to include
how all building systems interact and affect each
other. For example, if designer wants to increase
fenestration area for one of the facades, it will bring
more daylight in the rooms and therefore can reduce
electrical lighting load. However, as more heat
will be transferred through the glazing the HVAC
systems are affected and air conditioning load may
increase. All kind of scenarios can be simulated and
assessed using the model.
These credits require the calculation of cost or
weight of reused, salvaged, refurbished, recycled,
or regional (locally produced)... materials compared
with total value of materials on the project.
The BIM can be used to manage procurement of
materials. Having costs and weight assigned to
materials in BIM, and distinguishing materials type/
content (reused, recycled, or regional...), allows
us to extract these costs for the calculation; for
Material Reuse. (1-2 points)
Recycled Content. (1-2 points)
Regional Materials. (1-2 points)
Rapidly Renewable Materials. (1point)
Certified Wood. (1 point)
This category uses a combination of BIM function
included energy modelling and material verification
Example: Increased Ventilation.
For Naturally Ventilated Spaces, Option 2 requires
to use analytic model to predict that room-by-room
airflows will effectively naturally ventilate at least
90 % of occupied spaces.

Example: Daylight and Views - Daylight. (1-3 points)

Demonstrates through computer simulation that
specific regularly occupied spaces achieve certain
daylight illuminance levels.
BIM software allows performing daylight analysis,
that show luminance levels across the rooms
depending on such factors as building orientation,
fenestration type, etc.,


Adhesives and Sealants

Paints and Coatings
Flooring systems
Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products
Furniture and Furnishings
Ceiling and Wall Systems

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Example: Low-Emitting Materials (1-6 points)

Similarly to the material and resourcing, the BIM
can be used to manage and verify procurement of
materials. Having material specifications tagged to
the model elements allows for verification of critical
data such as:

To earn credit for Low-Emitting Materials all the

above mentioned materials shall comply with certain
requirements for content of harmful substances.
This can be tracked by integrating specifications or
design requirements with the BIM elements.
BIM can support innovation in design through the
development and analysis of climate-responsive
building elements, such as parametric shading
devices (see BIM Journal Issue 25).



issue 31

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


The prevalence of inaccurate and deficient
information has become an increasing problem for
the AEC industry. The most important requirement
for making good decisions is information, and poor
quality data limits the effectiveness of the decisionmaking process and significantly impacts project

Lars Chr
Senior Advisor,
The important
thing for the
owner is to make
sound decisions
as early as
utilising the
decision support
and improved
logistics that
BIM can enable.

A good metaphor of a construction projects is to view

it as a decision machine and the fuel of this machine
is information. In a good project, information is made
available in a timely fashion and decisions are made
on time. When information is not available at the time
required decision can be delayed, impacting the
overall progress of the project.
The AEC industry is often criticised for constructing
prototypes in scale 1:1 every time. The industry
is disadvantaged in that almost every project
undertaken is a one-off. Certainly there is transfer of
knowledge from one project to the next, but within the
project environment there is very little opportunity for
product testing.
Good decision-making is based on the provision of
information. In the traditional design and construction
process the availability of information increases as
the ability to make changes decreases ie. as the
project nears completion. Consequently owners are
forced to make premature decisions and live with the
consequences, or make last-minutes changes and bear
the cost.

Availability of


Ability to
make changes

BIM Journal wishes to thank

Lars Chr Christensen for his
contribution to this issue.






Owners need improved information logistics to
obtain project information as early as possible from
which to base sound decisions. Building Information
Modelling affords such a mechanism through the
ability to construct digitally on a PC before going to
site. With virtual design and construction (VDC) one
can test options and uncover problems and flaws that
most likely would not have been discovered before
the actual construction takes place on site. In this way,
VDC enables a digital construction site.
multiBIM Senior Advisor and former co-CEO of
buildingSMART International Lars Chr Christensen says
BIM is about organising the information in projects
in a new and improved way. Yes, we can almost talk
about establishing good information logistics in the
project. According to Christensen information logistics
ensures that the right information is delivered in the
correct format, on time and to the right people to
enable good decision-making. If we are successful
with the information logistics we almost automatically
get a more efficient project execution, where we put
decisions behind us and move on.
Digital building models can show you a visual digital
prototype of your building at a very early stage.
Combined with a database of information regarding
the building itself and the components used to build
it, one can, for example, calculate construction cost,
operations cost, life-cycle-cost, energy usage and
carbon-footprint. BIM can also contribute towards
improved problem/task understanding (division of
trade packages, deliverables, roles, responsibilities
and processes) increased cross-disciplinary respect,
increased product understanding and increased
enthusiasm in the project team.
In traditional projects, without BIM, energy simulation is
typically done six to nine months into the project. Even
if these calculations can highlight that some technical
choices and solutions are not optimal or adequately
energy efficient, often the project development has
come so far that there is only time left to do minor
adjustments to the solutions.
With BIM one can perform such analysis at an early
design stage and also have a running control through
the project stages with energy usage. In this way of
working we get early feedback on solution quality and
can spend time on energy optimization of the building.



BIM has the potential to radically improve project

quality by establishing good information logistics.
BIM is about organising the information in projects in a
new and improved way. Information logistics ensures
that the right information is delivered in the correct
format, on time and to the right people to enable
good decision-making. If we are successful with the
information logistics we almost certainly get a more
efficient project execution, where we put decisions
behind us and move on.


In a Norwegian government white paper on
innovation (Stortingsmelding 7 2008/2009), the
Norwegian Industry Ministry argued that the whole
construction process can become a much more
integrated process between all the different parties
if they manage to share all their key information by
utilising the openBIM buildingSMART standards.

OpenBIM enables a much smoother information

flow in projects and makes possible more analysis especially environmental and lifecycle cost analysis
- earlier in the life cycle of a project. OpenBIM also
contributes towards reducing miss-communication
and conflicts in construction projects, and towards
earlier discovery of design errors - thereby avoiding
costly construction errors. The benefit is more time
on design at an earlier stage of the project, and
the result is cheaper, more sustainable and better
So far large institutional and government-owned
organisations have been in the lead of utilising BIM
and openBIM in their projects. The General Services
Administration (GSA), that manages $500 billion in
U.S. Federal property, and Statsbygg, the Norwegian
analogues organisation, have been instrumental in
challenging the industry and increasing the use of
BIM and openBIM. The Norwegian Statsbygg has
as a stated objective that from 2010 all their projects
should utilise openBIM.


BIM is an abbreviation for both Building Information

Model (the model of a product) and Building
Information Modelling (the process of creating the
model). BIM uses digital building models in project
development - in reality a 3D model connected to a
database of information about the building and the
components constituting it.
Some people also have defined BIM as Beyond
Information Modelling to focus on the fact that BIM
is all about conscious and controlled information

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012



Closed-Discipline-BIM is when BIM is used as a

modelling tool to contribute to solving a defined
design task within one discipline or one area.
Open-Team-BIM is used for open and standardised
exchange of information across disciplines and
between team members in a project in order to
secure information quality and save time by re-using


buildingSMART (both as an organisation and as

a process) is concerned with how processes are
organised and how closed-discipline-BIM and
open-team-BIM is utilised in order to achieve better,
cheaper and faster project execution. This supports
delivering more sustainable projects that creates
value both for the owner and the users.



BIM combined with buildingSMART provides a

platform for improved communication and improved
decision support. The effect is better and more cost
efficient buildings, less errors and more value for the

multiBIM Senior Advisor and former co-CEO of

buildingSMART International Lars Chr Christensen
has gained experience with BIM deployment in
Norwegian and other international projects, and
predicts that in the coming 12 to 18 months
we will see a radical increase in BIM and openBIM
usage. If the Financial Crisis version 2.0 should
develop, cost control and efficiency improvement will
become even more important, and would motivate to
increased BIM usage



issue 31

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


University, UAE
to accommodate them into the steel and GRC
fabrication process. By doing this the team avoided
further conflicts and potential delays on site and sped
up the installation process.

University Paris-Sorbonne and the government of

Abu Dhabi signed an international agreement in
2006 to bring French-speaking higher education
to the capital city of the United Arab Emirates.
Joint Venture Main Contractor Al Habtoor
Murray and Roberts (HMR) deployed BIM on
site to remediate critical coordination issues.
The second, and final, phase of the project was
completed in August 2010 - ahead of schedule.
HMR have been working with BIM since 2008,
and the Sorbonne project greatly benefited from
this expertise. Says Ron Brinkman, Technical
Manager at Murray and Roberts Contractors;
In the Sorbonne project we implemented BIM
to coordinate with the subcontractors between
the construction of the main structure and the
process of steel and faade (GRC) fabrication and
installation. In addition, we used BIM technology
to validate the as-built status of the structure.
When the first structural elements were delivered
on the site of the new university campus, it was
noticed that the precast concrete elements did not
line up with the steel components. BIM software
was taken into use by Al Habtoor Murray and
Roberts Joint Venture (HMR) to enable as-built
validation of the structures.


Using laser-scanning surveying devices to get the
as-built coordinates, digital as-built information
was superimposed on the structural model. This
was then validated against the theoretical exact
locations of the components as per the design.
Coordination between the main contractor,
and the steel and faade subcontractors was a
challenge that was overcome with the help of
BIM. Changes to the as-built models from the
design were communicated to the subcontractors


Productivity, efficiency and accuracy dramatically
increased since BIM was introduced in a later stage
of the project; says Brinkman. The amount of rework
in the design, fabrication and erection of steel frames
and faade elements was massively decreased due
to the as-built design validation of the main structural
elements: columns, beams and so on; which had
already been constructed.
By implementing BIM, I would say to have saved
almost 50% of the time (H)ad we not used building
information modelling, each steel frame would have
been installed, its variance to concrete measured, and
then it would have been sent back to the fabrication
yard to be modified before returning on site to be
finally re-installed.


Cast-in-place concrete
work performed

Laser scan recorded

as-built conditions

Steel frames system

delivered and installed

Steel frames updated

per on-site conditions

Cladding system
delivered and

Cladding updated per

on-site conditions

Curtain-wall delivered
and installed

Curtain-wall updated
per on-site conditions

Field data imported

into BIM platform

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


t-up in the eld


HMR is considered a pioneer in the Middle East
in applying the BIM approach to tenders, preconstruction, construction, and as-built validation. The
joint venture currently uses dedicated, knowledgeable,
and well-trained BIM teams to function as the designconstruction hub in a project. Since adopting building
information modelling, it has been used in a number
of important projects, such as the St. Regis Resort
and the Trump tower, as well as in multiple tenders.
BIM is being applied to a magnitude of work phases at
HMR, including quantity surveying and 5D estimating,
4D schedule simulation, model design coordination,
reinforced concrete drawing production, equipment and
construction planning, linking to surveying equipment,
logistics and supply chain management, progress
monitoring and reporting, as well as to as-built
validation of structural elements.



issue 32

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


BIM & Evacuation

R.M. Tavares
and E.R. Galea
models have
been playing
an important
function in
the transition
process from
fire safety
codes to
performancebased ones over
the last three


Current BIM implementations in the AEC industry
seek methods to extend the utility of BIM models
to support design decisions through quantified
measures of performance. One of the many
aspects of buildings performances is evacuation.
Evacuation is becoming a major metric for designsafety evaluation and obtaining building approval
by authorities. In this series of articles, building
evacuation assessment methods are reviewed,
and a process for integrating them with BIM design
processes is proposed.
The increasing complexity of architectural design
renders Performance-based codes essential over
classical Prescription-based. Performance-based
building codes support higher quality design
because they deal with the behavior of design under
the specified testing conditions as opposed to the
description of its geometric attributes, or material
compositions, as in Prescription-based code.
A performance-based view of design relies on
the analysis and evaluation of design features in
relation to a set of requirements, rather than a set
of regulations. Analysis is the process of examining
the properties of a design proposal to develop an
understanding of it; and evaluation is the process
of verifying the analysis results against a spectrum
of requirements. In this context, performance
can be defined as the level of fulfillment a design
proposal provides for a defined set of requirements;
and Performance Indicators (PIs) are rating
mechanisms, which express the performance level
of a certain design3 .


Figure 1: Image of Simulex simulation4

Performance-based analysis and evaluation of

buildings is not new. Evaluation of performance in
buildings helps develop more adequate, higher
quality design solutions, and validate prescription
based- building code.
Evacuation is the process of escaping an enclosed
space at times of emergency due to various
(separate or combined) causes such as terrorist
attacks, earthquakes, floods, explosions, chemical
hazards, fire breakouts, among others . In the AEC
industry, analysis and evaluation of evacuation
deal with the validation of design proposals
against building code requirements to ensure
sufficient occupant evacuation times and safety
characteristics of design proposals.
A buildings evacuation performance is influenced
by four categories of parameters: buildings physical
characteristics; occupant behavioral characteristics;
occupant physiological characteristics; and the
surrounding environment fire characteristics5 .
Performance-based designs are those that closely
match and fulfill the requirements defined by the
stakeholders . In a performance-based design
approach, buildings are described as combinations
of two systems: Aspect systems and Sub systems.
Sub-systems are the physical elements in the
design, aspect systems are the behaviors, functions
or tasks that are expected from or associated with
Sub-systems. For example, signage in a building
is a Sub-system, where way finding is an aspect


Performance measures of evacuation systems

describe the expected nature of the evacuation
process. These measures are broken into six
different categories including:
1) number of un-trapped individuals;
2) number of safe-evacuees;
3) evacuation time;
4) number of occupants evacuated within a certain
time period;
5) the remaining distance for an occupant to
from a certain location to evacuation exit;
6) and average redundancy number of safe paths .
In summary, the performance of an evacuation
system is a measure of how well sub-systems
fulfill the requirements defined by aspect systems,
in respect to the given conditions (building
characteristics, emergency specifics) and in
response to the expected nature of evacuation.
There exist various tools for analyzing and evaluating
the performance of evacuation systems. These can
be grouped into three method categories - hand
calculations, simulation models, and rule-based
checking - introduced in the following article.



This article introduces the three methods of
measuring evacuation performance - hand
calculations, simulation models, and rule-based
checking -and briefly explains the current methods
to measure evacuation performance using BIM
Hand calculations typically follow preset equations
defined by a regulatory authority. In the United
States, for examples, such equations are provided
by the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) .
Hand calculations are limiting, longer to execute and
error prone when analyzing complex designs with
significant congestion situations.

Rules can answer different types of questions which

simulation models may not be able to solve directly.
Such answers include: True or False, or measures of
minimum distances between certain locations, etc.
Rules can be used to address both Performancebased building codes, and classical Prescriptive
based building codes. Thus, they can be situated
between hand calculations, and Simulation models.

It is argued that simulation models are best suited

for measuring evacuation performance because
they can handle multiple design situations varying in
scale and complexity.
Simulations are imitations of real world operations
and processes or systems over a period of time.
A simulation-ist tries to capture and study the
behaviors of elements within a defined set of
variables using mathematical and symbolic
models .[2]
A model is a representation of an event and/or
things that are real (a case study) or contrived (a
use-case). It can also be a representation of an
actual system elements and relationships. Models
express certain aspects of reality at multiple levels of
abstraction .
A model is divided into three components:
1) Context whose effects are neglected;
2) Context whose effects are considered;
3) Things to be studied by the model .
Evacuation Models are composed of four submodels:
1) Purpose Model including: optimization, simulation
and risk management;
2) Enclosure representation model including: fine
network using nodes of various sizes and the
neighborhood ties connecting them; coarse
network using the actual structure. A node in a
coarse network representation can be a whole
3) Population model to represent the effect of
emergency on occupants. This can also be
represented in two shades: fine and coarse
allowing for embedding of personal or generic
global attributes respectively; and
4) Behavior model to represent how occupants
might respond to or interact with each other, the
building structure, and the environment during
an emergency .
The availability of more than 40 evacuation models
proves the complexity of analyzing and predicting
emergencies and human behavioral patterns,
and further stresses the importance of integrating
evacuation simulation tools with the design
processes in the AEC industry .
Many evacuation simulation tools, only work with
2D planswhich can be drawn or imported in
DXF or DWG file formats. Once 2D plans are
available in a simulation tool, the user is required
to insert elements representing doors, staircases,
and exits. Some tools provide the ability to define
occupant numbers along with their type, age,
and psychological characteristics. Unfortunately,
currently available evacuation simulation tools do not
make full use of the object-oriented representation of
building elements provided by BIM.


Simulation Models on the other hand, can handle

more scenarios varying in complexity due to their
structure, which also makes them easier to
implement .

More weight is given to simulation-models and rulebased checking in this article.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

In the context of evacuation analysis, performance

is the measure of how well sub-systems fulfill the
requirements defined by aspect systems. Subsystems in an Evacuation System are comprised of
the physical components found in a building or the
site, such as: stairs, alarms, sprinklers, exit lights,
evacuation rooms, fire walls, smoke detectors,
corridors, materials, etc. It also includes the
occupants themselves [1].


issue 32

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

While simulation models offer extensive features to
mimic human behavior during evacuation times,
they do not necessarily fully address Building
code requirements. Especially, when designers
must provide answers such as: True or False,
or Yes or No, etc. To provide such answers,
Building Rule-checking is needed. The complexity
of architectural design and requirements of building
code generated a huge momentum for the creative
automation solutions of rule-checking.
Rule-checking deals with the assessment of
design proposals based on the configuration its
elements, their relations or attributes. Research and
development of rule-checking tools for buildings
started two decades ago. However, effective tools
have just started to surface.
Eastman and his research team at Georgia Tech
suggests a 4-step process for implementing
automated rule checking [3]. These include:


The integration of evacuation analysis in a BIMbased design process is highly dependent on the
representations that are shareable between the
different tools. These representations include 2D
plans (in DXF) for evacuation simulation tools, BIM
Models (in IFC) for rule-checking, and evacuation
and simulation attributes for controlling simulation
experiments and informing rule-checking activities.
While IFC files can carry the evacuation related
attributes implicitly, we suggest that these attributes
get also exported to spreadsheets so that they can
be manipulated and used as input data for setting
up simulation experiments and running rules.
The process starts by extracting the above
mentioned representations from a BIM model.

Figure 2 : Image of Solibri rule-checking software

1) rule interpretation and logical structuring of rules

for their application;
2) building model preparation, where the
necessary information required for checking is
3) the rule execution phase, which carries out the
checking, and;
4) the reporting of the checking results.
Rule-checking tools use IFC (Industry
Foundation Class) as a standard non-proprietary
file format to import CAD models.


Rulechecking tools offer true-integration with

BIM models. They operate on building elements
(objects) and provide built-in rules. Other tools offer
functionality to program custom building rules. Not
only can Rule-checking tools check for evacuation
issues, but also virtually any form of inquiry such as
correct naming conventions for building elements,
locations, sizes, etc.

2D plans can be generated as 2D views and

exported in DXF file format. IFC files can be
exported from the authoring BIM tool with implicitly
embedded evacuation-related attributes, which can
be also explicitly exported to spreadsheets.
It is important to understand how the evacuation
simulation tool, which is used in the process, work in
order to preemptively embed the needed information
in the BIM model.
Also, since the process deal with rule-checking,
we suggest that rules and BIM spatial attributes
be developed in parallel to ensure compatibility
of BIM data with the rule-checking tool. This can
be done by devising standards for space naming
conventions, model arrangement, embedded data,
etc. The attributes are not limited to occupant
information, space type and operational hours,
or materials properties. They can also extend to
include parameters pertaining to the simulation


Rule-Checking tool, where it gets inspected as

per the rules interpreted from the building code
requirements. Results from the rule-check tools are
then exported, and evaluated through normalized
calculations if necessary.
Finally, the simulation and rule checking results
are normalized and evaluated to help develop
performance indicators, PIs.
PIs help give a global aggregated view of the
evacuation performance of the design. The PIs
values can then be issued for decision makers to
identify the need for further design adjustments, or
the completion of the design phase. The process
diagram is included in figure 3.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

experiment set up. These parameters can serve as

value ranges for running an array of experiments in
order to generate a large sample of results.
The extracted 2D DXF plans, which are generated
from the BIM model, are then imported into
the evacuation simulation tool of choice, or redrawn using the simulation tool drawing creation
functionality of available. Data about the building
evacuation and simulation parameters can be fed to
the simulation tool manually or through automation
routines by using a scripting language (if available)
or by programming custom applications. Then
simulations are triggered a number of times using
reasonable simulation parameter ranges in order
to create a large sample of results. The results then
evaluated through normalized calculations.
Similarly, the IFC model gets imported into the






















Figure 3 : Process diagram for integrating evacuation

performance analysis and evaluation with BIM-based
design process.






Evacuation is an important metric for measuring design safety. It is best appreciated when
an unexpected disaster takes place. Evacuation is typically measured through analysis then
evaluation via hand calculations, simulation models, or rule checking. Not all of the current
building evacuation analysis tools offer direct integration within BIM authoring tools. However,
it is possible to use the sharable representations among BIM authoring tools and evacuation
simulation and rule checking tools. A process diagram was proposed to facilitate such integration
of evacuation performance analysis and evaluation with BIM-based synthesis process.


issue 33

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


The BIM Manager

Robert Grys,
Manager at


The BIM Manager now, more than ever, plays a
fundamental role in driving the entire project delivery
and ensuring completion on time and in budget.
His core responsibilities comprise coordinating
the modeling works, reporting the BIM status and
maintaining the model integrity. The transition some
years ago from CAD Manager to BIM Manager was
essential to the advancement of BIM processes
within the construction industry. Today, however, a
more all encompassing BIM Manager is called for.






r d i n atio

Who is defining the right BIM processes?

Who is taking care of the BIM related personnel?
Who is responsible for choosing the right IT
Who is checking the contract conditions to fit in the
BIM approach?
Who is leading the training and education required
for personnel?
The evolution of virtual design and construction
throughout the past decade is such that the existing
model centric BIM Managers role description is now
obsolete. To bring on all the desired changes, we
must redefine the position.


BIM Manager


Figure 1: The BIM Manager as a key role in the project lifecycle

While BIM is becoming an industry standard, BIM

know-how and proven references for companies
are now being seen as a pre-requisite for tenders.
As projects grow in scale and complexity, industry
professionals and group bodies are accepting that
digital models and BIM processes are becoming
the most effective way of reducing costs and risk
while increasing quality. This forces the construction
sector to develop its own knowledge to be


BIM Journal wishes to

acknowledge and thank
HOCHTIEF ViCon for the
provision of this issue.

If as an industry we are to take advantage of all

the benefits that can be garnered from utilizing 3D
models, we need to ask the following questions:



Mimi Westhorpe,
Virtual Design
and Construction
Engineer at

applied to those with CAD management experience,

who are working with BIM related tools and software.
Todays BIM Manager is often taking care of the
model only but there is much more to BIM than the
model itself.

Adopting BIM means a new way of working. Along

with this, the challenges of managing people,
processes, policy and technology arise. Making
the task more complex, those individuals and
companies adopting BIM methods must still be
able to coordinate and work with those who are not
readily utilising it. They must be versatile, adaptive
and quick on their feet.
Not only does the model itself need its own Manager
to ensure its integrity and proper use, such a
significant change in the industry standards calls
for a changed/evolved role which can act as a focal
point for all BIM related activities on a project The
BIM Manager.
Though the current role of BIM Manager already
exists in the construction dialogue, it is loosely



As the virtual representation of the real facility, the
digital 3D model has a wide range of requirements
which cannot be fulfilled by a standard construction
team. Processes are constantly changing, new ones
must be introduced, alternative technologies are
required and contracts need to be adapted.
It is logical evolution that the responsibility of the
BIM Manager has grown alongside the ongoing
development and acceptance of BIM in the
construction industry. Currently the BIM Manager is
steadily growing in to a multipurpose figure, taking
care of several different management fields.
How have his responsibilities changed? And
which challenges is he facing with each new BIM
implementation on a project, regardless of the size
and type?


The first mandatory component of BIM-supported construction is defining the right processes.
As the basis for all model based activities, the right processes can be the difference between the
success and failure of a BIM Implementation. BIM processes should be defined and monitored
by the BIM Manager considering the project life-cycle, for example:

Design creation and coordination

Quantity take-off
Cost estimation
Scheduling and progress monitoring
Change management
Operation and maintenance
Asset management

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


The team is the success. No achievement would be possible without the right people on board.
Knowing that BIM is still a new frontier in the AEC (architecture, engineering, construction)
industry, the challenge of finding and nurturing the right team of people is ongoing. The BIM
Managers role is also responsible for:

Imparting knowledge and experience

Defining the required team roles and responsibilities
Facilitating efficient and effective collaboration and communication
Instilling trust and commitment within the team
Fostering a supportive team culture

The conventional IT environment in construction projects today often requires enhancements
to support the proper usage and utilisation of 3D models. An appropriate and cost effective
set up of hardware and software has to be defined by the BIM Manager. Additionally, the data
exchange and storage processes have to be defined and managed. The BIM Manager must be
in charge of the following:

Certifying appropriate hardware and software

Defining data formats and structure
Controlling and regulating data versioning
Defining user specific workspaces
Ensuring clear internet connections, with minimum connection downtime, and sufficient

Complete and successful BIM Implementation requires having BIM in contracts. The BIM
Manager should take care to create clear and thorough technical specifications to be the basis
for the model development and exchange. Project conditions must at a minimum clarify the
The project guidelines and contracts in relation to BIM
Building standards
The ownership of deliverables and associated intellectual properties
Risks and insurance implications that could be encountered
For a successful BIM Implementation, the BIM Manager must be capable of integrating and
managing all those components.


issue 33

In light of the new requirements of the role of BIM Manager, his positioning within the project organisation is
critical. The organizational chart in Figure 3 shows the BIM Manager in a central role, directly between the
client and the Project Management. The positioning enables him to ensure a life cycle BIM approach, get all
stakeholders involved, encourage a top down strategy, and measure the project performance independently of
the client or developer.




Data security and user management

Certified hardware and software
Data formats and structure
Data versioning



Cost estimation
Quantity take-off
Change management
Operation & maintenance
Design creation and coordination
Scheduling and Progress Monitoring


Collaboration and communication

Knowledge and experience
Roles and responsibilities
Trust and commitment

li c

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

This explains that the modern role of the BIM Manager not only means taking care of the digital 3D model, but
ensuring that all BIM related tasks are overseen in parallel; the new role is, in fact, many roles. An important
aspect of this is the understanding that the BIM Manager supports the project life-cycle approach and is not
only focussing on a particular project phase like the design. Now the role also includes supporting HR, IT and
legal departments in their work. He is the BIM Manager, 2.0.




Building standards
Risks and insurance
Ownership of deliverables
Project guidelines and contracts

Figure 2: The Five Components of HOCHTIEF ViCons BIM methodology

Figure 2 shows four components that surround a successful BIM implementation: process, people, technology
and policy. Encircling them is the Management (in this case, the BIM Manager), who leads them to work in
unison. It is in these four key components, that we can identify the roles evolved requirements.
With this role progression, how does yesterdays BIM Manager, become todays new and improved BIM
Manager 2.0? Training and education become the key considerations. Along with prerequisite skills such as onsite experience, CAD Software skills and the usual gamut of competencies, it is important to find someone who
is proactive and willing to learn. Training on the job, and continued professional development (CPD) courses are
vital. Certification by BIM competent education centres and probationary periods for junior BIM Managers will
enable thorough understanding of the complexity of the role.
As the AEC industry strives to develop and refine its standard roles and processes to continue to be
competitive, so too does the BIM Manager need to grow. With the myriad challenges facing BIM implementation
in construction today, the difference between success and failure will surely be a versatile BIM Manager.

BIM Manager

Figure 3: Organisational Chart with BIM Manager





For a complex 38 storey hotel building located in the Cairo city centre, the client requested the use of sophisticated
BIM methodology. The scope of desired applications for this project comprised design coordination, quantity
estimation, construction progress monitoring, 4D simulation, and overall project visualisation. In order to realise a
successful implementation of this comprehensive BIM scope and to accompany and manage all transitions from
standard working practices to BIM centric methods with a minimum of friction, a dedicated BIM Manager was
engaged for an integrated approach to all BIM related processes, people, technology, and policy amendments.

A centralised method of information exchange
demands commitment from day one, which
needs to be followed at all times. Stakeholders
need to know exactly what data in which
format they should submit to whom, and when
to update. The same way they deserve to
know what kind of information at what times to
expect from their counterparts. Hence, while
producing and processing project information,
BIM always needs to be on peoples minds.
The coordination of all these requirements was
led by the BIM Manager from the beginning.
Initial BIM introduction meetings served as
platforms to address clearly and frankly
individual expectations and obligations to
stakeholders in order to manage the transition
process on the project. Concerns and opinions
from affected individuals were welcomed in
these discussions. As a result, all stakeholders
became aware of their benefits from a new
collaborative approach realized with BIM
and were willing to commit themselves to
a transparent and cooperative working
approach. The discussions were documented
by the BIM Manager in a set of project specific
Process Manuals, clearly reflecting individual
roles and responsibilities in light of the
commonly agreed procedures.


BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

BIM Implemenation in a Cairo

city centre project

The scope of BIM for this project demanded

the development of a stakeholder training
concept, ranging from general BIM technology
introductions to detailed and individually
tailored user training on implemented BIM
systems and processes for all involved
Expectations from BIM can vary very much
among project participants. Especially in large
groups there are invariably some skeptics not
willing to trust the data derived from a digital
model which is in many cases created and
maintained by others. Some reservations may
stem from bad experience from other projects
that did not have an integrated approach to
The project offered training for all stakeholders
following a systematic scheme. Approximately
40 individuals completed 100 training modules
in 10 weeks of lessons held across 6 months.
All training was led by the BIM Manager and
carried out in a dedicated meeting room
using interactive boards. Student participation
was the key to a better understanding of the
processes and systems associated with BIM,
along with gaining confidence and trust in the
BIM Manager and their role.



issue 33

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Implementing BIM to such an extent meant
coordinating a wide range of new technology
and systems as well as adapting several
processes to establish a transparent and
centralized working environment. People in the
construction business, however, are largely
not used to working in BIM environments and
hence a smooth transition from decentralised
to centralised communication and information
exchange needs to be accompanied and
Typically during early project phases, individual
workloads on large scale construction projects
tend to be at their maximum. With BIM usually
implemented at the project commencement
rather than later, spare time to aquaint with
new software, technology or processes is
usually rare. In consequence learning curves
need to be quick, and ideally any derived BIM
information should be easy to understand and
ready to be processed out of the box.
For this project, it was decided to implement
BIM step by step according to requirements
arising during the projects developing
phases. The setup of collaboration and design
coordination tools marked the initial setup
of BIM onsite. An onsite meeting room was
nominated, and equipped with interactive
whiteboards for effective meeting support.
Computer hardware suitable for using
model and data viewer software, as well as
screensharing and other global communication
facilities were selected and installed by
the BIM Manager. Tools and software user
interfaces were kept simple, and contained
information that was current and reliable.
Additionally, the BIM Manager upgraded the IT
network and associated equipment in order to
ensure continuous availability of information.

Working with centralised information, which
is comprehensive and ideally available at any
time contains risks e.g. data origin and access.
Who owns the Building Information Model?
Who is responsible for data correctness?
Who is allowed to access what kind of
information in a complex project?
Who is ensuring data safety and integrity at
all times?
Maintaining a dedicated BIM Manager on
site allowed BIM to have a central focal point
where questions like these, among others,
could be directed. In this project all roles,
obligations and responsibilities were clarified
from the beginning with the support of the
BIM Manager, and compiled in a set of central
documents. These documents comprised an
initial implementation plan for BIM, contractual
specifications for sub contractors and detailed
BIM modeling guidelines, clarifying all relevant
processes, data exchange formats, data
update cycles, responsibilities, etc.
The participants of the Cairo project had
very different levels of competence in BIM
related processes, tools and technologies.
This resulted in a high demand for the BIM
His continued presense on site and tailored
education modules proved indispensible to
the voluntary acceptance of BIM methods, and
finally to a very successful implementation of
Building Information Modeling.









The term Building Information Modeling (BIM) generates

approximately 2.5 Million internet searches a month! With BIM
gaining more and more hype and media coverage, thousands of
websites and blogs are emerging bombarding users with information!
Whether you are a BIM newbie or an expert it is hard to find the time or the patience to wade through
the plethora of information available online hence Our goal is to gather a very
large BIM Community in one place" to network, educate, share and provide Information.
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issue 34

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


BIM Tool Selection

Maher El Khaldi,
(Digital Design
& Fabrication),
(Design and
B.Arch Project
Consultant at


BIM is not new. Professor Charles Eastman, of
the Georgia Institute of Technology, pushed for
representing buildings as Product Information
Models through Building Description Systems
in his papers and books since the late 1970s. Dr.
Robert Aish coined the term Building Modeling
back in 1980. The term was transformed quickly into
Building Information Modeling as we know it today.
BIM tools started to surface in the late 1980s and
are continuously growing in all directions, offering
varying levels of sophistication and functionality.
Even though the concept has existed under one
name or another for over 30 years, the technologies
of building information modeling are still developing.
Personal computers have become more powerful,
project conditions more complex, and user
requirements more demanding. Most significantly,
the area of potential application is so vast, software
developers are forced to tread the thin line between
specialization and generalization. The result has
been the development of a plethora of BIM tools with
varying functions and varying levels of maturity. Thus
selecting a BIM tool, or a suite of BIM tools, is not
an easy decision. This choice impacts production
pipelines and the type of projects a BIM service
provider can handle.
In this issue of the BIM Journal we discuss BIM tools
in three short articles:
1-Defining Expectations of BIM
2-Metrics for Analyzing BIM Tools
3-BIM Tool Selection
BIM is often defined as Building Information
Models or Building Information Modeling, and
sometimes Building Information Management. BIM
is perhaps best understood as various permutations
of the acronym: B. I. M. That is, Building Models,
Building Management, Information Models,
Information Management
,Buildings Information, Information Building,
Modeling Buildings, Managing Buildings,
Modeling Information, and finally Managing


The broad range of applications and even

broader range of interpretations is indicative of
the complexity of choosing a BIM tool. Let alone
the challenge of integrating different aspects of
BIM while collaborating with other AEC companies
on design, engineering, or construction projects.
A divide-and-conquer approach is a very good
strategy to tackle the selection problem. The main
drivers to this strategy are scopes and expectations.

BIM Journal wishes to

acknowledge and thank Maher
El Khaldi for the provision of
this article.

Scope definition is often driven by project

requirements, contractual deliverables, or by the
services that a BIM provider aims to provide. This
can vary from BIM-model, authoring, to BIMdata management, documentation, analysis and
simulation, construction coordination, project
delivery process design, optimization, facility
management, sequencing, resource planning, and
even building demolition.

A major result of scope definition is the ability

to identify the data types needed to interface
between the different subcontractor packages. Data
exchange methods, processes, and standards will
be identified; leading to the development of a clear
understanding of BIM, and what is expected from
BIM. Expectations are highly dependent on the BIM
service providers experience as well as the clients
An important and more comprehensive strategy
for indentifying scopes (other than the divide and
conquer approach) is developing an execution plan.
This will be discussed further in a future BIM Journal
Issue (Issue 35).



After defining scopes and expectations, the BIM
user can identify metrics for analysing how well
a BIM tool may satisfy the scope expectations.
Analysis metrics can be developed from different
points of view. For example: general purpose,
project-specific, scope-specific, or even softwarevendor specific. Suggested below are some general
purpose analysis metrics:
1) Pre-defined Objects: The availability of standard
AEC objects at varying levels of detail and behavior
is highly useful for production work.
2) Custom Objects: The ability to construct userdefined objects and assemblies with high levels of
intelligence through embedding parameters, rules,
relationships and constraints.
3) Intelligent update: Intelligence in updating
parametric relationships in models. Some BIM
tools save all drawings in the same file as the
3D-information Model. Thus changing any object
will trigger changes in all drawings sheets. This can
hinder the development of BIM models, especially
for complex projects. It is important to understand
how the different BIM tools update all of the model
components to ensure that the fashion in which they
work is suitable for the required application.
4) Performance: Technology will never be able to
catch up with the demands and expectations of its
users, especially when it comes to performance.
Thus, it is important to have realistic expectations of
BIM tools to be able to judge their ability to deliver
the required level of performance. Tool performance
can be discussed in many terms such as: memory
handling, model update times, integrity of BIM data
throughout the model life cycle, among others.
5) File management: One of the main goals
behind embracing BIM is extracting data from a
central source. Each tool has its unique structure
for supporting file control and management. This
is important to consider in relation to multi-user
functionality especially multi location scenarios
and how to regulate access rights.


7) Interoperability: BIM modeling tools ought to

support neutral file formats, such as IFC (Industry
Foundation Classes) to facilitate data exchange
with other BIM modeling and BIM data management
tools. A sub-criterion would be the quality of
exported data, how parametric is it, how well is it
attributed, and how well it imports other file formats.
8) Extendibility: For advanced tasks, users might
need to delve into the Application Programming
Interface (API), or the scripting language to build
automation routines. Most of the currently available
BIM tools offer such functionality, but at different
levels. They also support different programming
9) Availability of Technical Support and Community:
Since the AEC industry is still in the transition
process to BIM, it becomes very important to select
BIM tools that come with a family of users and an
abundance of local technical support and resources.

16) Up-to-Date Data Exchange Support: The

development of the IFC file format is constant.
Thus, it is important to support the latest IFC
updates in order to harness the value of the open
standards devised by BuildingSMART. For example,
the upcoming release of IFC 2X4 is posed to
support GIS data. Thus, it will open new doors for
standardized file exchange with GIS software.
17) Remaining Up-To-Date: AEC needs change
as architects, engineers, and contractors continue
to interact with each other through BIM. Thus, it is
important that the selected BIM tool supports new
processes. For example, support for construction
modeling, light design, MEP engineering design &
coordination, among others.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

6) Knowledge Management: Depending on the

scope, users might need to embed, and often
protect, certain parameters, information, formulas,
and attributes in their BIM files. Thus, it might
be essential that the selected BIM tool supports
methods controlling access rights or knowledge

18) Data integrity: BIM models are required to

be robust to survive not only the design and
construction stages, but also facility management
and building maintenance. Thus, it is important that
the selected BIM suite of tools maintains the integrity
of BIM objects. Different aspects can be reviewed for
this metric such as: backups and archiving methods,
ownership and access rights control, robustness
of BIM modeling operations and methods and its
impact on the geometry and the embedded data,
among others.

10) Cost: BIM tools are considerably more expensive

when compared to regular CAD tools. Thorough
feasibility studies of which BIM tool is more
advantageous are highly useful.
11) Develop-ability: Availability of third-party
extensions and continuous development. It is
important that BIM tools offer extensions to support
additional functionalities that can facilitate data
exchange with other team members. In addition,
it is important the BIM tools receive continuous
updates and corrections in order to keep up with the
changing nature and growing demands of the AEC
12) Portability: The availability of a free CAD viewer
for the tools native file format is highly desirable.
This can enable sharing project information with
different parties who do not have access to a full
software license.
13) Learning curve: BIM tools offer different ways to
structure and construct objects, produce drawings,
embed information, etc. All this comes with a
learning curve, which must be considered when
evaluating BIM tools.

15) Support for Collaboration: In addition to

supporting the IFC open standards, it is valuable
that BIM tools support the BIM collaboration format
(BCF). The BCF file format allows for exchanging
captions and views between BIM tools; facilitating
documentation of design changes, construction
issues, requests for information, variation orders,


14) Support for Manufacturing: Depending on

the AEC sector, some BIM models are required
to support manufacturing such as metal sheet
bending, nesting, score lines, etc.


issue 34

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012



After analyzing BIM tools by a number of scopeinformed analysis metrics, it is important to
translate the findings into understandable, logical,
evaluations; by which selection can be made.
Selection can be thought of as a small optimumselection problem. This is suitable when evaluating
combinations of BIM tools. In a highly simplistic
approach (which is probably more suitable to our
purposes), the BIM reviewer will associate analysis
results in certain combinations to create evaluation
parameters. Then, evaluation parameters will be
assigned different levels of importance. This will
help identify the evaluation parameters acting as
constraints, those acting as free/variables, and
those acting as targets (measures). After that, BIM
reviewers ought to explore different combinations of
parameter creation methods (associating analysis
criteria for example), then different hierarchy
schemes, then generate different parameter values
using the defined formulas. Following this the BIM
reviewer can examine different combinations of
evaluation parameter values based on all BIM
tools. This will help the reviewer understand how
certain collection of tools may satisfy the scope
requirements in comparison to others.
Another method for tool selection is developing
a rating system for how well a BIM tool satisfies
the analysis criteria, then defining a hierarchy of
importance for each criteria by giving it weight.
Finally, picking the tool (or combination of tools),
which score the highest in the overall rating system.
Alternatively, another good selection method is
seeking BIM tool training, prior to purchasing, from
the software vendor or accredited service providers.
This will help the BIM reviewer evaluate how suitable
the tool is for their staff, office workflows, and client
requirements. Suggested below are a number of
topics to focus on when seeking BIM training.
1-Software Approach to BIM:
Since software vendors offer different methods and
processes to implement BIM, it becomes essential
to understand how they approach BIM related
concepts such as: Integrated Project Delivery,
Collaboration, Product Lifecycle Management,
Project Management, LEAN-Construction, and


2-Collaboration and Data Exchange:

In an open market, where AEC companies utilise
different tools, it is highly effective to review how a
specific tool integrates with other BIM tools as well
as other non-BIM tools. Such situations often occur
when performing engineering design and calculation
tasks. Of course, data is not limited to geometry. It
includes attributes, schedules, specifications, room
data sheets, quantity take offs, sequencing, etc.
3-BIM authoring of standard AEC objects and
customized parametric objects:
Training must give equal weight to explaining
procedures for creating standard AEC objects,
as well as creating reusable and customized
parametric BIM objects. This is especially important

not only to special equipment providers and material

suppliers, but also to custom solution providers
who focus on building custom libraries of reusable
objects as a main income generator.
4-Maintain the integrity of the BIM model and data.
For BIM data to remain reusable throughout the
lifecycle of a project, users are required to learn how
to maintain its integrity. This is highly dependent
on user skills and software capabilities. Thus, it is
important to understand the limitations and solutions
one might face while modeling, updating, or editing
a BIM model.
Training will give BIM reviewers deep insights
into how the tool may satisfy the defined scopes,
and thus will be evaluated for its fulfillment of the
Another method for selection can be simply made
by seeking advice from trusted and experienced
users who can be reached via CAD/BIM forums and
professional networks, or reading software reviews,
examining BIM case studies, and taking a leap of
faith in making a decision.
None of the above methods are exclusive of one
another; nor are they defined by hard science. They
are only suggested as ideas to help identify BIM
tools that exist out in the market.


issue 35

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


BIM Implementation
& Execution Plans
Perhaps you are intrigued by the proposition of
BIM and want to take it for a test drive, or you may
already be convinced of the benefits and are eager
to roll it out. So how do you get started? Where is the
BIM in a box, and where are the instructions?

Mark Baldwin,
BIM Journal

To the disappointment of many new-comers there

is no one size fits all solution. The applications of
BIM are too broad, the needs of the users are too
diverse, and software development is in a fairly
continuous state of development and transformation.
Building Information Modelling is - at least in its
current state - a bespoke solution.
This throws much of the onus back on the user to
investigate the possible applications of BIM, the
available technologies and appropriate workflow
strategies. Benefits and limitations must be
accurately appraised in respect to ones business
model. This is can be an arduous process, but it
need not be tackled all in one go. Specific steps can
be taken to make rapid inroads into the world of BIM.
The first question to ask is what can BIM do?, and
secondly, what can it do for me?. Once familiar with
the possibilities and the potential application in ones
own business, one can begin to set some goals and
lay-out a roadmap.
The next question is how do I implement this in my
organisation? Specifically, what are my current
resources and capabilities and what do I need?
Thirdly we can ask what are the processes and
infrastructure that can support me in achieving my
goals? In posing this question we must recognise
that processes will change as much as technology.
It is not simply a question of software selection.
An organisation adopting BIM must be prepared
to experience a disruption (and of course an
improvement) to existing processes.


It is somewhat of a step into the unknown, however

there do exist an extensive source of project
references, international standards and best
practices and numerous guides and references
documents to support the transition.
The following two articles provide a snapshot of the
process of BIM implementation, as well as offering a
selection of references and practical tips.


This article introduces some basic strategies to
support organisations in implementing building
information modelling. It suggests developing a
familiarity of standard BIM functions and processes
from which to define ones goals and implementation
strategy. The article also provides practical
guidance on developing a BIM Execution Plan,
setting standards and protocols, and launching a
pilot project.
BIM has a broad range of application; right cross
the design, construction and operation process. It
is often impractical for any single BIM user to have
expertise in all areas, nevertheless, it is important
to be aware of the areas of application and thus
be able to select which BIM functions are most
applicable to ones own business
The Pennsylvania State University Building
Information Modeling Execution Planning Guide
defines twenty-five distinct BIM functions. Branching
into the specialist areas of BIM one could argue that
there are many more. buildingSMART International
currently has over one hundred BIM activities
defined as individual Information Delivery Manuals
(refer to following section for definition of IDMs).
Regardless of how they are defined, BIM Functions
can be roughly grouped into five categories:

Example BIM Functions



Existing conditions modelling, spatial programming, model authoring, design coordination


Structural analysis, energy analysis, lighting analysis, model auditing, code checking


Site utilisation, construction sequencing (4D) cost estimation (5D), digital fabrication, BIM-to-field


Asset & space management, maintenance scheduling, facility expansion


Collaborative platforms, change management, issue reporting & tracking, managing metadata, linking
databases, interoperability and file exchange


The process of transitioning a building information

model from one function to the next, and indeed the
progression of the model through various levels of
development, must be pre-conceived and wellstructured.
For example, if one intents to perform accurate
cost estimations, specific data needs to be
imbedded into the model objects at an early stage
of development. buildingSMART International has
defined Information Delivery Manuals (IDMs) to
provide a framework for describing such model
progressions. Each activity is described in a
unique IDM in the form of Process Maps, Exchange
Requirements and Functional Parts. There are
currently over one hundred IDMs being developed
by buildinSMART members worldwide. (Further
information regarding IDMs can be found at
buildingSMART International IDM website.)
Once the desired BIM Functions and associated
processes have been identified an organisation can
define its goals and lay-out a roadmap for achieving
these. Although the end-goal may be ambitious, it
is important to establish achievable milestones. It
may be advisable to initially pursue the low-hanging
fruit of BIM; functions such as 3D coordination and
drawing extraction that yield the greatest return for
the minimum effort. More complex functions and
processes can be tackled as competency and
confidence increases.


The Execution Plan should be accompanied
by a comprehensive set of standards
and protocols that regulate everything
from modelling practices to file-naming
conventions. This takes some of the burden
off individual stakeholders in defining
their own standards, and most importantly
ensures consistency across a project. A
useful reference for BIM standards is the Los
Angeles Community College District (LACCD)
Building Information Modeling Standards.

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012

Having a healthy understanding of these functions

enables one to make an informed decision about
which functions one may want to deploy. It also
gives an appreciation of the activities undertaken by
other parties, in which one may need to be indirectly
involved (eg. in the exchange of model data).


Software selection is a critical process in BIM
implementation , and ought to be undertaken
in consideration of specific user requirements.
A useful guide for software evaluation and
selection can be found in BIM Journal Issue
34: Metrics for Analyzing BIM Tools


It is advisable to start the transition to BIM with
a pilot project that is neither excessively large
nor complex. Alternatively one may choose
to undertake a parallel exercise, where a
BIM team operates in parallel to the standard
project team (using traditional methods). This
relieves the BIM team from the pressure of
meeting construction deadlines, while still
supporting the construction team with benefits
of 3D visualisation, coordination, construction
simulation, quantity take-off and other basic


Transitioning to BIM is greatly benefitted by
developing a healthy BIM culture within an by,
for example, recognising BIM Champions and
forming steering committees. Organisation
may also choose to engage external BIM
advisors or develop strategic partnerships with
specialist consultants.


It is advisable to start the transition to BIM with

a pilot project that is neither excessively large
nor complex. Alternatively one may choose
to undertake a parallel exercise, where a
BIM team operates in parallel to the standard
project team (using traditional methods). This
relieves the BIM team from the pressure of
meeting construction deadlines, while still
supporting the construction team with benefits
of 3D visualisation, coordination, construction
simulation, quantity take-off and other basic

NBIMS - National BIM Standards v2 (USA)

Senate Properties BIM requirements (Finland)
Statsbbyg BIM Manual 1.2 (Norway)
NATSPEC National BIM Guide (Australia)


Project processes can be mapped out in

a BIM Execution plan. An execution plan
establishes the project objectives, roles
and responsibilities of the various parties,
and required process maps and information
exchanges. An excellent reference for
developing a BIM Execution Plan is the
Pennsylvania State Universitys Building
Information Modeling Execution Planning




issue 35

BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


Level 2 Training
BIM Process
buildingSMART Middle East has developed an
openBIM training programme that addresses key
concepts and issues surrounding BIM operation.
The Level 2 training certificate, titled BIM Process
Management, is a two-day course that overviews
BIM functions and processes, and examines how an
organisation can develop a customised strategy for
BIM deployment.
Day one of the course defines the various BIM
functions that may be deployed within a project
environment. It also provides a strategy for
organisations to determine their current BIM
capability and future aspirations. The course
provides a framework in which participants can
identify realistic goals specific to their area of
operations, and introduces a BIM Planning Template
through which participants can develop a roadmap
to achieve these goals.
Building information modelling is a vast and varied
field, covering a broad scope of activities. These
activities, or BIM Functions, can be roughly
grouped into five categories outlined in the previous


The Level 2 course provides an overview of the

various BIM functions, as summarised in the five
sections below. For technical training of specific BIM
functions buildingSMART ME offers the Level 3 and
Level 4 trainings which are comprised of individual
modules of each BIM function.
applications relate to the pre-planning and planning
phase of a project. This section includes initial
data collection (laser surveying, existing conditions
modelling and site analysis), spatial programming
and design authoring. It encompasses includes
design review and coordination.

refers to secondary applications, often undertaken
by a party who may not have authored the model
themselves. Analysis activities include structural
analysis, energy analysis, green building
certification, lighting analysis, mechanical system
analysis, as well as other specialty disciplines.
This category also includes model auditing, that is
validating model integrity (how well is it built?) and
verifying the model against design parameters and
building code requirements.
functions refer to the deployment of BIM for
construction management. This includes
construction planning, (site utilisation, construction
system design and 3D control and planning) as
well as applications for construction sequencing
(4D) and quantity take-off and estimation (5D). This
section also examines shop drawing production
and integration with Computer Aided Manufacturing
(CAM). A significant part of this section addresses
BIM to Field activities such as establishing
construction set-out points and recording as-built
data and construction status.
refer to BIM functions that support facility
management. This includes record modelling (using
laser scanning devices to capture as-built data),
model maintenance and integrating the model with
Facilities Management software for asset or spatial
management, equipment tracking and maintenance
scheduling. The sections also examines how
a model can be reactivated for future facility
examine best practices for BIM data structure
and exchange, and how multi-model data may be
regulated. This section includes an introduction
to collaborative platforms and electronic project
delivery systems, as well as key sessions on model
collaboration, change management and issue
reporting & tracking. This section also includes
functions relating to interoperability and exchange
formats (such as IFC), managing metadata and
linking multiple databases (models and text files).


BIM JOURNAL VOL 3 - 2011 -2012


The afternoon of day-one introduces strategies
on how organisations can plan for and implement
building information modelling. Topics covered
include assessing current BIM capabilities,
establishing desired goals and developing a
BIM Execution Plan. The BIM Execution plan is a
project specific document that identifies required
BIM functions, establishes project standards
and protocols and develops specific workflows.
These workflows include both process maps
and information exchanges that regulate model
progression between various functions and across
multiple disciplines and/or organisations.
The last session of day-one examines strategies
for selecting appropriate software and necessary
IT infrastructure. This includes an appreciation of
functional requirements (eg. authoring, analysis or
viewing/coordination tools) interoperability issues
(within organisation and within potential project
teams) and collaborative platforms and data
Day two of the Level 2 course examines central
issues relating to BIM implementation both in an
organisations internal structure, and in its external
operations - legally and contractually. Topics
covered in the morning session include developing
a training programme, managing changes to
internal processes (productivity, pit-falls and
lessons learned) and changes to business process
(resources and roles, extended capabilities,
contractual considerations).


The afternoon session will provide practical

information on how to safely and efficiently support
the transition to BIM. This involves setting achievable
goals with realistic and incentivised milestones, and
providing appropriate support structure in terms of
BIM champions within an organisation, developing
steering committees, fostering strategic partnerships
(consultants or advisory services) and initiating at an
appropriate scale, with parallel or pilot projects
The final session of the Level 2 course addresses
reviewing and certification processes. This can be
an internal process by establishing mechanism for
project auditing and progress tracking, identifying
lessons learned and future best practices, and
developing internal process and procedure
manuals. However it is can also be an external
process by engaging a third-party auditor (peer
review) and by adhering to a recognised standards
such as ISO/PAS 16739-2005 (IFC - Industry
Foundations Classes), ISO 29481-1:2010 (IDM
Information Delivery Manuals), ISO 12006-3:2007
(IFD International Framework Dictionary) and
achieving buildingSMART project certification.








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