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eTté _ NACA = ij 4 sS5 tH & NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE = 3h celts FOR AERONAUTICS Sei TECHNICAL NOTE 2751 ASIMPLE APPROXIMATE METHOD FOR CALCULATING SPANWISE LIFT DISTRIBUTIONS AND AERODYNAMIC INFLUENCE COEFFICIENTS AT SUBSONIC SPEEDS By Franklin W. Diederich Langley Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va. Washington August 1952 TCAL URRY AFL 2811 M TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NM TT NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAU! OObSBAL — ‘TECHNICAL NOTE 2751 = A SIMPLE APPROKTMATE METHOD FOR CALCULATING SPANWISE LIFT DISTRIBUTIONS AND ABRODYNAMIC INFLUENCE CORFFICTENTS ‘AT SUBSONIC SPEEDS : By Franklin W. Diederich SUMMARY Several approximate methods for calculating lift distributions et subsonic speeds are combined and extended to form a simple step-by-step procedure for calculating symmetric and entisyumetric lift distributions for arbitrary engle-of-attack conditions on swept and unswept wings. Methods of estimating the required aerodynamic characteristics are included, but any available theoretical or experimental results may be used in several steps of the analysis to shorten the vork and increase ‘the accuracy. The extension of the method to the calculation of aero- dynamic influence coefficients and of spenwise moment distributions is indicated. INTRODUCTION An empirical method (ref. 1) for calculating spanwise lift distri- ‘butions on unswept wings has been used extensively in the past. In modified form (ref, 2) it has been applied to the calculation of span- wise lift distributions on swept wings. More recently, an improved method of celculating the lift distributions due to twist has been published (ref. 3). In the present paper a limitetion of the method of reference 3 as applied to antisymmetric twists is indicated and removed. The methods of references 1 to 3 are then combined with each other and with the results of another investigation (ref. ) into a step-by-step procedure which starts with the lift-curve slope and the additional lift distri- tution and proceeds with the calculation of symnetric basic lift distri- butions, the 1ift distribution due to roll, the rolling-moment coeffi- cient due to roll, and, finally, antisymetric lift distributions. The 2 NACA TN 2752 additional lift distribution is herein defined as the Lift distribution for constant angle of attack across the epan with a lift coefficient equal to 1, ‘he basic 1ift distribution is defined as the lift distri ution of a twisted ving at-zero (total) lift. Means of calculating the aerodynanic characteristics required in the method are contained in this paper, but if any of these characteristics are known fron other sources they may be incorporated in the procedure with a resultant saving in time and improvenent of accuracy. Tne method of this paper is derived in eppendix A. It is outlined and some examples of its application to various plan forms and angle-of= attack conditions are presented and discussed in the body of the paper. Formulation of the method in matrix notation for the purpose of obtaining aerodynamic influence coefficients suitable for aeroelastic analyses is accomplished in appendix B of the present paper in the manner employed in reference 5, Inasmuch as the method of the present paper supersedes that of reference 2, on which reference 5 is based, appendix B ofthe present papér supersedes reference 5. Means for estimating the spanvise distributions of pitching moments (or local centers of pressure) required in an aeroelastic analysie are indicated in appendix C. snEOLS A aspect ratio, b2/8 ® distance of toca? aerodynamic center from leading edge, fraction of chord en coefficient in Fourier series for 7 « angle of attack, radians unless specified othervise z average angle of attack, radiene a effective angle of attack, rediane Pn induced angle of attack, radians ae /ae. . controt-effectiveness partaster, S21/2S > wing span 4 NACA TN 2751 eo en, ea, or coefficient in Fourier series for « sin 9 coefficients for additional lift distribution wing lift coefficient, lift/qS wing lift-curve slope, per radien unless specified otherwise rolling-nonent coefficient, Rolling noment/aSe damping-in-roll coefficient, C1, rolling-uoment coefficient due to rolling per unit helix engle (radians) at ip chord, measured parallel to plane of symmetry everage chord, 5/b : section Lift coefficient section 1ift-curve slope, per radian unless specified otherwise section 1ift-curve slope in incompressible flow, per redien Aistence from leading edge to center of pressure due to aileron deflection, fraction of chord loading coeffictent, ¢cy/t loading coefficient for additional Lift distritution loading coefficient for basic Lift distribution loading coefficient for unit-rolling lift distribution loading coefficient for residual lift distribution loading coefficient for unit engle of attack loading coefficient for unit linear antisymetric twist NACA TN 2752 control deflection in plane perpendicular to hinge line, radians section Lift-curve-slope ratio, cp, /2x dimensionless lateral distance from ving root, Lateral distance bey ig plen-form parameter, A/7) cos A edditionel-Lift-distritution component-due to sveep contribution of function # to rolling moment due to 2 rolling, & | sy*Paye Jo abscissa of centroid of ares of function f correction factor for effect-of taper on lateral center of pressure in steady roll finite-span correction for wing lift-curve slope, equation (7) fintte-span correction for wing lift-curve slope according to slender-wing theory finite-span correction for basic lift distribution, equation (12) ~ finite-span correction for lift distribution in roll, equation (15) = finite-span correction for residual Lift distribution, equation (22) finiterspan correction for rolling-nonent coefficient due to roll, equation (17) section lift angle of sweepback at quarter-chord line NACA TH 2751. 5 he effective angle of eweepback in compressible flow, tenn) tan A tea? » taper ratio, Tip chord/foot chord ™ free-stream Mach number oo pressure difference between upper and lover surfaces a dynamic pressure 8 wing area t wing thickness ¥ width of fuselage e ‘trigonometric variable corresponding to y*, cosly* x dinensionless lateral ordinate, Lateral ortinate/Senispen * dinensionless lateral ordinate of wing center of pressure Fs effective interal center-of-preemure location of resultant P load causing rolling moment due to rolling Subseripte: Ir two-dimensional flov rr three-dimensionel flow DESCRIPIION OF THE METHOD Symmetric Lift Distributions The lift distribution for any symmetric angle-of-attack distritu- tion may be considered to consist of two parts, a basic lift distritu- tion with zero total lift and an additional lift distribution. The basic lift distribution for a given twist is defined as the distribution for the given wing with the angle of attack reduced equally at every point until the total lift is zero, The additional lift distribution is defined as the distribution which the wing would carry if it were untwisted and 6 NACA TN 2752 the lift coefficient were equal to 1,0, If the additional and basic lift distributions ere defined in terms of their loading coefficients, ‘then cer (2) (=), and the lift distribution for any variation of angle of attack or twist across the span may be written in the form 7 = CLG, + % (2) ‘This section ie concerned with the determination of the quantities Chey Ter % and Ye If Chay €2, and Yq are known they may, of course, be used instead of the values given herein. Lift-curve slope.- The wing 1ift-curve slope may be obtained from the section 1ift-curve slope and a finite-spen correction as CL =e, cos A ko (3) where cy; end Ky are determined as follows: The section lift-curve slope 1s teken for the section perpendicular to the quarter-chord line at a Mach number equalto M cos Aj it may be estimated from the relation Ca £ NACA TN 2751. 1 °, where the ratio = ts given tn figure 1 trom the average of the ey, theoretical date of reference 6 for airfoils of the NACA 63A, 6KA, and. 65A ae well as the 63, 64, 65, and 66 (vith eubscripts) series ase function of the effective Mach number Mcos A for several airfoil thickness ratios (perpendicular to the quarter-chord line), For ell commonly used airfoil sections the 1ift-curve slope in incompressible = flow ¢y,, {6 inom or may be calculated. Fron the value of c7, a ratio _ (5) may be calculated end, hence, « plen-form parameter, defined in refer- = ence 4 as F 4 (6) 7 cos A According to reference hk, the value of kg may then be given in terms of this plen-form pareneter as (1) The factor ky is plotted in figure 2 as a function of the plan-form parameter F, For very large angles of sweepback another factor ko', also shown in figure 2, should be used instead of ko. Additional lift distritution,.- The additional lift distribution may be obtained from experimental data or theoretical calculations (ref. 7, for instence) or may be estimated from the relation derived in 3 appendix A, 8 NACA TX 2751. Ye scp tM - yes ogt (8) : x where the sweep-correction function f is given in figure 3 and where the coefficients Cz, Ce, and C3 are given in figure b, The func~ tion f depends on an effective angle of sweepback Ae defined by -1 ten A va - te = ten’ me elliptic dietribution HTT to alse shown tn figure 3 as the value of the function f for Ay #0. Unlike the value of 7q given in reference 2, thet given by equa- tion (8) reduces to the correct value (that ‘given by low-aspect-ratio theory or slender-wing theory) when the aspect retio is very low and to the correct (strip-theory) value when the aébect retio is very high. In general, equation (8) may be expected to apply to most practical plan forms with nesrly etraight querter-chord Lines, except those with very large effective angles of sweepback, say greater than about 60°, For such wings the lift distribution may be estimated from the results of slender-wing theory (refs. 8 and 9), as explained more fully in appendix A, According to slender-wing theory, the lift distribution is Likely to be aluost-elliptic for e wing with a plan-form parameter less ‘then about-2.5. A wing with a plen-form peFameter greater than about 2.5 cen be divided into three regions. In the two-dimensional region the Lift distribution is proportional to the chord, in the tip region the Lift drops off with infinite slope, and in the root region the lift drops to ebout 2/x of the value it would have if it were proportional to the chord. (See fig. 5.) ‘The lateral ordinate of the center of pressure J* of the addi- tHonel Lift distribution or of any lift distribution for @ constant angle of attack across the span is mumerically equal to the moment about the origin of the function 7,, since the area under the function 7_ is 1, Therefore, tc, hs og (9) =c Basa) 2a NACA TN 2751. 9 vhere J is the abscissa of the centroid of area of the function f and is given in figure 6 as a function of the effective angle of sveep- back Ag. Equation (9) applies to a linearly tapered wing. For a wing lea 3(2 +2) which is not linearly tepered, the term of equation (9) may be replaced by oe Basic lift distribution.- As described in appendix A, the basic litt Getribution may be obtained from the lift-curve slope and the additional lift distribution as follows: Ty = Hyer (a = D7 (20) where @ is evaluated from the integral 1 a-f 7, yt (22) and the coefficient ky te obtained fron the relation fo (22) which ts plotted in figure 2, The integration indicated in equation (11) may be performed graphically or numerically (by means of Simpson's rule, for instance), 10 NACA TX 2751. If there are discontinulties in the angle-of-attack distribution, they should be faired before the angle-of-attack distribution is used in equations (10) end (11). Apparently the best results are obteined, on the average, when the fairing extends abit 0.3 semspan on either side of the discontinuity and passes through the midpoint of the dis- continuity; the faired curve should have thé sane area as the unfaired one. Antisymetric Lift Distributions The lift distribution for_any antisynmetric twist may be considered to consist of two parts: a rolling-type distribution, which is the dis~ ‘tribution for the given wing with a linear shtisymetric twist of suffi- cient magnitude to have the same rolling moment as the twist distribu- tion of interest, and a residual distribution, which is the difference between the rolling-type and the true distribution and which, by defini- tion, has no rolling moment. If the unit-rolling type of distribution is defined by its loading coefficient cey vee a Bre where Czq 1s the rolling-moment coefficient of the distribution for a Linear antieymnetric twist with unit angle et the tip (and is, hence, ‘the negative of the conventionally defined rolling-momint coefficient due to rolling Cry), and if the residual distribution is defined by its @). then eny antisymmetric Lift-distribution may be written as loading coefficient 7 = Cyateta + Tr (33) NACA TN 2751 un where ae is the tip angle required for a linear antisymnetric distri- : bution with the sane rolling monent as the distributin of interest. This section 1s concerned with the calculation of 7g, Cigs tes and yp. If the values of yq and Cy are known they my, of course, be used instead of the values presented herein. Unit-rolling distribution.- The lift distribution 7g for a linear antisymmetric twist with unit angle at the tip may be obteined from reference 10 or 11 or from the relation Tp * ke = where (5) is derived in appendix A and-shown in figure 2. The unit-rolling distri, bution 7g 1s equal to 79 divided by the damping-in-roll coeffi- cient Crq- Damping-in-roll coefficient.- The damping-in-roll coefficient may be obtained from reference 10 or 11 or, as in reference 4, from the relation Cry = ey, cos A ky (36) 1. NACA TN 2751 where ky, is @ factor defined by which is plotted in figure 2, The factor K is a correction for taper effects on the lateral center of pressure introduced in reference 12 and yy 1s equal to twice the factor oa used in thet paper. Another expres- - v/e z sion for.C), may be obtained fron the method of the present paper: = cigs Feng cor a EREB og + cp + 2,) aa) where C), Cg, and C3 are the factors used in equation (8) and I is ‘the moment of inertie of the function f defined as 1 Tek tyt@ay® (a9) The velue of I te given in figure 6. If the wing does not heve @ 2 near taper the expression 4 [” & yi@ayt mst be substituted tor = Jo : elem, the tern 31d A comparison of equations (16) and (18) reveals thet the factor K 21+ 3d te equal to the expression Siren Lt oo +g. WAGA TN 2751. 33 ius The two taper corrections K and ——® are compared in figure 7(a) v/e Tuy, for unswept wings (since the correction —> does not apply to swept v/2 wings) end excellent agreement is seen to exist, except for plan-form wy parameters less than 6, for which the values of al given in refer- v/a ence 12 are somewhat uncertain. Figure 7(b) shows the effect of sweep on the taper correction factor used in equation (18). This figure serves to explain the statement made in reference 12 that experimental iy evidence indicates that the effect of sweep on the factor wm is v/2 likely to be small, a statement which is difficult to reconcile with the great deviation of the additional lift distributions of swept (particularly sweptforward) wings from elliptical end also of their Linear antisymetric lift distributions from thet of an elliptic wing. As may be seen from figure 7(b), however, the factor K, which is twice Tus the fector aes and is obtained from spenvise lift distributions, is v/2 indeed substantially unsffected by sweep for angles of sweepback between 0° and about 35°, which are the ones for which most of the aforementioned experimental evidence was obtained; however, for sweptforvard wings and for highly sweptbeck wings, sweep does have the expected effect on K. ‘Inesmich as the correction of equation (18) permits sweep to be taken into account, whereas that of equation (16) does not, the use of equation (18) appears to be preferable for swept wings. For unswept wings both corrections give almost identical results. Residual lift distribution.- The residual lift distribution may be obteined, as shown in appendix A, from the relation = *364(S - oe)7a (20) where the effective tip angle a, is defined by ub NAGA TN 2752 a wd [wae or (a) ap end i i raytest and where the factor 3 is defined by Z. Fy fi + Bai E (22) 4 rp + Seo Any discontinuities in the angle-of-attuck distribution mst be faired before the distribution is used in equation (20) or (21). A convenient procedure for fairing this distribution is to plot the ratio a/y* over the span and to fair it as suggested for discontimious Symetric @istributions. ‘The faired distribution may then be used directly in the second form of equation (21). ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES ‘The method presented in the preceding sections hes been applied to the calculation of lift distributions for a variety of plan forms in order to illustrate certain trends as well-as ta compare the results with those of other methods. Additional 1ift distributions vere calculated for six wings of different plan forms in incompressible flow. The results are shown in figure 6. The aspect ratios, angles of sweepback, taper ratios, and plan-fort factore of these wings are given in teble 1. In the calcule- Elon of the plan-forn factors a section 1ift-curve slope of 2x vas assumed. Also given in table l.are the constants C1, Co, and C3, waich were taken trom figure b. The lift distributions calculated by ‘the method of reference 13 (with 15 points on the span) and, in two cases, the lift-distributions calculated by the method of reference 1h (with’126 Lifting points on the span) are also shown in figure 8. There de good agreenent between the approximate lift distributions given by the method of tais paper end those calculated by the theoretical methods. WACA TN 2752 Bb The lift-curve slopes and lateral centers of pressure of the addi- tional lift distributions of the six wing plan forms considered in fig- ure 8 are given in table 1, a calculated from equations (3) and (9) of the present paper and as calculated by the method of reference 13 (with 15 points on the span). The values of required in equation (3) for calculating Cr, were obtained from figure 2 and are elso included in table 1. Again, there is good agreement of the approximate values of Cy, snd Y¥ obtained by the method of this paper with the theo- retical values. Also calculated for plan forms 1 end 2 were basic 1ift distributions due to a unit parabolic twist and due to a unit deflection of a half- semispan flep (ag5 cos A= 1). The results of these calculations are given in figures 9 end 10. For the parabolic twist a = y*®, equa- tion (11) yields, in conjunction with the functions 7, = osset ay todd Jqsdk¥Q (8A) notseups to mio? sy mi aossu0 aid te tel Lagod efx aed eats0 "mt .g93\s09 dix bovsigor > NACA TN 2751 29 For e symmetric angle-of-atteck distribution, only odd values of are needed in equstion (Al), The lift coefficient is then given by A Tea oy = fay = 2m by (ais) Since the lift is to be zero for the basic lift distribution, the first term of the series must be omitted, so thet for the symmetric cese the first term of the series is thet for which n= 3. For the case of constent angle of sttack, however, b =a and all other b's are zero, 60 that ; ByA bem a sin @ (17) A ory = Ae ee (a18) and : Te = 4 sin 6 (arg) Consequently, substituting equations (A15), (A18), end (a19) into equetion (A13) gives A 4 enh Tia Sig te ea (azo) since Z= bj. This distribution should be the same as that given by equation (AlK) (starting with the term n= 3). Cleerly, no velue of ky can satisfy this condition exactly, If the first terms in the two series are set equel, however, the others will not differ much furthermore, since the first term is usuelly much lerger then the others, the lift distributions will generally be elmost identicel if the first 30 WACA TN 2751 terms of the series ere equal, In order to satisfy that condition, kk must be teken as p ky = ae a . (a22) which is identical to the result obteined in reference 3, except thet ‘there 1 was assumed to be 1, = A lifting-surface and sweep correction for k, may be deduced in ‘the manner employed for the damping-in-roll coefficient~in references 4 end 12, "If the product jC, thet occurs in equation (A13) 10 obtained - trom equations (A18) and (A21) and written in the form oo _ “ arm kere fe correction identical to thet for Cz, but based on one-third the aepect-ratio suggests itself. Consequently, upon introducing the sweep end lifting-surface corrections in this equation end dividing by Ctg, ‘the following relation is obteined: (aza) This fector ie plotted in figure 2 egeinst the plen-form peraneter =—_, - 7 cos A” = Lift-Distribution in Roll If an equetion similar to equation (Al3) is applied to a liner - antisymmetric engle-of=atteck distribution with unit value at the tip (a = y*), the relation NACA TN 2751. 3h 2 = Hehe (423) ie obtained. A factor kg is used rather then k, because of the dif- ferent nature of the induction effects for the symmetric end entisyn- metric cases. ,The desired value of kg may be obteined from the lift distribution of elliptic wings, as follows: For the angle-of-attack distribution in this case, equetion (A15) yields bp = b and ell other b's ere zero, Hence, equation (ALM) yields SnA_ 2 . z 6 ren ae Bie? whereas equation (A23) yields, after substitution of equations (A18) end (A19), 72° Reeiy phe tain 6 cos @ ‘The desired values of kp ‘be dbteined by equeting these two expres- sions for 7p: kp = AHA (a2k) “Re iy This velue, also, is identical to that obtained in reference 3 for Tt may be corrected for lifting-surfece and sweep effects in the sene manner a8 \y, so that ala + (sgeay 2 cos A (a25) ala + re(-eoe af + ty cos A This factor is also plotted in figure 2 against the plan-forn parameter F, 32 NACA IN 2751 2 Demping-in-Roll Coefficient By colculating the rolling mouent of the lift distribution given by equation (A23), a value for the demping-in-roll coefficient Cy4 (= -C7,) ney be cbteined: Cig = Reig C08 4 Keke | raytPave (426) The product’ of the factors kp and kp ié referred to es the factor ky in the following derivation. If equation (A3) ie substituted into equation (A26), the damping 7 coefficient mey be written as 21+ Bo sope 103) (a27) 1 gs Feng oot (GEES a where 4 is the teper ratio, where I is defined by : 1 ek f tysPaye (a28) ~~ 0 end is plotted in figure 6(b), and where the expression af Hence 3 (a39) which, by the seme reasoning es thet for ky, mey be corrected for Lifting-surface, eveep, ond compressibility effects by setting 2 Ah + 262228 4F' ty cos 8 3 = [an coo ane Alas o(2-208-4)° «oy cos a (ato) This fector is plotted in figure 2 against the plan-form pereueter F, NACA TN 2751 37 APPENDIX B CALCULATION OF AERODYNAMIC INFLUENCE COEFFICIENTS a Aerodynenic influence coefficients are useful in methods of static aeroelestic enalysis, particulerly those employing metrices, such es _ thet of reference 18. These influence coefficients may be considered to represent the 1ift (in dimensionless form) et one point of the epen due toe unit angle of atteck at another point, Such influence coe?- = ficients cen be obtained by means of some of the theoretical methods by celoulating the 1ift distributions corresponding to angle-of attack distributions which are zero everywhere on the span except for one point, at which they ere infinite in euch a way that the aree under the engle- of-attack distribution is zero. However, euch lift distributions are aisficult to celewlate, and they may be obteined at points along the : span viich are inconvenient for an aeroelastic analysis. The influence coefficients obteined by the procedure of reference 5 are based on the method of calculating spanwise lift distribution pre- _ sented in reference 2, Individually these empirical coefficients do not have eny significance, as do the coefficients described in the pre- ceding peragrepb, but when multiplied by the values of the engle of attack et several points on the spen end summed, they do yield the lift et @ point on the span in the seme manner es the other influence coef- ficients. Apert from the fact thet they cen be calculated more simply and for eny points on the span for which set of integrating factors cen be calouleted, the empiricel influence coefficients have the same advanteges end disedvanteges in comparison vith the theoretical coef- ficients as do empirical methods in comparison with theoretical methods. In this appendix a procedure is outlined for calculating influence coefficients ine menner which is similar to thet employed in refer- = ence 5, but which is based on the method of calculsting lift distribu- tions given in the present paver rather than that of reference 2, In essence the procedure presented in this eppendix consists in formulating this method of celculeting lift distributions in matrix notetion by using integreting matrices of the type presented in reference 18, Compared with influence coefficients calculated by the procedure of reference 5, ‘the ones calculated by the procedure presented in this appendix heve the sdventeges of greater accuracy and wider applicability, because the method of celculetiing spenwise lift distributions presented herein, on which the coefficients are based, hes these edvanteges over earlier = methods. The influence coefficients given by the procedure of refer- E ence 5 are applicable only to symmetric loadings and wings of moderete espect retio, wherees those given by the procedure of the present paper 38 _ NACA TN 2751 are not subject to either of these restrictions. They should, there- . fore, be useful for sost purposes for vhich aerodynamic influence coef- ficients ere required, The matrix notation used herein is the sane es that used in reference 18, : Symetric Cese Equations (2) and (10) may be combined to yield 7. cag _ or, in mstrix notetion, fi} croft - 9) pale} + ava} x) vhere {7} is © column matrix which consists of the velues of 7 et seversl stations on the wing, {a} is e colum matrix vhich consists of the velues of a at those stations, {@} is a colum matrix of elements ell equal to @, end [7g] is a diegonal metrix the nonzero . elements of-which are the velues of 7q et the same stetdons. The integration indicated by equation (11) may be written in matrix form es Q b-¥ Be Horoot + [afl ral} (2) where H is defined by wf x -[ Ye ay* (23) : NACA TN 2751. 329 and may be evaluated with sufficient accuracy for the present purpose from the relation E (Colo? Polyene.* Cady ots oe end where [Ty] is on integreting metrix, As described in reference 18, a suitable integreting matrix nay be cbteined vy approximating the inte- grend (the function aye) by perebolic segnents. In view of the fect thet 7_ goes to zero with infinite slope a speciel type of parabole hes to be used, for instance, one which consists of s linear coubina- tion of the 1/2 power and 3/2 power of the distence from the tip. With this approximation to the curve of aya, the integreting matrix for stations at the wing root end every sixth of the distance from the wing root to the wing tip, for instance, may be written es ra] = [2.05556, 0.20833, 0.15278, 0.16667, 0.14913, 0.22500, 0| (Bk) Root Tip Equation (B2) can be written es &- [nye where the row matrix ([Tj]|7q] 1s obteined by calculating the row metrix PE¥ [Ij[7q] end adding H to its first element. A square netrix [Xj][7q] cen then be constructed which consists of rows all equal to [u][fa]- With this square matrix, equations (B1) end (32) cen be combined end written es Gd > Grate [Qe - 4) FJD + 120 ho . NACA TN 2752. fie} = ta Bale} (25) where [1] 4s the unit metrix, end where the matrix [Q_] defined by [ee] = ral (@ - :) aT + 41] (26) is, in effect; an serodynsmic-influence-coefficient matrix for symmetric Lift distributions. In these matrices the velues of 7, 7g, end a ere oll teken ot the sone set of stations, and the integrating matrix must be set up for the see stations, Stations et the wing-root and every sixth of the distance from the wing root to the wing tip (but-excluding the wing tip proper, vhere 7 is zero unless tip tenks or end plates are present) have been found convenient for many purposes. For these stetions n* = 0, 0.1667, 0.3333, 0.5000, 0.6667, 0.8333 where 1 is the retio of the leterel distance of the given stetion fron the wing root to the length 2=¥, the integreting matrix given ‘by equetion (B+) msy be-used for these stetions. The lest element, 0, of the matrix of equstion (Bl) cen be disregerded. Antisymmetric Case ‘The entisynmetric lift distribution may be obteined from a combina- tion of equations (13), (20), and (21) by use of matrix methods in the seue menner ss in the symmetric case. The resultvis + sabal? Ha wll] (en SM WACA TN 2751 A or OF- mah} (8) = B81 «babe +27] (5) iS 8 serodynentc~tntuence-ccef ficient uatrty for entisymetric 114 Gotributions, The metrix CEIPA] 12 © square matnty with rows’ a2 suet to X=2 [mJ [yi] ana with e constont HT added to the first element, on constant 1s defined by relstion he NACA TN 2752 APPENDIX ¢ MOMENT DISTRIBUTIONS The spanwise distribution of the pitching monent is often of less 7 interest then the lift distribution; for aircraft loads calculations the 1ift distribution usually is of primery interest; and for stability - calculations the use of two-dimensional centers of pressure often yields sufficiently accurate over-all aerodynamic paraneters. For some pur- - poses, however, such as static gercelastic calculations, a knowledge of the spanwise distribution of the pitching toment is importants In this appendix sone available knowledge concerning this distribution is summarized for use in conjunction with the method of this reper. The variation of the pitching moment along the span may be obteined from the lift distribution and the local centers of pressure. The 16cal : aerodynamic center, that is, the center of pressure due to angle of attack or twist of an uncambered wing, and the center of pressure due to control deflection are of most general interest:—- Compared with the amount-of information available on spanwise Lift distributions, relatively Little is known about the local centers of _ = pressure of the lift distribution, The commonly used Weissinger method (ref. 13) for calculating lift distributions is characteristically inca pable of furnishing local centers of pressure, Methods suitable for obtaining such information, such as Falkner's (ref. 1h), are very cumbersome, and the local aerodynamic centers calculated by thése methods are not altogether reliable, For instance, by using different vortex representations in Falkner's method different-locel serodynenic : centers are obtained, although the 11ft distributions are nearly the same. The centers of pressure due to aileron deflection cannot be calculated accurately by Falkmer's method. An additional uncertainty in connection with the local centers of pressure is the fact that these centers are more sensitive than the lift distribution to devietions from the potential-flow conditions (as a result. of boundary-layer separation, for instance) assumed in the analytical methods. As a result of these considerations the information concerning local centers of pressure presented in subsequent sections should be regarded as qualitative rather than quentitetive in nature; it is Intended ao © rough guide until more refined methods of calculating such information are available. The values of the local serodynamic centers end centers of pressure due to control deflection are for incompressible flow. In order that subsoiic compressibility effects . may be taken into account approximately, the values should be estimated for_an equivalent wing with an aspect ratio equal to V1 ~ M? times 7 NACA TN 2751 43, ‘the actuel aspect ratio and with an effective sweep angle Ag, the tangent of waicn is 2/M —u® tines the tangent of the actual sweep angle A. Local Aerodynamic Center The local aerodynamic centers of an unswept wing of very high aspect ratio are at the quarter-chord line. As the aspect ratio decreases the local aerodynamic centers move forverd, in particular near the tip of the wing. For constant~chord wings of vanishingly low aspect ratio, virtual-mass considerations indicate that the locel cen ters of pressure are near the leading edge, although the applicability of low-aspect-ratio theory to such a wing may be questioned. The loc aerodynamic centers of several unswept constant=chord 7 wings calculated by Felkner's method and those of two elliptic wings calculated from the results of reference 19 are shown in figure 13(a). ‘Ab high end medium aeyect ratios the wing taper hes Little effect on 7 ‘the local aerodynamic center, as may be seen, for instance, by comparing the results for the constant-chord end elliptic wings. At very low aspect ratios, on the other hand, virtual-mass considerations indicate that the effect of taper is likely to be more pronounced. If the leading edge is swept back, the local aerodynamic centers of a wing with vanish- ingly small espect ratio may be estimated from the data shown for the low- aspect-ratio delta wing in figure 13(c) by considering the part of the wing enclosed by the leading edge end the line which connects the tvo ends of the leading edge to be a delta wing (see fig. 5). The serodynamic-center locations shown in figure 14(a) were obteined in this manner. The locel aerodynamic centers of svept wings of very high aspect ratio are also on the quarter-chord line, except at the root and the tip. Near the wing root the local aerodynamic center, which is at the quarter-chord point for an unsvept wing, moves back as the wing is swept back and approaches the midchord position for very high sweep angles; as the wing is svert forvard the local eerodynamic center moves forvard. At the wing tip, on the other hend, the local serodynamic center moves forward tovard the leading edge ac the wing is svept back and rearverd as the wing is swept forvard. The local serodynamic centers for swept wings of medium aspect ratio depend both on the aspect retio (in much the same way as for unswept wings) snd on the angle of sweep (in e menner similar to that descrived in the preceding paragraph). The results of calculations by means of Falkner's method for constant-chord wings of various sweep angles and aspect ratios, as well as for one tapered wing and two delta a NACA TH 2751 wings, are shown in figures 13(b) and 13(c). Comparison of the two plen forms of aspect ratio 2 with 60° eweepback corroborates the previously made statement that taper has an effect on the local aerodynamic center at low aspect ratios, although the effect-is feirly small. For wings of very low aspect ratio with sveptback leading edges and without reentrant trailing edges, the method of reference 8 may be used. In the case of delta wings it yields the aerodynamic-center variation along the span shova in figure 13(c). For wings with angles of sveepback larger than about 60° the results of slender-wing theory presented in reference 9 may be used as @ guide. The local aerodynanic-center positions obtained in this manner are shown in figure 5. These variations ere only approximate, particu- larly in the case of the wings with enell ‘plan-form parameter, for which only the values at the root and tip are keown. The locel~serodynamic-center lines shown in figure 13 have been calculated for constant angles of attack elong the span. From the date of reference 19, however, @ local-aerodynamic-center Line can be calcu luted for a linear antisymmetric angle-of-attack distribution of an elliptic wing of aspect-ratio 6. This line agrees perfectly with the one shown in figure 13. Consequently, 1t may be assumed that the nature of the angle-of-attack distribution along the sran has little effect on ‘the locel-serodynanic-center locetion for unswept wings, and probably for svept wings as well. Local Center of Pressure Due to-Control Deflection For unswept wings of high aspect ratio and, except at the root and the tips, for swept wings of high espect-ratio, the two-dimensional value of the center of pressure due to control deflection may be used. For medium aspect ratios no. results comparable to those for the local aerodynamic center are available. In order that some Indication of the probable location of the center of pressure relative to the tvo- tmensional value may be obtained, the difference between the lift actually carried at-any section of the wing and that which would be carried if the section were in two-dimensional flow may be considered to act at the serodynamic center. This assumption leads to the equation AcPg W Porrr > SPerT ui iets 2 (c¥eqr = *) Trt WACA TN 2752. 45 where 7y7z is the value of 7 calculated by the method of thie paper, a is the locel aerodynamic center, and rrr = £¢1,96 cos A(S cos A) é = £.ey,0 conta where 8 ie the control deflection measured in a plane perpendicular to the hinge line and ag is the two-dimensional value of the control effectiveness. For wings of very low aspect ratio the method of reference 8 may sometimes be used to calculate centers of pressure due to control deflec- tion, provided both the wing and the control surface have sweptback leading edges, the trailing edge is not reentrant, and the hinge line is perpendicular to the free stream, The centers of pressure due to a symmetric control deflection as given by the apparent-nass concept on which reference 8 is based are shown in figure 14(b) for two such wings. When the entire tip of a low-espect-ratio wing is rotated about = hinge line perpendicular to the free stream (as shown in the third sketch of fig. 14(b)) the resulting spanwise lift distribution can be obtained from reference 15, but no chordwise distributions are given by this method. In the case of the first two plan forms shown in figure 14(b), all. the 1ift carried ahead of the hinge line when the whole wing is at an angle of attack is carried at the hinge line when only the control sur- face is deflected. The control surface itself carries the same lift as it would if the whole wing were deflected. For wings of low aspect ratio the apperent~nass concept also indi~ cates that the two-dimensional value of ag cannot be used; instesd value close to 1 should be used for wings of very lov aspect ratio such as those shown in figure 1h, 6 ACA TN 2752 ‘REFERENCES 1. Schrenk, 0.: A Simple Approximation Method for Obtaining the Spa vise Lift Distribution. NACA TM 948, 1940. » Diederich, Franklin W.: A Simple Approiimate Method for Obtaining Spenvise Lift Distributions Over Sept Wings. ACA RM L7I07, 1948, Sivells, James C.: An Improved Approxfimate Method for Calculating Lift Distributions Due to Twist. NACA TN 2282, 1951. Diederich, Franklin W.: A Plan-Form Paraneter for Correlating Certain Aerodynamic Characteristics of Swept Wings. NACA TN 2335, 1951. 5. Diederich, Franklin W.: Approximate Aerodynamic Influence Coef- ficients for Wings of Arbitrary Plan Form in Subsonic Flow. NACA IN 2092, 1950. - : Murrey, Harry B.: Comparison with Experiment of Several Methods of Predicting the Lift of Wings in Subsduic Compressible Flow. NACA TH 1739, 1948. 7. DeYoung, John, and Harper, Charles W.: Theoretical Symmetric Span Loading et Subsonic Speeds for Wings Having Arbitrary Plan Form. : NACA Rep. 921, 1948, 8. Jones, Robert T.: Properties of Low-Aspect-Ratio Pointed Wings at Speeds Below and Above the Speed of Sound. NACA Rep. 835, 1946. (Supersedes NACA TN 1032.) 9. Lonax, Harvard, and Heaslet, Max. A.: Linearized Lifting-Surface Theory for Svept-Back Wings With Slevder Plan Forms. NACA TN 1992, ~~ agg. 10. Bird, John D.: Some Theoretical Low-Speed Span Loading Character- istics of Svept Vings in Roll and Sideslip. NACA Rep. 969, 1950. (Supersedes NACA TN 1839.) Soe Ll. DeYoung, John: Theoretical Antisymetric Span Loading for Wings of Arbitrary Plen Form at Subsonic Speeds. NACA TN 2140, 1950. 12. Toll, Thomas A., and Quetjo, M. J.: Approximate Relations and Charts for Low-Speed Stability Derivatives of Swept Wings. NACA TN 1561, 1948. NACA TN 2751 MT 13. Weissinger, J.: The Lift Distribution of Svept-Back Wings. NACA ‘T™ 1120, 1947. 14, Falkner, V. Mo: ‘The Celculation of Aerodynamic Loading on Surfeces, of Any Shape. R.& M. No. 1910, British A.R.C., 1943. 1S. Diederich, Franklin W., and Zlotnick, Martin: Theoretical spanwise Lift Distributions of Low-Aepect-Ratio Wings at Speeds Below and Mbove the Speed of Sound. WACA TW 1973, 1949. 16. Robinson, A.: Aerofoil Theory for Swallow Tail Wings of Smell Aspect Ratio. Rep. No. 41, College of Aero., Cranfield (British), Oct. 1950, M7. Gdsliem, M.: The Lift Increment of en Aerofoil Due to Variation of Incidence Along the Syen, and a Simple Method of Estimating the Lift Distribution. R.& M. No. 2261, British A.R.C., 1945. 1B. Diederich, Franklin W.: Caloulation of the Aerodynanic Loading of Swept and Unswept Flexible Wings of Arbitrery Stiffness. NACA Rep. 1000, 1951. (Supersedes NACA TN 1876.) 19. Swanson, Robert 8., and Crandall, Stewart M.: An Electromagnetic- ‘Analogy Method of Solving Lifting-Surface-Tneory Problems. NACA ARR 15D23, 1945. ‘TABLE 1.- GROMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS, CONSTANTS, AND LIFT-CURVE SLOPES OF THE SIX PLAN FORMS CONSIIERED IN FIGURE 8 Chey ¥ pisclalata |e [e& | % 1% ]% | Smetana or| | [uatioa of Equation 3] refer- |Bquation 9} refer- ence 13 ence 13 1 |6} 0fo.5|6.00Jo.301)0.44 Jo.254|o.721] 4.529 | 4.322 | 0.430 nts 2 6] 45} .5|8.8] .405|. .266] .327],.792] 3.517 | 3.4uk | tS 2455 3. 6] ¥5f.0]8.48] 405] .266] .327] -792| 3.ox7 | 3.237 | kr +180 4 |3] 30|2.5/3.u6] 284] 652] 263) 577] 3.aso | 2.795 | M9 oh52 5 |3| aslo [424] .2en| 588] .a9H] 634) 2.er7 | 2.89 | mae shor 6 |3| 60] .5|6.00] .302] .wa| .254) .989] 2.265 2.290 hs, 455, See Tole MG vow Cle orrection, Section lift-curve-slope c Cha j ny AS S a a oO 2 A 6 8 10 Effective Mach number, M cosA Figure 1.- Section 1ift-curve-slope correction. T6lz Mb vow Kg] slender plan forms ike Ko. 4 6 8 10 Plan-form parameter, F pee eee eee ee 14 Giz NL vows 5h NACA TN 2751. 10 9 a e 6 Otmensionless lateral ordmate, y* Figure 3.- The 1ift-distribution function f, CG ———~% ———S | 4 Cer *< bet L—1 pT] E > K 2 d 6 e /0 12 /4 Plan-form parameter, F Figure \.- The 1ift-distribution constants Cy, Cp, and C3. a TGLe Ni YOWN NACA TN 2751 353 Root region Two-dimensional! region Tip region—[| t—Ap=O Cy . 50} 50! @ 25 a 25 al RE o (a) Smell plan-form pareneter. (b) Large plan-form pareneter. Figure 5.- Approximate Lift distrfbutions and section aerodynamic centers on wings with slender plan forms, NACA TN 2751 5h 5 — }—— | A | J a Le EE Ee eh) Effective angle of sweepback Ae, deg (a) Spanvise center of pressure J. lz 4 8 ce ZA 4 See 045-3050 ~_15_~30~—~ GO Effective angle of sweepback, Ne, deg (b) Moment of inertia I. Figure 6,- Centroid of-area and monent of inertia of lift-distribution function f, NACA TN 2751. - 5 Se, Method of 2 Gh trem reference iz present paper we A . 18 10 “ ce : | 2 4 6 8 10 12 : Plan-form parameter, SW (a) Comperison between the correction factor K and the factor 2 WE 116) 412! 108! 1.04, K 1.00} 96 92 Ee - es -40 -30 -20 -I0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Effective angle of sweepback, Ae, deg (b) Effect of sweep on the factor K, Figure 7.- The correction factor K. ———Approximaie method — ———Method of reference 13 ———~-Method of reference !4 6 8 10 4 6 8B Dimensionless lateral ordinate, y® Figure 8.- Additional Lift distribution for six plan forms, 9s Tole NE vow ——— Appronmate method ——— Method of reference 13 4 6 @ 10 Ss 6 8 Wo Dimenstantess loteral ordinate, y* (a) Unit parabolic twist. 10 16 4 4 8 230] —— a Ey -8 0 468 G2" SF Te 0 Dimensionless lateral ordinate, y® (b) Unit deflection of half-semiepan flap. Figure 9.- Symetric 1ift distributions for plan form 2. we Sle ML Yow ae _—— Approumate method ST Wetted at rderanee a ea) -4t 5 Tes epee Dimenuvantess faterateranare, y* (a) Untt parabolic twiet. a 5 Dimenwenes leet ardinate, yf (b) Unit deflection of half-semiopan flap. Figure 10.- Symmetric lift distributions for plan form 1. ‘TSlz ME vOwN 5 B ———— Approximate method 2 —— —Method of reference 13 = zg a a a ca on LX 30) oO cG, ly Ca ook + a Jo pop gp 3S 4 § GG Ff 8&6 ora O! Dimensiontess lateral ordinate, y* (a) Linear twist (damping-in-roll case). Figure 11.- Antieymmetric 1ift distrfbution for plan form 2. 8 60 NACA TR 2751 | ———Approrimate method [pb —— Method of reference 13 eae eee Otc Dimensionless lateral ordinate, y* (b) Unit deflection of half-seittspan flap. : Figure 11,- Concluded, NACA TN 2752 £& c Appronmate method ———Merthod of reference IS oO 7 eo SF a 5 & a a go Dimensionless, lateral ordinate, y* (a) Symmetric linear twist. 4 J 0 f 2 ao 4 3 & a a go Dimensionless lateral ordinate, y* (>) Antisynmetric quadratic twist. Figure 12.- Lift distributions for wings of very low aspect ratio. a 70 70 S 8 6 ‘eS és Local aeroaynamic-center positin, fraction of cherd frei leading edge 20 30 —— tr i Fr 1o| Aceon ae 20 L Dette mines I (6) Swept tapered wings. o 2 4 6 @ 10 o 2 4 20 Rectangular, wings 10 Eliot wings fa) Unswept wings. Ac45}, so “v4 (0) Swept constant-chard wings. $5 ae TTT Tt TT TTT Ty | 40} Dimensionless lateral ordinate, -¥, imenstontess lateral ordinate, 5% Figure 13.- Local aerodynanic-center positions for various plan forms. Pat 29 Tele Mi vow “wa pm fated = ont AQS (a) Aerodynamic-center locations. Area carrying no htt Line of centers of pressure Hinge lines Sea (b) Center-of-pressure locations due to control deflection, Figure 14.- Aerodynamic-center locations and local centers of pressure due to control deflection on low-aspect-ratio wings without reentrant trafling edges according to low-aspect-retio theory. 6l2 NL YOvI 9

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