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Audio listening assignment (Example)


Star Trek: Into Darkness

Top Gun

Scene description

Revealing the enterprise and showing

Kirk and McCoy in the pressure

Airplane is coming in for a landing.

Protagonist is infiltrating a soundPilot is flying erratic. Protagonist is
sensitive room, attempting to steal
talking to him to bring him down safely. information from a computer.

Underwater bubbles
Other water sounds
Breathing device
Water flowing away, decreasing
Kirk/McCoy gasping for breath
Water dripping from ceiling
Scotty talking

Airplane cockpit (air moving) sound
Gear clicking/groaning
Protagonist talking in soothing voice
Computer dings
Sounds of airplane flying past (doppler) User leaning forward
Air traffic controller
Person walking (footsteps)
Scream of jet engine
User whispering
Heavy breathing (Cougar)
Sound of pressing a button
Sounds of air moving
Heavy door opening and closing
Setting briefcase on desk
Putting medicine in mouth
Putting disk in computer
Cable shifting slightly
Mouse footsteps and squeaks
Choking sounds
Cable running loose through gear
Water drop hitting glove

Rough timestamp
Soundtrack present?
Sound 1
Sound 2
Sound 3
Sound 4
Sound 5
Sound 6
Sound 7
Sound 8
Sound 9
Sound 10
Sound 11
Sound 12
Sound 13
Sound 14
Sound 15
Sound 16
Sound 17
Sound 18
Sound 19

Mission: Impossible

Sound 20

cable running over metal

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