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Student Service Meeting

School: Red River Middle School

Date: June 2, 2015
Participants: Avril R. EST-Resource, Gina M. Vice Principal, Julie T. ESTGuidance
School Wide Initiatives: none mentioned
Dillon R. Dillion has been following a behavior plan with some success.
However since school is winding down, he has been having trouble keeping
his behavior under control (defiance, non-compliance, arguing with
teachers). He is threatening a student from a neighboring French immersion
classroom whom he doesnt like. Julie agrees to talk to the educational
assistant in the boys classroom to warn her to keep them separated. Dillon
will also be allow to be dismissed for next class before dismissal time so as
not to meet the other student in the hallway. Avril will remind Dillon and his
teachers about early dismissal.
Alyssa and Jonah S. Both custodial grandparental are terminally ill. Alyssas
behavior is escalating and she is not getting along with the girls in her class.
There is some mean girl behavior happening on social media as reported by
some of the other parents. Alyssas foster mom is aware and is monitoring
Alyssas phone and computer use. Gina will try and interest Alyssa in a job
making posters for the dance as well as working with Mr. Barton to help plan
the decorations.
Jonah P. Is attending school half days since his suicide attempt. He is
spending part of this time with Julie T. (guidance) to talk. He is seeing a
psychologist at Mental Health. We will keep this plan until he and Julie feel
that he is ready to increase his day.
New Referrals: none were mentioned

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