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Being human means feeling inferior
Such feelings is the primary motivating force
behind all personal accomplishments.
It acts as a stimulus for positive regards they also
can create neurosis.
Inferiority complex - a state of a person which
feelings of inferiority becomes a barrier rather
than as a stimulus for positive accomplishments.


Adler modified his theoretical position to state that it is not

power or masculinity that we seek but superiority or
Striving for superiority as the fundamental fact of life.
it is innate to all humans.

it runs parallel to physical growth. It is an intrinsic necessity of

life itself.All our function follow its direction: rightly or wrongly they
strive for conquest, surety increases. The impetus from minus to plus is
never ending. The urge from "below to above never ceases. Whatever
the premises all our philosophers and psychologist dream of selfpreservation, pleasure, principle, equalizationall these are but vague
representations, attempt to express the great upward drive.a
fundamental category of thought , the structure of our reason.The
fundamental fact of our life. (Adler, 1930b, pp. 398-399)


Adler retained striving for superiority as the master

motive but he changed from striving for individual
superiority to striving for a superior or perfect society.
Superiority Complex - a state of a person in which he
concentrates exclusively on his or her own superiority
while ignoring the needs of other or the society.
A person with superiority complex tends to be
domineering, vain, boastful, arrogant, and depreciative
of others. According to Adler, such person lacks social
interest and is indeed undesirable.

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