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Curso Modelo 2013
l. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
CALIFICACIN: La puntuacin mxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.

Earthquake Hits Britain
On 27th February 2008, something very unusual happened in the UK: there was a rather large
earthquake. It was the biggest earthquake in 25 years in Great Britain.
There have been very small tremors in the past but they seem nothing compared to this one. It
was felt in a large area across the country too, from as far north as Edinburgh in Scotland to as
far south as Plymouth on the south coast of England. The epicentre of the earthquake was in a
small town in Lincolnshire, which is an area about two and a half to three hours north of
London by car. A magnitude of 5.2 was registered on the Richter scale.
There were lots of reports in the news from people who felt the earth move. One man said, We
had loads of vibrating and wall shaking, noise coming off the roof. I went outside - the
chimneys on the floor! A collapsed chimney was, in fact, the cause of what was probably the
worst injury from the earthquake: a man broke his pelvis when the chimney fell on him. The
earthquake was felt by a lot of people, but it surprisingly caused very little structural damage to
Most British people would be surprised to learn that there are 200-300 earthquakes in Britain
every year - but most of them are so small, they go unnoticed. The magnitude of this earthquake
is fairly small in comparison to some other natural disasters that have made international news,
but, for the people affected, it certainly came as a surprise.


1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) The earthquake could only be felt in a small village in Lincolnshire. FALSE
" It was felt in a large area across the country too, from as far north as Edinburgh in
Scotland to as far south as Plymouth on the south coast of England. The epicentre of the
earthquake was in a small town in Lincolnshire, which is an area about two and a half to
three hours north of London by car."
b) Lots of buildings were destroyed in the 2008 earthquake. FALSE
"The earthquake was felt by a lot of people, but it surprisingly caused very little
structural damage to property."
(Puntuacin mxima: 2 puntos)
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text
a) Are earthquakes frequent in Britain? Explain your answer.
Earthquakes in Britain are very frequent, but British people don't usually notice them
because they are really small.
b) What did people tell reporters about the earthquake?
One man told the reporters that he was when he was in his house everything started to
move and shake, and that when went outside he saw that his chimney had fallen into the
(Puntuacin mxima: 2 puntos)
3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) rare (paragraph 1) UNUSUAL
b) fallen (paragraph 3) COMING OFF
c) amazed (paragraph 4) SURPRISED
d) find out (paragraph 4) LEARN
(Puntuacin mxima: 1 punto)

4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
a) This was the _MOST IMPORTANT_ (important) story in the news, because the
earthquake was quite a big _ONE_.
b) Usually, earthquakes __ARE MEASURED__ (measure) with a seismometer; another
device _THAT_ records earthquakes is known as a seismograph.
c) After _HAVING DESTROYED_ (destroy) half of the country, an enormous wave was
created _BY_ the earthquake.
Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
d) What did you see after the earthquake?
I asked the girl WHAT HAD SHE SEEN
(Puntuacin mxima: 2 puntos)

5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.

Describe any natural disaster you have seen, read or been told about.
(Puntuacin mxima: 3 puntos)
Natural disasters are very common in some countries and continents but not in others,
such as Spain or, the majority of the European eastern countries.
Firstly, we would have to know why they happen specially in the south of tropic of
Cancer, because according to the majority of international news about this type of disasters,


they usually take place in Northern and Central America, Africa, South and East Asia and
From my point of view, it is very difficult to choose one because I have never suffered a
natural disaster but, the tsunami which hit Southeast Asia in 2004, made a deep impression on
me. And why this disaster and not other one? It is very easy and simple to understand the
reason: I had never seen something similar before and I would have never imagined that the sea
could be such a mortal weapon. Besides, some weeks ago a film about this tsunami was opened
in many countries, thanks to a Spanish film director who was able to rely on a Spanish family
which survived this horrible disaster.
In conclusion, although I have never suffered the consequences of a natural disaster, all
of them are scary. I really would like to know their causes and how to face them in a specific


Pedal your Way to a Free Meal
A Danish hotel is offering a free meal to any guest who is able to produce electricity for the
hotel on an exercise bike attached to a generator. The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Copenhagen says
the idea is not only to encourage people to get fit, but also reduce their carbon footprint and save
electricity and money. Guests will have to produce at least 10 watt hours of electricity - roughly
15 minutes of cycling for someone of average fitness. The bicycles will have iPhones attached
to the handlebars measuring how much clean energy is being generated for the hotel. This
energy is stored in a battery and then fed back into the hotels main power supply.
The plan will be launched for the first time on 19 April and run for a year, the hotel says. Guests
staying at this Crowne Plaza Hotel will be given meal tickets worth 26 once they have
produced 10 watt hours of electricity. A hotel spokeswoman said: "Many of our visitors are
business people who enjoy going to the gym. The free meal offer applies just to paying guests,
not passers-by.
Copenhagen is one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world. 36% of
Copenhagens residents commute on two wheels to work each day, one of the highest
percentages in the world. "Since Copenhagen is strongly associated with cycling, we felt the
bicycle would work well as a symbol of the hotel's green profile. If successful, the electric
bicycle meal programme will be extended to all Crowne Plaza hotels in the UK, affirmed the
hotel spokeswoman.


1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) The cycle-for-a-meal offer has been tested in other hotels. FALSE
"The plan will be launched for the first time on 19 April and run for a year, the hotel
b) If the hotels bicycle scheme works, it will expand to the Crowne Plaza hotels all over
the world. TRUE
"If successful, the electric bicycle meal programme will be extended to all Crowne
Plaza hotels in the UK, affirmed the hotel spokeswoman."
(Puntuacin mxima: 2 puntos)

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
a) What are the objectives of the Crowne Plaza Hotels free meal offer? Mention two.
The hotel wants to reach the objective of making people desire to get fit and to decrease
electricity consumption, to save money and to reduce their carbon footprint.
b) How does the hotel bicycle initiative work? Give at least three characteristics.
First, the hotel will give some meal tickets if they produce 10 watt hours of electricity,
fact which will be used to generate clean energy for the hotel, thanks to an iPhone
battery, where this energy will be kept and then turn into the hotel's main power supply.
(Puntuacin mxima: 2 puntos)

3.- Find the words or phrases in the text that mean:

a) decrease (paragraph 1) REDUCE
b) more or less (paragraph 1) ROUGHLY
c) only (paragraph 2) JUST
d) because (paragraph 3) SINCE
(Puntuacin mxima: 1 punto)

4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
a) While the offer lasts, guests _ARE INVITED__ (invite) to jump on a bicycle and if they
_PRODUCE_ (produce) enough electricity, they _WILL BE GIVEN_ (give) a free
b) The free meal programme _BEGAN_ (begin) last April.
c) I stopped _DRIVING_ (drive) to work last year. I now find it _EASIER_ (easy) to cycle
to work than to go _BY_ car.
d) The Crowne Plaza Hotel is against _WASTING_ (waste) energy.
(Puntuacin mxima: 2 puntos)

5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.

What can you do at school or at home to improve the environment?
(Puntuacin mxima: 3 puntos)
We all have to protect the environment because according to the latest international and
national news of natural disasters, global warming, droughts and consequently, climate change,
if we don't change our daily habits, with regard to the environment, we will destroy it in an early
Firstly, we must think about what we could do at home to improve the environment. In
my opinion, we should become aware of how important recycling is, because the majority of us


has recycled paper or cans in a specific moment, or during a short term, but then we forget to
keep on doing it. Besides this option, we might collect all the bottle stoppers and then, we could
give them to an environmental association or NGO in order to achieve a good objective.
From my point of view, schools should include a subject related to this topic, in which
students might collaborate together in different group projects.
To sum up, all of us must contribute our grain of salt in order to improve our world.


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