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10,000 BR
c. 8500 BR
c. 8200 BR
c. 7500 BR
c. 6500 BR
c. 6000 BR
c. 5500 BR
c. 4800 BR
c. 4250 BR
c. 4000 BR
c. 3900 BR
c. 3700 BR
c. 3500 BR

c. 2800 BR
c. 2230 BR
c. 2200 BR
c. 2175 BR
c. 2170 BR
c. 2050 BR
c. 2045 BR
c. 1930 BR
c. 1900 BR
c. 1880 BR
1866 BR
c. 1850 BR
c. 1690 BR

Prehistoric Era (Old Races Era)

All of the elven tribes unite as the Empire of Lyoss (far to the east beyond
the Bloodstone Marches).
Feud of Ages begins among the dwarves.
Feud of Ages ends Stone Lords of the Thirteen Great Clans settle in
The Dwarven Moot composed of the Hundred Houses in Ghord is
established; Dwarves are granted the lore of arcane magic by their gods
with strict rules regarding its use.
The Canon of the True Law is discovered at the ruins of Icthier by tribes
of nomadic humans. Menoth worship begins.
Many tribes of nomadic humans begin settling into agricultural
communities around Ancient Icthier. Cinot is credited with teaching
agriculture to early tribes.
Menite priests Belcor and Geth lead Exodus northward from Ancient
Icthier in search of more fertile lands.
Humans begin settling around the Black River at the Valley of Morrdh.
The elves begin to build the mystical Bridge of Worlds in order to span
the gap between Caen and the Veld.
The Bridge of Worlds is completed and the elven gods come to Caen,
whereupon the bridge explodes and destroys Lyoss.
Shyrr is founded along with other great cities in Ios.
Molgur tribes dominate most all of western Immoren and vie for control.
Lords of Morrdh unite settlements, creating the first civilized kingdom of
humans. Morrdh begins claiming Molgur territory. Toruk creates his
dragon brood.
Warlord Era
Warrior-priest Valent Thrace establishes the Hold of Calacia.
Priest King Golivant of Calacia is born.
Priest King Golivant drives the Molgur tribes from the Wyrmwall. Priest
King Khardovic is born.
Priest King Golivant dies and his kingdom breaks up.
Priest King Khardovic founds the Kingdom of Khard.
King Golivant III re-conquers Calacia and renames it Caspia.
Priest King Khardovic dies.
Thousand Cities Era & the Rise of Morrow
The Twins, Morrow and Thamar, are born.
The Twins, Morrow and Thamar, ascend after the march to Caspia. The
Cult of Morrow begins to spread.
Menite priests initiate the Purging.
Orellius I founds the Divinium in the Wyrmwall Mountains.
Rab Vinstra leads the Midar from Morrdh and establishes the Midar
Kossite, Skirov, and Khardic tribes battle for regional dominance.

c. 1670 BR
1612 BR
c. 1500 BR
c. 1450 BR
1421 BR
1415 BR
1387 BR
1382 BR
1370 BR
1330 BR
1322 BR
1313 BR
1277 BR
1250 BR
1141 BR
1118 BR
1102 BR
1100 BR
1073 BR
c. 1000 BR
940 BR
840 BR
838 BR
822 BR
821 BR
743 BR
716 BR
714 BR
712 BR

Prehistoric Era (Old Races Era)

Plague ravages Kossite and Skirov tribes. Khards seize Molga and
rename it Khardov.
Human clans unite establishing Thuria. Trollkin migrate northward.
The kingdom of Morrdh disintegrates due to causes unknown.
Khardov, the largest city of the north, begins exercising dominance over
neighboring territories, primarily through force of arms.
Sveynod Skelvoro declares himself first Emperor of Khard.
Khard-Kos War begins.
Toruk kills and consumes the athanc of the dragon Gaulvang.
Kos surrenders to the Khards ending the Khard-Kos War.
Several allied warlords establish the nation of Tordor.
Horselords join the Khardic Empire
Tordoran Conquest of Thuria begins.
Tordor annexes Thuria ending the Tordoran Conquest.
Most Skirov chieftains renounce the Devourer, convert to Menoth, and
pledge loyalty to the Khardic Empire.
Primarch Lorichias is assassinated by Khorva, a Menite scrutator. Asc.
Katrena appears and slays Khorva in a massive display of power;
ascension of Sc. Khorva.
Khardic Empire attacks Hellspass.
Hellspass War ends with ogruns swearing an oath to Khardic governors.
Umbrey declares itself an independent principality from the Khardic
Voldu Grova writes the earliest records of alchemy and refers to crude
liquid explosives.
Kingdom of Rynyr is established.
Toruk is forced from the mainland by his brood and relocates to the
Scharde Islands.
Printing press with moveable type is invented by Rector Janus Gilder.
The Divine Court leaves Ios in search of a means to return to the Veld.
Aeric discovers Nyssor in an icy chasm. Nyss settle in the far north.
The Long Sun, a prolonged drought, kills over one million Immorese
The Horselord Wars begins between the Umbrean princes and the
Khardic Empire.
Drago Salvoro creates the first steam engine.
Korska is conquered and the Umbrean princes swear fealty to the Khardic
Empire ending the Horselord Wars.
Korska, dubbed Old Korska, is made the eastern capital of the Khardic
Empire; Khardov remains the primary seat of power as the western
Morrowans move the center of the church from the Divinium in the
Wyrmwall Mountains to the newly founded Sancteum in Caspia.

c. 700 BR
664 BR
600 BR
c. 600 BR
593 BR
586 BR
581 BR
569 BR
542 BR
538 BR
433 BR
370 BR
c. 150 BR
140 BR
137 BR
96 BR
90 BR
81 BR
73 BR
69 BR
67 BR
64 BR
63 BR
34 BR
25 BR
1 AR
7 AR
26 AR

Prehistoric Era (Old Races Era)

The dragon Halfaug begins terrorizing the far north.
Khardic Empire reaches its height.
Orgoth Occupation Era
Orgoth blackships land in western Immoren and begin conquest of the
Thousand Cities.
The Wyrmcycle Saga is penned.
Tordor surrenders to the Orgoth after its powerful navy is utterly
Western Caspia falls completely under Orgoth control.
Orgoth invasion stalls at the southern provinces of the Khardic Empire.
Khardic Empire falls to the Orgoth; Old Korska is completely destroyed.
Orgoth armies conquer Rynyr.
Toruk destroys an Orgoth fleet bound for the Scharde Islands.
Orgoth Empire exercises absolute power over the kingdoms of men in
western Immoren.
Orgoth are said to have slain an unnamed dragon at Uld Vroggen. The
dragons athanc is placed in a temple; within the month the athanc
hatches and the wyrmling burns the temple to the ground.
Thamar negotiates the Gift of magic and imparts it to men.
The Rivening: almost all elven clerics lose their power.
First Immorese person with sorcerous abilities discovered at Tarna.
Sebastien Kerwin, the Father of Wizardry, circulates his study of the
principles of arcane magic entitled Dissertations on Thaumaturgical
Sebastien Kerwin pens The Essence of Divine Magic.
Sebastien Kerwin tutors wizards and institutes the Arcanists Academe.
Sebastien Kerwin pens Principia Arcana Magus.
Orgoth commit the Vicarate Slaughter; over 500 priests are slain.
Sebastien Kerwin founds the Circle of the Oath.
Sebastien Kerwin theorizes the arcanodynamic accumulator and rune
plate in his book Synthesis, the first text on mechanika.
Orgoth destroys Arcanists Academe; Sebastien Kerwin thought slain but
his body is never recovered.
Scyrah returns to Shyrr, but will not speak of the fate of the Divine Court.
The Order of the Golden Crucible is founded by survivors of the Circle of
the Oath.
Beginning with an uprising in Fharin, the Rebellion is declared against
the Orgoth by the Iron Fellowship.
Iron Fellowship is utterly destroyed by the Orgoth.
Oliver Gulvont, alchemist of the Golden Crucible, creates the first
handheld firearm.

32 AR
40 AR
c. 80 AR
84 AR
85 AR
86 AR
93 AR
107 AR
111 AR
147 AR
160 AR
177 AR
181 AR
185 AR
188 AR
191 AR
198 AR
201 AR
202 AR
211 AR
c. 220 AR
233 AR
241 AR
242 AR
243 AR
247 AR
250 AR

Prehistoric Era (Old Races Era)

Orgoth are temporarily repulsed from much of Tordor after the Battle of
the Hundred Wizards.
Orgoth recapture Tordor and put all known wizards to death.
Alchemists of the Golden Crucible build the first rifles with the patent
pinlock fire mechanism.
Rynyr liberated by rifl e-wielding revolutionaries dubbed the Army of
Army of Thunder cuts off Orgoth supply routes in Midfast and Merin.
Orgoth armies reclaim Rynyr except for Leryn, slaughtering the Army of
Thunder and its supporters.
Rip lung kills thousands in Rynyr, Tordor, and Caspia and is ended in
part by Asc. Corben prior to his ascension.
Victor Baerd creates the fi rst arcane rune plate based on Kerwins
Fraternal Order of Wizardry founded.
Umbrean horselords lead armies of nomads and liberate Korsk and
Iron Alliance forms.
Elias Decklan meets with the Council of Ten to suggest the creation of
the Colossals.
Iron Alliance begins the construction of secret Colossal factories.
Khards secretly begin construction of Colossals.
Orgoth destroy Khardic Colossal factories.
The first Colossal emerges from a hidden factory in Caspia.
The Iron Alliance mounts a multipronged assault against the Orgoth. The
Iron Alliance begins liberating large territories. Orgoth initiate the
The last Orgoth depart from western Immoren.
Modern Era (or Iron Kingdoms Era)
The Council of Ten ratifies the Corvis Treaties and defines the modern
Iron Kingdoms.
Steam & Iron Workers Union is founded in Caspia.
Cygnar and Ord begin building steam-powered riverboats.
Order of Illumination is founded in Caspia by Vigilant Magnus Severin
Magnus Bastion Rathleagh creates the first steamjack with the aid of the
Steam & Iron Workers Union.
Trollkin uprising to reclaim lost lands leads to the First Trollkin War in
Ord and Cygnar. Larkholm is pillaged and burned to the ground by
Cryxian raiders.
Greylords Covenant forms in Korsk.
First Trollkin War ends as trollkin are beaten back to their warrens.
Khador invades Ord and Llael beginning the Colossal War.

257 AR
262 AR
267 AR
277 AR
283 AR
286 AR
290 AR
293 AR
294 AR
295 AR
304 AR
305 AR
313 AR
326 AR
350 AR
356 AR
390 AR
393 AR
464 AR
468 AR
475 AR
478 AR
482 AR
483 AR
484 AR

504 AR

Prehistoric Era (Old Races Era)

Khador is defeated by a coalition of Ord, Llael, and Cygnar.
Second Trollkin War begins in Cygnar.
Second Trollkin War ends with King Woldred the Diligent traveling to
Hadriel Fens for peace talks. First warjacks are built in Caspia.
Larkholm is rebuilt and renamed New Larkholm.
Cyriss is discovered by Adept Aldophous Aghamore, an astronomer of
the Fraternal Order; Cult of Cyriss is founded shortly thereafter.
Colossal Guard formally disbands. King Woldred the Diligent drafts the
Accord-By-Hand Covenant.
King Malagant the Grim begins persecution of Menite clergy in Cygnar
and has over 200 priests hanged.
King Malagant the Grim names the Church of Morrow the offi cial
religion of Cygnar. Khador begins border war with Cygnar. Khador
recruits Tharn.
Khadoran Institute of Engineering is established in Korsk.
Queen Cherize Vanar disappears on the Lost Day. King Malagant the
Grim dies soon after.
Construction of Stasikov Palace is completed.
Khadoran forces and their barbarian allies are destroyed during the Siege
of Midfast. Ascension of Asc. Markus after he is killed during the Siege.
Border Wars offi cially end. Ord cedes Port Vladovar to Khador. Khador
cedes Laedry to Llael. Cygnar and Llael offi cially become allies.
Fortress of Northguard complete.
First recorded sighting of Deathjack.
Father Ghil Lucant, a priest of Cyriss, discovers a planet which is named
after him.
The dragon Everblight destroys Issyrah and is slain by an elven army.
Everblights athanc is said to be buried at the Top of the World.
Khadoran Mechaniks Assembly is founded.
Khador invades Ord after long disputes over piracy.
Peace declared between Khador and Ord after Cygnar intercedes.
Visgoth Sulon declares himself Hierarch and organizes a pilgrimage;
thousands of Menites journey to Caspia.
Construction is completed on the Korsk- Skirov Rail Line.
Cygnaran Civil War begins in Caspia between Menites and Morrowans.
Coin War begins between Khador and Llael.
The Cygnaran Civil War ends with the death of Hierarch Sulon.
Protectorate of Menoth is established. Sul is officially founded. Coin War
also ends.
Idrian tribes submit to Protectorate rule. Protectorate and Llael begin
fighting over mineral rich lands in the northern Marches; Llael concedes
after minor skirmishes.

510 AR
511 AR
546 AR
551 AR
566 AR
576 AR
579 AR
581 AR
582 AR

583 AR

587 AR
588 AR
593 AR
594 AR
595 AR
596 AR
601 AR
602 AR
603 AR
604 AR
605 AR

Prehistoric Era (Old Races Era)

Khadoran King Ruslan Vygor attacks Cygnar starting the Thornwood
Thornwood War ends after the Battle of the Tongue in which an
outnumbered Cygnaran force defeats the Khadoran army. King Ruslan
Vygor is killed in battle.
Serfdom is abolished in Khador.
Kayaz Simonyev Blaustavya founds Blaustavya Shipping & Rail.
Deathjack is spotted at Porsk and Skirov.
King Vinter Raelthorne III dies. Vinter Raelthorne IV crowned king of
Cygnar. Raelthorne IV begins purging political enemies.
King Vinter Raelthorne IV creates the Inquisition.
Ios abruptly closes its borders to outsiders.
Arius becomes the Primarch of the Church of Morrow. Vahn Oberen
takes control of the Inquisition. Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo
invents the storm glaive.
King Vinter Raelthorne IV passes the Edicts Against Unlawful Sorcery
and Witchcraft outlawing sorcery. 584 AR Scharde Invasions begin. The
first sorcerers are put on public trial in Corvis; two men and five women
are hanged in Widowers Wood; over 250 people are executed for
unlawful sorcery throughout Cygnar and Llael.
Ayn Vanar XI is crowned queen of Khador. Orsus Zoktavir commits the
Boarsgate Massacre.
Scharde invasions end. Garrik Voyle becomes Hierarch of the
Protectorate of Menoth.
Infamous Corvis Coven Witchcraft Trial commences in Corvis in which
five women are beheaded.
Leto Raelthorne succeeds in a coup against King Raelthorne IV. Leto is
crowned king of Cygnar.
Llaelese King Rynnard di la Martyn dies without an heir, beginning long
debates. Prime Minister Lord Deyar Glabryn IX is appointed by the
Council of Nobles to govern Llael.
D.H. Wexborne, captain of the Mercarian ship Seacutter, is the first
Immorese sailor to return from Zu.
Deathjack wipes out the Red Fist mercenary company along the
Cygnaran-Khador border.
The Protectorate of Menoth builds secret factories to produce warjacks.
Deathjack assaults the main gates of Fort Faulk.
Vinter Raelthorne IV invades Corvis with Skorne allies. The Harbinger of
Menoth is discovered and brought to Imer to meet Hierarch Garrik Voyle.
Khador launches a full-scale invasion of Llael. Cygnar declares war on
Khador in response.
Khador defeats the Llaelese army and pushes Cygnar out of Llael after
the fall of Merywyn. Riversmet is burned to the ground. The Order of the
Golden Crucible surrenders Leryn to Khadoran forces without a fight.

606 AR

607 AR

608 AR

Prehistoric Era (Old Races Era)

The Golden Crucible agrees to produce blasting powder exclusively for
the Khadoran military. The Harbinger of Menoth calls upon all Menites
to relocate to the Protectorate. Hierarch Garrik Voyle calls a Crusade to
reclaim western Immoren. The Protectorate attempts to raze the walls of
Caspia. Cygnar counter attacks Sul. Protectorate forces led by Feora,
Priestess of the Flame, burn the Llaelese village of Myrr to the ground.
Cryxian raiders strike deep into Cygnar, poisoning crops and burning
grain silos as far as Bainsmarket.
Battle of the Temple of Garrodh. Cygnaran forces breach the walls of Sul.
First Battle for Northguard ends in Khadoran defeat. Sul-Menite Northern
Crusade launched and marches into Occupied Llael. Queen Ayn Vanar
declares herself empress of the new Khadoran Empire.
Cygnaran siege of Sul broken. Sul-Menites counter with an assault on
Caspia, resulting in the near-capture of the Cygnaran capital before the
death of Hierarch Garrick Voyle. Severius named new hierarch of the
Protectorate of Menoth. Khadoran forces lay siege to Northguard once
more and in the Second Battle for Northguard emerge triumphant. Broken
Cygnaran forces retreat south to Point Bourne, Corvis, and Stonebridge
Castle, ceding the Thornwood to the Khadoran Empire. Cygnaran city of
Fellig cut off in the retreat, leaving it isolated. Ordic military peacefully
occupies Fellig to prevent its capture by Khador.
The new year brings a tense cease-fire along the Dragons Tongue River
between Khador and Cygnar, while a similar cessation of hostilities holds
between the garrisons of Caspia and Sul. Increased fortifications are
erected along borderlands between Khador, Cygnar, and Ord.

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