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Felted Bag

Designed by Maria Cook.
Finished bag measures approximately 8" high x 13" wide.
MODA DEA "Cartwheel": 5 Balls No. 9745
Raspberries CA.
MODA DEA "Spellbound": 1 Ball No. 2737 Guinevere
Circular Knitting Needles: 6mm [US 10] 24"; 6.5mm [US
11] 24".
Two Double Pointed Needles: 6mm [US 10].
Stitch markers, yarn needle, sewing needle and thread, 1 snap,
2 small beads; Optional: "Stick It Felt", 4 gold foot brads.
GAUGE: 14 sts = 4"; 18 rows = 4" in St st with 2 strands
before felting. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size
needle to obtain the gauge.
NOTE: Felting is not an exact science due to the many
different variables, however up to 25% of the height and 15%
of the width may be lost in the felting process.
BAG: With larger circular needle and two strands of CA held
together, cast on 90 sts. Join and place a stitch marker on
needle to mark beg of rnds. Knit 9 rnds. Purl one rnd. Now K
35 more rnds. Change to smaller circular needle and [Knit one
rnd, Purl one rnd] 3 times. Bind off in Purl.
Fold bag flat and sew the bottom seam. With wrong side
facing, open the bottom of the bag to the first Purl rnd at front
and back of bag approximately 2" on each side of seam.
Triangular ends are formed at each end of the seam; fold the
point of each triangle to the seam and stitch in place.
Flap: With double point needles and ONE strand CA, pick up
and K9 sts on center back edge of bag. K each row until flap
measures 4". Bind off.
Handles (Make 2): With double point needles and two
strands of CA held together, cast on 5 sts. Knit 1 row. DO
NOT TURN. * Slide sts to other end of needle, move needle
to opposite hand without turning and Knit. Rep from * to form
a tube until approximately 16" from beg. Bind off.
Sew each end of one handle to wrong side of bag about 2" in
from each side edge. Repeat with remaining handle.
Tabs (Make 4): With double point needles and ONE strand
CA, cast on 6 sts. K each row until 4" from beg. Bind off.
Sew tabs in place directly below handles and about 3" below
top edge of bag, sewing down only the top and bottom of each
tab strip to allow for "scarf" to weave through.
Weave in all loose ends.

Felting: Place assembled bag in the washing machine in the

smallest load with hottest water setting and a small amount of
liquid detergent through one wash (agitation only) cycle.
(Option: 1 tablespoon of baking soda in the wash may speed
the felting process.)
Remove bag and check on amount of felting during this
process. Two or more wash cycles may be needed before you
will be satisfied with the effect.
Repeat until pieces are felted and bag is desired size.
Rinse in cold water to stop the felting process and to remove
the soap.
Pull pieces into shape and allow to dry away from sun or heat
for a day or two.
Felting will cause a certain amount of pilling which is easily
removed by brushing briskly with a hard nylon brush.
Scarf: With larger needle and one strand CB, cast on 2 sts.
Work back and forth in rows. K every row inc 1 st at each end
of first 3 rows 8 sts. Work even, K every row, until 40" from
beg. Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows 2 sts. Bind off
leaving a 4" tail. Tie a knot close to finished edge, thread a
bead onto tail and tie another knot to keep bead on the yarn.
Trim ends. Repeat on beg yarn end. Weave finished scarf
through tabs and tie in a bow.
Sew snap pieces in place to wrong side of flap and
corresponding right side of bag front.
Optional: Cut "Stick It Felt" to the size of the bottom of the
bag and apply according to manufacturer's directions.
Attach foot brads according to manufacturer's directions.

(4 Medium) MODA DEA "Cartwheel", Art. R132 (1.76 ounce/77 yard

(5 Bulky) MODA DEA "Spellbound", Art. R148 (1.76 ounce/93 yard
ABBREVIATIONS: beg = beginning; CA, CB = Colors A, B; dec =
decrease; inc = increase; K = knit; mm = millimeters; P = purl; rep = repeat;
rnd = round; sl = slip; St st = Stockinette stitch (K every round); st(s) = stitch
(es); * = repeat whatever follows the * as indicated; [] = work directions in
brackets the number of times specified.
2006 COATS, P.O. Box 12229, Greenville, SC, 29612-0229

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