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Where would we be without music.

If there is one thing which can seemingly have

an explanation to what we feel, I believe we can find it in music.

I cannot generalize this as there is all kinds of music which all kinds of people like.
I believe one of our most treasured creation is music through which we can express
in a way which soothes all pain, brings hope, cultivates freedom, refines
experiences, passes time in the best way possible, act as a friend in times of need.

Everything cannot be written in words but can be expressed through music.

Nietzsche has said that without music life would be a mistake.

I feel what cannot be generalized is a human creation and in itself it is being

human. As we cannot be generalized. Our genetic code can be generalized via destructuring our chemical composition but our actions, our thinking is unique in
everyone. Therefore, music is one of those things we created, where generalization
is not an attribute to it. There may be many genres but there are all kinds of it.

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