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21st Century Energy Medicine Program

Level 4.4

Psychic Attack and Energy Vampires

Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center

Personal note from the

desk of Deborah King
Thank you for taking the time to
review the free materials from my 21st
Century Energy Medicine Program. I
am inviting you to help raise both
personal and planetary consciousness.
The world sorely needs your abilities,
and Im here to help you get everything
you need to be able to change yourself
and learn how to effect change in
others...and learn how to run a
successful healing business as well!
With this week of complementary
materials, you'll get a glimpse into the
program. I hope you decide you want
more and sign on to become certified
in the 21st Century Energy Medicine
Program. It's time to step up and be
part of the change!



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21st Century Energy Medicine Program


Psychic Attack and Energy Vampires

In every mans heart there is a devil, but we do not know the man as bad
until the devil is roused. James Oliver Curwood
Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center
All Rights Reserved

When we have experiences in life that are too traumatic or painful for us
to handle, or when there are aspects of ourselves that we find so
unflattering that they jeopardize our ideal self-image and make us afraid
that we will no longer be lovable to othersour mind relegates them to
a place in our psyche where they can be hidden from our view. No longer
conscious of them, we begin to act from them in negative and hurtful
ways. These unconscious aspects of ourselves become the place in our
unconscious where these upsetting realities get stored our dark side
or shadow self.
Everyone has a shadow, including you and me.
And it is in this shadow self that we find the
roots of evilthose disowned very negative
emotions about ourselves, about our lives, and
about other people that we have become
unaware ofemotions like jealousy, resentment,
anger, and fear.
Just as the body is designed to heal itself, the
psyche is too. Until our unresolved emotions
become conscious and released, they will
Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center
All Rights Reserved

continue to seek our attention by creating all sorts of havoc in our lives.
One of the ways an unresolved wound comes out is by sending negative,
destructive energy towards others, which lays the foundation for evil to
Evil is as prevalent today as at any
other time in history. The reason is
because the vast majority of people are
unconscious of most of their thoughts
and feelingsand its very easy when
youre unconscious to act from the
shadow. Not only may we be sending
negative energy to others and causing
them harm, but in doing so we also
become much more susceptible to
attracting negative energy to ourselves.
When we come from a place of dark or
negative energy, that energy attracts
like energy from other people as well
as from dark forces that are beyond
this plane. If we come from a place of negativity often enough, we can
actually become connected to these dark forces or, in extreme cases,
even become possessed by them.
To protect ourselves from the dark forces and energies of others, we do
need to be aware that those we come in contact with may indeed be
harboring such deep shadows that they have become evil.
Types of Psychic Attack
Psychic attack happens when someone, consciously or not, has formed
an intention to hurt you and his or her negative energy has entered your
body and energy field. The degree of psychic warfare can range from
mild to extremely severe. A mild version would be simply picking up a
little negative energy from someone whos in a bad moodthe impatient
driver who honks at you on the freeway or the curt waitress whos
having a bad day. As mentioned, jealousy is a primary emotional cause of
people acting from their dark side. Even more severe would be someone
who obliterates your boundariesthe stalking ex-lover, the chastising
boss from hell, or the physical or sexual abuser. The spectrum continues
all the way to full-blown demonic possession.
Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center
All Rights Reserved

So, how do you know if you have been or still are the victim of psychic
attack? Symptoms include waking up with a headache that just wont go
away, or suddenly feeling depressed for no apparent reason, or feeling
totally stuck no matter what you do to move forward. If youve had long-
term problems that dont seem to have a logical source, things like
financial troubles or relationship woes or chronic health issues that have
lasted for years, you may have experienced a psychic attack much earlier
in life, maybe in childhood, or perhaps even in a past life.

1. Slime
The most low-level form of psychic attack is also the most common type.
Its when someone, consciously or not, slimes you with negative
energy. And if you happen to have a hole in your energy field when this
occurs, that negative energy will slip right in, filling your field and
chakras and throwing you off balance.
It might be an email from a disenchanted customer or a phone call with a
jealous friend, or perhaps someone simply directed their resentment
toward you without any communication whatsoever. Suddenly,
seemingly without cause, you feel awful and cant even function.

Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center

All Rights Reserved

2. Energy Vampires
You've spent time with an energy vampire when you leave feeling
depressed, exhausted, irritable, or down on yourself. Energy vampires
drain your positive energy for their own use. Energy vampires leave you
feeling empty and exhausted to try to compensate, you might eat,
drink, shop, or sleep for hours afterwards.

Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center

All Rights Reserved

3. Cords
The next level up in psychic warfare is energetic cording. Cords are
streamers of auric light that connect us to other people through our
chakras. Each cord goes out from one persons chakra and connects to
the same chakra in the other person. So, for example, a cord from one
persons first chakra will connect to the first chakra in the next person,
and so on.
Cords can be either good or harmful. Good cords are a normal part of any
healthy relationship exchange. They are our way of connecting to one
another. Love between two people, for example, creates a cord through
the heart chakra. Giving someone respect creates one through the third.
Additionally, cords, whether good or bad, can only be formed with the
consent of the souls of both people involved. Our consciousness accepts
cording from our parents even before we are born. If youve ever
experienced the breakup of a love relationship and felt like someone was
ripping out your heartyou were right, they were pulling back a good
cord from your heart chakra.
Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center
All Rights Reserved

Negative cords can form only when we are vulnerable to themwhen

we have emotions or memories that we havent fully processed and
gotten closure on. This is just one more valid reason to not leave your
stuff unresolved. Negative cords will have different effects on your life,
depending on which chakra is being corded.

4. Vectors of Force
A vector of force is a stream of negative energy one step up in magnitude
from a cord. Unlike cords, which require mutuality to form, vectors
arent consented to by the recipient. They are a kissing cousin to
possession; when you are the victim of a vector, you feel like some
portion of your life isnt under your controland it isnt. Vectors are
always negative and are pretty difficult for the recipient to undo by
themselves. Vectors and cords can come someone who is alive and just
as easily from someone beyond the grave, as death doesnt undo them.

Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center
All Rights Reserved

5. Outright Possession
While unusual, it does exist and is covered in a later part of the Program.

Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center
All Rights Reserved

Fending Off the Dark Side
The dark side isnt nearly so scary or difficult if youre equipped and
know how to deal with it. The best approach is a proactive one, where
youre always working to keep yourself clear of things that make you
vulnerable to attack. Youll also want to be vigilant in keeping a lookout
for the signs that a dark force is present so that it doesnt catch you off
The following preventive strategies will help keep you protected from
psychic attack.
1. Keep yourself as clear as possible. This means emotionally and
energetically clearfree of damaging toxic emotions and negative
energy that blocks your energy field and body. Staying clean and clear
is quite easy, but does require the willingness and self-discipline to
perform emotional hygiene on a daily basis. The best practices for
accomplishing this goal are journaling and meditation, bodywork, and
energy healing.
Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center
All Rights Reserved

2. Ask your guides to protect you. This one is really simple: Just connect
with those beings who are there to guide you, and ask them to keep
you safe. Thats all there is to it. Youll want to do this daily as a form
of prayer or by setting an intention.

3. Never relinquish your power to anyone else. This means not to anyone,
and not under any circumstances, as giving your power away will set
you right up for psychic attack. Much too often people compromise
their needs, values, and boundaries out of a desire for acceptance. Not
falling prey to this tendency means knowing yourself well and being
aware of any such patterns. No matter how clairvoyant someone else
seems to be, use your own intuition and perception. Always rely on
yourself as the ultimate authority for your life. This is the first thing
that will limit your vulnerability to dark forces.

Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center
All Rights Reserved


Now lets look at what you can do to free yourself if you feel youre under
1. Dont face negative energy head-on. If youre with a person whom you
suspect may be sending dark energy your way, especially low level slime
or theyre a vampire, rather than facing them head-on, stand or sit to
their side, at a 90-degree angle. This will prevent you from getting a
direct hit of their noxious energy. This is equally as true if the person
means you harm or they are totally unaware of their psychic attack. The
worst attacks are often the unintentional ones, because we exercise no
conscious self-control over what were doing to otherswe just act out
the full force of our unresolved wounds and toxic emotions from
childhood and beyond.
2. Clearing bath. If you suspect youve been slimed or were the victim of
an energy vampire, heres how to reverse that: run a bath, adding to it
one pound of baking soda and one pound of sea salt and mixing it in.
Make sure the water temperature is comfortable and soak for about 20
minutes. Then shower off and wash your hair. Not only will this clear you
of any energy you may have picked up, but it will also make you feel clear
and rested. Youll be amazed at how well youll sleep and how refreshed
youll feel the next day. If you still dont feel OK the next day, you may
have been corded or worse.
3. Practice shamanic techniques to disconnect you from cords and vectors
of force. There are ancient shamanic techniques that can return heavier
dark energy back to its sender. Both the basic practice, suitable for
releasing energy from most relationships, and the advanced form, which
is for those really difficult relationships where abuse and repeated
damage occurred, are taught in this Program and its workshops. Once
you learn them, use them! You will really feel and see the difference in
your life.
4. Clear yourself, your room, or your house. Burning certain kinds of salts
is a powerful clearing tool for all kinds of spaces. Just be very careful
with this process that you dont burn yourself or start a fire! The exact
instructions are given in one of the teleconferences in this Program, so
stay tuned.

Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center

All Rights Reserved


Click here for more information on the 21st Century Energy Medicine Program

Copyright 2010 Deborah King Center

All Rights Reserved


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