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Gonzaga University


Culture and Gender in Conflict

The purpose of this exercise is to explore how you perceive cultural and gender conflict by recalling any issues you may
have seen or been a part of in the past. Write your feelings/observations in response to the questions below.

1. Describe an instance where you experienced conflict as a result of an intercultural misunderstanding? What steps did
you take to rectify the situation? Were they effective?

2. In your culture, is there a way in which conflict is supposed to be handled? How does this expectation influence
how you deal with or perceive conflict?

3. Have you seen or experienced cultural conflict as a result of stereotyping, language barriers, or differences in concept of time? How did it make you feel?

4. What sort of gender conflict have you seen or experienced in the workplace? Why do you think it occurred? Was it
a result of inappropriate behavior, language, or cliques?

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