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1. What is interpretation in scenario ?

Body Weight
Weight age of 9 months:
Birth weight: 2.800 grams (normal)
Estimated weight at the age of 9-12 months around around:
BBL + (1.000 + 600 + 450 + 350)3 - BBL + (700 + 500 + 350 + 250)3
= 2.800 + (2.400)3 2.800 + (1.800)3
= 2.800 + 7.200 2.800 + 5.400
= 10.000 8.200 grams.
Factors that influence the growth and development of not only caused by genetic
factors may also be caused by environmental factors that are less conducive to the
development of the child, such as infectious diseases, malnutrition, and neglect of children.
Nutrient or food plays an important role in the development of the child. The needs
of children are different from adults, because the food for children, in addition to daily
activities, as well as to growth. The resilience of family meals include food availability and
fair distribution of food in the family. Based on the scenario, infants were breastfed plus
porridge Milk3.
Body Length
Hemoglobin (Hb):
1. hemoglobin is a protein found in erythrocytes that carries oxygen to the body.
2. This check is performed to determine the concentration of hemoglobin
3. Normal Values: Male: 14-18 (g / dL), Female: 12-16 (g / dl), children: from 11.3 to 14.1
(g / dl) 1.
In Scenario is 5 g/dl, it means is Anemia

Gambar 1. Penentuan derajat dehidrasi menurut WHO 19952.

Score :
: without dehydration
7 12
: mild-moderate dehydration
: severe dehydration
In scenario, the dehidration score is 13. It means is severe dehydration


3. Tumbuh kembang hal : 61-62

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