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Your name: Makayla McBride

Content area: Social Studies

Grade level: 8th
( 2 points)
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synopsis and
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Links to
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The objective of the lesson is to have the students be able to describe the events of
the holocaust and world war II and what involvement the United States had in it all.

Social Studies: Standard 1.2- Analyze key historical periods and patterns of change
over time within and across nations and cultures (8th grade)

To open up the lesson I will give the students the excerpts from Anne Franks diary
and have the students read them. I will have them analyze the excerpts and pick
out words they dont know. For example many students will pick out the words
Gestapo and Ghetto. We will have a discussion about the words and the diary and
that is when I will introduce what the holocaust is. To introduce it I will show a
PowerPoint containing the information. Next I will create a video and show it to the
students about the holocaust and WWII. Then we will have a discussion about it
again. Next I will end with showing the students a picture of the concentration
camp after liberation and how explain what liberation is and the importance of the
red cross.
To assess the learning outcomes I will have the students create a PowerPoint
presentation about the timeline of the holocaust and the U.S involvement. I will also
have them write a couple paragraphs describing what they learned.
I will have multiple means of presenting the information. There will be talking,
presentations, discussions, and reading. For students that are having trouble they
will not have to do a PowerPoint, they can do an oral presentation, make a poster,
or share what they know through pictures.
id=1181229&search=&index=9 red cross flag outside of camp after liberation Four
Freedoms speech given by Franklin D Roosevelt excerpts from Anne Franks

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