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PIRANESIS PRISONS KyM MUMFORD CONTENTS PAGE PROJECT PROPOSAL GIOVANNI BATTISTA PIRANESI (CARCERI D'INVENZIONE COMPOSER: MORGAN PEARSE TEXTURE TESTS. DESIGNING PIR ANESIS PRISONS BASIC STRUCTURE New BASIC STRUCTURE LIGHTING TESTS AND SHADOW BAKING (CHARACTER TEXTURE TESTS (CHARACTER DESIGN DRAWING DETAILS MODELLING UV MapPiING NORMAL MAPS LIGHTING TESTS ‘TEXTURING: OLD TEXTURES TEXTURING: NEW TEXTURES FINAL RENDERS PROJECT PROPOSAL Through researching Piranesi and his “Carceri d’invenzione” I formed the opinion that his Imaginary Prisons were about his time in Rome, His feeling of being trapped, and his failure at achieving his dream of being an Architect. By combining his 16 etchings into one environment the idea is to collaborate with a Composer who will give their own personal response to Piranesi’s etchings musically. I will then in turn respond to the music in terms of devising the animation itself.

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