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MOJO: Horn Section 1.1.

1 Update
Thank you for downloading the 1.1.1 update for Vir2 Instruments' MOJO: Horn Section.
To install the 1.1.1 update, simply replace your old Instruments folder (inside the MOJO library
folder) with the new Instruments folder contained in the 1.1.1 update ZIP file. No projects currently
using MOJO patches will be affected. If you have sequencer projects that include MOJO
instruments, you will have to manually reload the MOJO instruments into the Kontakt rack within
the sequencer in order to benefit from these changes.
The 1.1.1 update includes the following improvements and features:

Improved tempo-syncing of all crescendos and swells across all instruments

Improved quality of timestretching of all crescendos and swells across all instruments
Miscellaneous tuning improvements across the library.
EZRoom loading fixed.
CIL Trombone script issue fixed.

We hope you enjoy this new MOJO update. Check back on the web site regularly as we are
already working on a 1.2 update!

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