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Total score: 20.

Score of approval: 14.00
Incorrect answers lower your score: No
*Abierta*: *desde 02/07/2014 00:00*

*Detalle de la realizacin*
Date: 07/03/2014 10:12:31 PM
Achievement time: 00:13:32
Number of times done: 1
*Cantidad de respuestas correctas*: 9 / 10

She asked ____________________-

a) where David was going

b) where was David going

c) where was going David

Alexandra has managed to __________ a solution.

a) come up with

b) get out of

c) came across

I'd like to keep in touch ____________ all my school friends.

a) with

b) to

c) on

I ____________ the report this afternoon, but I ran out of time.

a) was going to finish

b) am going to finish

c) are going to finish

She asked me _______________________

a) how will the children get home after the party

b) how the children will get home after the party

c) how the children would get home after party.

I wish he ___________ more patient.

a) is

b) were

c) was

Could you please __________ your room ?

a) tidy up

b) put off

c) point out

In a _________ job you earn a lot of money.

a) well paid

b) temporary

c) dull

I am very keen ________tennis.

a) on

b) in

c) at

I would have gone to the party last night someone ___________ me about it.

a) had told

b) told

c) tell

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