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Robert Daniel

Dean of London School of Law

4th Avenue
Law Street
9th block
Subject: Scholarship application for law major.
Dear Mr. Daniel,
I am aware that your esteemed university grants scholarship for the worthy and needy students as
its ambition and motto.
I therefore would like to apply for the scholarship as I am financially week, but have a lot of
interest within me to pursue a law degree from a well-known university like yours.
I would be obliged if you would go through my application to see that I have had a successful
school career.
Herewith I have enclosed my profile with all the important credentials required by you. I hope
that you will give me a positive response after careful examination.
Thanking you in advance
Susan Antonio

1111 Gator Street

Gainesville, FL 32608
24 September 2000
Mary Smith, President
Delta Scholarship Committee
Orlando Central Parkway
Orlando, FL 33412

Dear Ms. Smith,

This letter is an introduction of myself,
(your name), and my desire to participate
in the (whatever it is called) Scholarship
Program. I have been accepted to
(Name of your College) for the 2001 fall term.
I would like to thank you and the (whatever)
Scholarship Committee for supporting
college bound students with an opportunity
for financial assistance through your scholarship
program. Enclosed you will find my application
form, academic transcript, (MCAT, GRE) results,
letters of recommendation, and other pertinent
Again, thank you for your interest on my behalf
and for the young people of our state.
(your name)

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