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"tommy, dear, i have some great new.!" called his mom, didi pickles.

Tommy and the babies were playing

at his house.
remember when we were al the mal, and you drew that picture af reptar? Well, you won a contest, and
reptars coming to visit this Friday afternoon! she said.
did you hear that? tommy exclaid. reptar! My hero! I wonder what its going to be like having a famous
big star here?
do you think reptars too big a star to get through the door? asked chuckie.
nah, reptar can do anything! said tommy. i cant wait to get a pitcher with me and him to show
wow! You are going to have a monster at your house, tommy! said phil. He waved his arms and
pretended he was a huge creature.
reptars not a monster, phillip. Hes a dinnersaur, said lil.
hes not coming for dinner,said phil. hes coming for lunch.
i hope were not dinner, said chuckie.
i bet reptars going to bring a big cake for us, tommy said. Suddenly angelica was all ears. is it going
to be chocolate cake? she asked
i hope reptars bringing some nice, gooey worm pies, said phil. yummy! said lil
i wonder if reptar will bring tommy a special surprise? chuckie asked.
what kind of surprise would a dinnersaur bring? lil asked.
if he brings a new Cynthia Sandy dandy beach house, you can give it to me, said angelica.
i just want my pitcher with reptar, said tommy.
Every day that week, tommy kept thinking about reptar. He couldnt wait to have his hero come to his
At last is was Friday.
Dingdong! The doorbell rang.
hes here! Its . . . w-w-wow . . . tommy started to exclaim.
so thats your big Green hero? angelica asked.
hes big and Green, at least. Said susie.
Reptar came in the front door and waved. The babies waved back. All except angelica . that reptar sure
doesnt look like the reptar i saw on TV. Angelica frowned.
Tommy was upset. well . . . it does so look like him, angelica, he whispered back.
are you ready to start the games, Mr reptar? asked stu.
All the babies cheered!
Reptar took out a red balloon and a Green one and blew them up. Then he twisted the balloons together
and handed them to susie.
wow! sais susie. its a pony!
Pop! A balloon broke in reptars hands.
Angelica frowned . i think reptars a phony!
no, hes not! tommy protested. reptar broke that balloon to show how strong he is, just like on TV
when he breaks the bad guys swords and stuff!
cmon, guys! Lets get reptar something to drink, said tommy.
and then ill get my pitcher taken with him!

heres some juice, reptar, said tommy. oops!

Splash! The cup went flying, and red, sticky punch dripped down reptars face.
mmmfff! said reptar.
was that a reptar roar? asked chuckie.
maybe it was a reptar sneeze? sais susie.
Didi saw reptars red face. is it time for face painting already, Mr. Reptar? she asked.
wait a second! said angelica as she pointed at reptars back. that cant be the real reptar. Hes got a
zipper up his back!
maybe its a boo-boo he got from fighting the purple aliums, tommy said
and how come his bellys so big? angelica demanded.

i dont know. Maybe he eats a loy of that yummy reptar cereal, answered tommy.
Reptar took more treats out of his bag. He passed around wash-off reptar tottoos, and plastic reptar
oh, you children look so scary! exclaimed didi, when she saw them. those teeth should help you eat
this reptar cake!
When the babies finished eating their cake, they all joined hands and stood around reptar. The babies all
circled in one direction, while reptar circled in the other.
ring around the reptar, ring around the reptar, they sang along with the ladys voice on the tape player.
The music got faster. So the babies went faster. Reptar tried to keep up with the music too.

reptar, reptar, time to fall . . . the voice sang.

Now everyone was spinning really fast. Reptar was spinning very fast too. Until he stepped on a big
patch of Green icing.
DOWN! everybody screamed.
Kaboom! Reptar crashed to the floor, kicking his big Green feet in the air.
The babies all laughed. They thought it was part of the game.

Then it was time for a game of reptar hide-and-seek.

Reptar was it
that phony reptar wont be able to find anybody! said angelica.
Sure he will, angelica, said tommy. reptars good at hunting bad guys in the movies. He always finds
Stu putt he camera on the patio table. you know, didi,
He said, i loved, hide and-seek when I was a kid I think Ill surprise tommy and play too.
As stu climbed in to the oak tree, he chuckled. reptar will never find me up here.

All of the babies looked for a good hiding spot. But tommy had a plan

Reptar was still dizzy from playing ring around the reptar. He began to search for the babies anyway.
Tommy couldnt wait any longer. now, susie! Take my pitcher now! he whispered.
okay, tommy, susie called out. hey, reptar! Say cheese! tommy gave a big smile as susie pressed
the camera button.
The bright flash went off in reptars eyes. He blinked wildly.

Just at that momento, angelica jumped and tried to pull off reptars head.
okay, big guy, lets see whats under this mask! she yelled.
angelica! Leave reptar alone! said tommy.
Angelica slid off of reptars
Back, and reptar stumbled toward the tree.

Stu climbed farther out on the tree limb to see what was going on.
Craaak! The branch broke! Stu fell toward the ground! Just as stu was about to crash, reptar ran
underneathm the tree.
Kaboom! Stu landed on top of reptar! They both tumbled to the ground.

my hero! tommy exclaimed.

reptar saved my daddy!
The babies cheered, hurray for reptar!

It was time for all babies to open the surprises reptar had brougth them. But tommy was already holding
his most special present of all his picture with reptar.
Angelica looked at the photo of reptar and said, I still think hes kind of funny-looking!
But tommy didnt hear angelica at all.

reptair is the bestest hero in the whole wide world! he exclaimed. The rest of the babies couldnt
agree with tommy more!

"Tommy, querida, tengo una gran nueva!" llam a su mam, encurtidos didi. Tommy y los bebs estaban
jugando en su casa.
"Recuerdo que cuando estbamos al del mal, y dibujamos que reptar af foto? ! Bueno, usted gan un
concurso, y reptar de venir a visitar este viernes por la tarde ", dijo.
"Cmo te enteraste de eso?" Exclaid tommy. "Reptar! Mi hroe! Me pregunto qu va a ser como tener un
famoso gran estrella aqu? "
"Crees demasiado grande una estrella de reptar a conseguir a travs de la puerta?", Pregunt chuckie.
"Nah, reptar puede hacer cualquier cosa!", Dijo Tommy. "No puedo esperar para conseguir una jarra con
l y yo para mostrar a todo el mundo!"
"Guau! Usted va a tener un monstruo en tu casa, Tommy! ", Dijo Phil. Agit los brazos y fingi que era
una enorme criatura.
"Reptar no es un monstruo, phillip. Es un dinnersaur ", dijo lil.
"l no viene a cenar", dijo Phil. "l viene para el almuerzo."
"Espero que no somos la cena", dijo chuckie.
"Apuesto a reptar va a traer un gran pastel para nosotros", dijo Tommy. De repente, la anglica era todo
odos. "Es que va a ser la torta de chocolate?", Pregunt
"Espero que reptar de traer algunas bonitas, tartas gusano pegajosos", dijo Phil. "Delicioso!", Dijo lil
"Me pregunto si reptar traer tommy una sorpresa especial?", Pregunt chuckie.
"Qu tipo de sorpresa traera un dinnersaur?", Pregunt lil.
"Si l trae una nueva casa en la playa dandi Cynthia Sandy, usted puede dar a m", dijo Anglica.
"Slo quiero que mi jarra con reptar", dijo Tommy.
Todos los das de esa semana, tommy dejaba de pensar en reptar. No poda esperar a que su hroe fuera
a su casa.
En el ltimo est era viernes.
Dingdong! Son el timbre.
"l est aqu! Es. . . w-w-wow. . . "Tommy empez a exclamar.
"Por lo que es su gran hroe verde?", Pregunt la anglica.
"l es grande y verde, por lo menos." Dijo Susie.
Reptar entr por la puerta principal y salud. Los bebs le devolvi el saludo. Todos excepto anglica.
"Que reptar seguro no se ve como el reptar vi en la televisin." Angelica frunci el ceo.
Tommy estaba molesto. "Tambin. . . lo hace ver como l, anglica, "susurr de nuevo.
"Ests listo para iniciar los juegos, el Sr. reptar?", Pregunt Stu.
Todos los bebs aplaudieron!
Reptar sac un globo rojo y uno verde y les explot. Luego se retorci los globos juntos y se los entreg a
"Wow!" Susie sais. "Es un potro!"
Pop! Un globo estall en manos de Reptar.
Angelica frunci el ceo. "Creo que reptar es un farsante!"
"No, no lo es!" Tommy protest. "Reptar rompi ese globo para mostrar lo fuerte que es, al igual que en
la televisin cuando rompe los malos" espadas y esas cosas! "
"Vamos, chicos! Vamos a reptar de beber ", dijo Tommy.
"Y luego voy a conseguir mi lanzador tomado con l!"

"Aqu est un poco de jugo, reptar", dijo Tommy. "Uy!"

Splash! La copa se fue volando, y el rojo, ponche pegajoso goteaba por la cara de reptar.
"Mmmfff!", Dijo reptar.
"Fue que un rugido reptar?", Pregunt chuckie.
"Tal vez fue un estornudo reptar?" Susie sais.
Didi vio la cara roja de reptar. "Es hora de que la cara pintura ya, Sr. Reptar?", Pregunt.

"Espera un segundo!", Dijo Anglica mientras sealaba a la espalda de reptar. "Eso no puede ser el
verdadero reptar. l tiene una cremallera hasta la espalda! "
"Tal vez es una metida de pata que obtuvo de la lucha contra las aliums prpura", dijo tommy
"Y cmo es que tan grande de su vientre?" Angelica exigi.
"No lo s. Tal vez l come una loy de ese cereal reptar delicioso ", contest tommy.
Reptar tom ms golosinas de su bolsa. Pas alrededor de lavar-off tottoos Reptar, y plstico reptar
"Oh, hijos ves tan aterrador!", Exclam didi, cuando los vio. "Los dientes deben ayudar a comer este
pastel reptar!"
Cuando los bebs terminaron de comer su pastel, todos se dieron la mano y se pararon alrededor reptar.
Los bebs todo en crculos en una direccin, mientras que un crculo reptar en la otra.
"Anillo alrededor del reptar, anillo alrededor de la reptar", cantaron junto con la voz de la seora en el
reproductor de cintas. La msica ahora ms rpida. As que los bebs pasaron ms rpido. Reptar trat
de seguir el ritmo de la msica tambin.

"Reptar, reptar, tiempo para quedarse. . . "La voz cantaba.

Ahora todo el mundo daba vueltas muy rpido. Reptar daba vueltas muy rpido tambin. Hasta que pis
una gran mancha de la formacin de hielo verde.
"DOWN!" Todo el mundo gritaba.
Kaboom! Reptar estrell contra el suelo, pateando sus pies grandes verdes en el aire.
Los bebs se rieron. Ellos pensaron que era parte del juego.

Luego lleg el momento para un juego de reptar Escondite.

Reptar era "eso"
"Que reptar falsa no ser capaz de encontrar a nadie!", Dijo Anglica.
Seguro que lo har, anglica ", dijo Tommy. "Es bueno en la caza de los chicos malos en las pelculas
reptar. l siempre los encuentra ".
Cmara Stu putt que en la mesa del patio. "Sabes, didi"
l dijo, "me encant, ocultar y buscar cuando yo era un nio Creo que voy a sorprender a tommy y jugar
Como stu subi al roble, l se ri entre dientes. "Reptar nunca me encontrar aqu."

Todos los bebs buscaban un buen escondite. Pero Tommy tena un plan

Reptar segua mareado por jugar anillo alrededor del reptar. Empez a buscar a los bebs de todos
Tommy no poda esperar ms. "Ahora, susie! Toma mi lanzador ahora! ", Susurr.
"Bien, tommy," Susie llam. "Hey, reptar! Diga el queso! "Tommy dio una gran sonrisa como Susie pulsa
el botn de la cmara.
El brillante destello se apag en los ojos de Reptar. l parpade violentamente.

Justo en ese Momento, anglica salt y trat de tirar de la cabeza a reptar.

"Bien, tipo grande, vamos a ver lo que hay debajo de esta mscara!", Grit.
"Angelica! Deja reptar solo! ", Dijo Tommy.
Anglica se baj de reptar de
Atrs y reptar tropez hacia el rbol.

Stu subi ms lejos en la rama de un rbol para ver qu estaba pasando.

Craaak! La rama se rompi! Stu cay hacia el suelo! As como Stu estaba a punto de estrellarse, reptar
corri underneathm el rbol.
Kaboom! Stu aterriz encima de reptar! Ambos cayeron al suelo.

"Mi hroe!" Tommy exclam.

"Reptar salv mi pap!"

Los bebs vitorearon, "hurra para reptar!"

Era hora de que todos los bebs se abran las sorpresas reptar tena brougth ellos. Pero Tommy ya estaba
conteniendo el presente ms especial de toda su imagen con reptar.
Angelica mir la foto de reptar y dijo: "Todava creo que es un poco divertido guapo!"
Pero tommy no oy angelica en absoluto.
"Reptair es el hroe bestest en todo el mundo!", Exclam. El resto de los bebs no poda estar de
acuerdo con tommy ms!...

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