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Visible Learning for Teachers

I. Welcome and IntroductionsWhat you do for GFW, family, a personal goal you have for this
year . . . (5 minutes)
II. Who is John Hattie? (5 minutes)
III. HattieVisible Learning for Teachers (10 minutes)
Big Ideas: I see learning through the eyes of my students
I help students to become their own teachers
In what ways do you see learning through the eyes of your students?
In what ways do you help students to become their own teachers?
III. Impact survey (30 minutes)
IV. Video (Hattie) (15minutes)
V. Share website (5 minutes)
VI. Six Signposts from visible learning
1. Teachers are among the most powerful influences in learning
2. Teachers need to be directive, influential, caring and actively and passionately engaged in the
process of teaching and learning.
My role as teacher, is to evaluate the effect I have on my students. It is to know thy
impact, it is to understand this impact, and it is to act on this knowledge and understanding.
What do you think Hattie means by this?
A safe environment for the learner (and for the teacher) is an environment in which
error is welcomed and fosteredbecause we learn so much from errors and from the feedback
that then accrues from going in the wrong direction or not going sufficiently fluently in the right
direction. pg 16
How do we create a safe environment where students feel comfortable making mistakes?
Passionquote--pg 16
Do you agree that we don't talk about passion in education? How do we exhibit and
demonstrate passion for learning with our students?

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